フリッカー融合頻度 flicker fusion frequency
- the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)f
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/04/18 18:15:54」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- フランスサッカー連盟(Fédération française de football)
- 流動場分画 (field flow fractionation)
- Fox Football Fone-in - FOXサッカーチャンネルで放送されているサッカー番組。
- Fatal Femmes Fighting - アメリカ合衆国の女子総合格闘技興行。
- Fighting For Future - かつて日本で1996年末に計画されたプロレスインディー団体の統一機構の名称。新東京プロレスの項を参照の事。
- FFFプロレスリング - 南条隼人が2011年に旗揚げしたプロレス興行。
- フォルテ・フォルティッシモ(フォルティッシッシモ) - 楽譜において音の強弱を指示する演奏記号のうち、ff(フォルティッシモ)よりもさらに強い演奏を指示するもの。
- fr:Fédération française de funk - フランスのファンクバンド。
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[Wiki en表示]
FFF may refer to:
- 1 Organizations
- 2 Music
- 3 Science and technology
- 4 Other uses
- Falkenbergs FF, Swedish football team
- FFF (gang), a gang active in the San Fernando Valley during the 1980s
- French Football Federation (Fédération Française de Football)
- Fuck for Forest, an environmental group that raises money through the production of pornography
- fff, in dynamics (music), forte fortissimo or fortississimo - as loud as can be played
- FFF, a raggacore artist from the Netherlands
- "FFF", a song by heavy metal group Megadeth on the album Cryptic Writings
- "FFF", a song on Album (Public Image Limited album)
- Fun Fun Fun Fest, an annual music festival held in Austin, Texas
Science and technology
- Field flow fractionation, a chemical separation method
- Fused filament fabrication, a non-trademarked term for filament-based 3D printing, equivalent to the trademarked Fused deposition modeling
- FFF system, a humorous system of measurement, using the furlong, firkin, and fortnight as the base units of distance, mass, and time, respectively
- FFF, a hexadecimal number with the decimal value 4095
- Form, fit and function, a description of an item's interchangeability characteristics
Other uses
- Lund International Fantastic Film Festival, abbreviated FFF or LIFFF
- Triple fff Brewery in Alton, Hampshire, England
- Three Floyds Brewing, a microbrewery in Munster, IN
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English Journal
- Cranio Spinal Irradiation of Medulloblastoma Using High Precision Techniques - A Dosimetric Comparison.
- Pichandi A1, Ganesh KM, Jerrin A, Balaji K, Sridhar PS, Surega A.Author information 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Health Care Global Enterprises, Bangalore, #7, HCG Tower 2, Kalingarao Road, Sampangiram Nagar, Bangalore 600027, India. kmganesh1@gmail.com.AbstractRadiotherapy planning, delivery and junction dose verification remain exigent for Cranio Spinal Irradiation (CSI) in medulloblastoma patients. This study aims to evaluate high precision techniques such as Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Rapid Arc Therapy (RA) with and without flattening filter (FF) on the basis of dosimetric analysis. Five patients treated with jagged junction Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy (IMRT) using dynamic Multi Leaf Collimators (MLC) were randomly selected for this retrospective study. IMRT, Rapid Arc (RA) plans were simulated in the same CT data set with and without flattening filter. Total dose prescribed was 28.80 Gy in 16 fractions. An evaluation criterion of 98% of PTV receiving 100% of the prescription dose was followed in all plans. Twenty treatment plans with 260 Dose Volume Histograms (DVHs) was created. Dosimetric parameters such as Dmax, Dmin, Dmean, V95%, V107%, CI for PTV and Dmax, Dmean, V80%, V50%, V30%, V10% for Organs At Risk (OAR) were extracted from DVHs. Treatment delivery efficiency was also evaluated for total Beam On Time (BOT). FFF Rapid Arc therapy (6F_RA) resulted in conformal doses throughout the cranio spinal axis. FF and FFF dynamic IMRT had minimal V107%, 1.23% and 2.88% compared to 49.15 and 66.36 of rapid arc therapy (with and without FF). 6F_IMRT resulted in lesser mean doses to eyes, liver, lungs and kidneys. Heart mean dose was less (3.08 Gy) with 6X_IMRT. Thyroid and esophagus doses could be reduced to about 41.2% and 10% respectively with 6F_RA. The BOT for the treatment techniques were 3.43 min (6X_IMRT), 1.59 min (6F_IMRT), 5min (6X_RA), 4.5 min (6F_RA). Removal of flattening filter in IMRT could improve dose coverage along the caniospinal axis and normal tissue sparing. A reduction of 46.3% BOT could increase treatment efficiency of 6F_IMRT compared to 6X_IMRT. CSI could be simpler since junction doses can be evaded in IMRT and RA techniques.
- Technology in cancer research & treatment.Technol Cancer Res Treat.2014 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Radiotherapy planning, delivery and junction dose verification remain exigent for Cranio Spinal Irradiation (CSI) in medulloblastoma patients. This study aims to evaluate high precision techniques such as Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Rapid Arc Therapy (RA) with and without flattenin
- PMID 24645747
- Triphenylalanine peptides self-assemble into nanospheres and nanorods that are different from the nanovesicles and nanotubes formed by diphenylalanine peptides.
- Guo C1, Luo Y, Zhou R, Wei G.Author information 1State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Key Laboratory for Computational Physical Sciences (MOE), 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, 200433, China.AbstractUnderstanding the nature of the self-assembly of peptide nanostructures at the molecular level is critical for rational design of functional bio-nanomaterials. Recent experimental studies have shown that triphenylalanine(FFF)-based peptides can self-assemble into solid plate-like nanostructures and nanospheres, which are different from the hollow nanovesicles and nanotubes formed by diphenylalanine(FF)-based peptides. In spite of extensive studies, the assembly mechanism and the molecular basis for the structural differences between FFF and FF nanostructures remain poorly understood. In this work, we first investigate the assembly process and the structural features of FFF nanostructures using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, and then compare them with FF nanostructures. We find that FFF peptides spontaneously assemble into solid nanometer-sized nanospheres and nanorods with substantial β-sheet contents, consistent with the structural properties of hundred-nanometer-sized FFF nano-plates characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy. Distinct from the formation mechanism of water-filled FF nanovesicles and nanotubes reported in our previous study, intermediate bilayers are not observed during the self-assembly process of FFF nanospheres and nanorods. The peptides in FFF nanostructures are predominantly anti-parallel-aligned, which can form larger sizes of β-sheet-like structures than the FF counterparts. In contrast, FF peptides exhibit lipid-like assembly behavior and assemble into bilayered nanostructures. Furthermore, although the self-assembly of FF and FFF peptides is mostly driven by side chain-side chain (SC-SC) aromatic stacking interactions, the main chain-main chain (MC-MC) interactions also play an important role in the formation of fine structures of the assemblies. The delicate interplay between MC-MC and SC-SC interactions results in the different nanostructures formed by the two peptides. These findings provide new insights into the structure and self-assembly pathway of di-/tri-phenylalanine peptide assemblies, which might be helpful for the design of bioinspired nanostructures.
- Nanoscale.Nanoscale.2014 Mar 7;6(5):2800-11. doi: 10.1039/c3nr02505e. Epub 2014 Jan 27.
- Understanding the nature of the self-assembly of peptide nanostructures at the molecular level is critical for rational design of functional bio-nanomaterials. Recent experimental studies have shown that triphenylalanine(FFF)-based peptides can self-assemble into solid plate-like nanostructures and
- PMID 24468750
- Dosimetric comparison of flattened and unflattened beams for stereotactic ablative radiotherapy of stage I non-small cell lung cancer.
- Hrbacek J1, Lang S2, Graydon SN2, Klöck S2, Riesterer O2.Author information 1Klinik für Radio-Onkologie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich, 8091 Zürich, Switzerland and Center for Proton Therapy, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.2Klinik für Radio-Onkologie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich, 8091 Zürich, Switzerland.AbstractPURPOSE: To compare contribution and accuracy of delivery for two flattening filter free (FFF) beams of the nominal energy 6 and 10 MV and a 6 MV flattened beam for early stage lung cancer.
- Medical physics.Med Phys.2014 Mar;41(3):031709. doi: 10.1118/1.4866231.
- PURPOSE: To compare contribution and accuracy of delivery for two flattening filter free (FFF) beams of the nominal energy 6 and 10 MV and a 6 MV flattened beam for early stage lung cancer.METHODS: For each of 11 patients with stage I nonsmall cell lung cancer three volumetric modulated arc therapy
- PMID 24593713
Japanese Journal
- Chain-length dependence of polyion complex architecture bearing phosphobetaine block explored using SAXS and FFF-MALS
- Sakamoto Shunsuke,Sanada Yusuke,Sakashita Mizuha [他]
- Polymer journal 46(9), 617-622, 2014-09
- NAID 40020178702
- A Quantitative Determination of Magnetic Nanoparticle Separation Using On-Off Field Operation of Quadrupole Magnetic Field-Flow Fractionation (QMgFFF)
- ORITA Toru,MOORE Lee R.,JOSHI Powrnima,TOMITA Masahiro,HORIUCHI Takashi,ZBOROWSKI Maciej
- Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 29(7), 761-764, 2013-07-10
- NAID 10031185241
Related Links
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- 野村證券のフリーファイナンシャルファンド (FFF) のページ。株、投資信託、債券、預金、保険、FXなどをお取り扱いしています。投資相談からインターネット取引まで、あらゆるお客様のニーズにお答え ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- critical flicker frequency CFF
- 同
- フリッカー融合頻度 flicker fusion frequency FFF、フリッカー値 flicker value
[show details]
限界フリッカ値 : 6 件
限界フリッカー値 : 15 件
限界フリッカ周波数 : 44 件
限界フリッカー周波数 : nothing
限界フリッカ頻度 : nothing
限界フリッカー頻度 : 1 件
臨界フリッカ値 : nothing
臨界フリッカー値 : 9 件
臨界フリッカ周波数 : 44 件
臨界フリッカー周波数 : 13 件
臨界フリッカ頻度 : nothing
臨界フリッカー頻度 : 2 件
- 錐体や視神経機能評価。
- 視神経炎初期では視力低下前に中心CFF値が低下することが多い。
- 英
- transverse palmar crease
- 関
- 単一手掌屈曲線 single transverse palmar crease 猿線。distal transverse crease DFF, proximel transverse crease FFF
- 英
- flicker fusion frequency, FFF
- 関
- 限界フリッカ周波数
フェニルアラニン phenylalanine
濾過率 filtration fraction