グルココルチコイド応答エレメント、glucocorticoid response elements
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English Journal
- Dexamethasone induces human glutathione S transferase alpha 1 (hGSTA1) expression through the activation of glucocorticoid receptor (hGR).
- Martínez-Guzmán C1, Cortés-Reynosa P1, Pérez-Salazar E1, Elizondo G2.
- Toxicology.Toxicology.2017 Jun 15;385:59-66. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2017.05.002. Epub 2017 May 5.
- PMID 28483492
- [Preoperative fasting period of fluids in bariatric surgery].
- Simon P1,2, Pietsch UC3, Oesemann R3, Dietrich A4,5, Wrigge H3,4.
- Der Anaesthesist.Anaesthesist.2017 May 4. doi: 10.1007/s00101-017-0314-4. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28474243
- Crosstalk between glucocorticoids and IL-4 modulates Ym1 expression in alternatively activated myeloid cells.
- Ng Kuet Leong N1, Brombacher F2, Dalpke AH3, Weitnauer M1.
- Immunobiology.Immunobiology.2017 May;222(5):759-767. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2017.02.003. Epub 2017 Feb 9.
- PMID 28209270
Japanese Journal
- 32 Capabilities of Highly Effective People in Any Field : Towards Defining Customer Requirements for Educational Institutions, Corporate Universities, and Personal Careers
- グリーン リチャード・ティボァ
- 総合政策研究 28, 1-53, 2008-03
- … it was psychic maturity achieved in college that predicted good lifetime outcomes, not grades, GREs, or the like (and treatment of such maturity as a goal of educating was happenstance where it existed at all, including a great deal of imprecision about just what it was). …
- NAID 110007151076
- チェルノブイリ事故に被災したベラルーシの子供たちの健康状態:事故から16年
- Arynchyn Alexander N.,Avhacheva Tatiana V.,Gres Nika A. [他]
- KURRI-KR (79), 231-239, 2002-07
- NAID 40005666579
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- Parfums Grès SA, Cham/Switzerland.
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- 関
- glucocorticoid receptor