- 関
- early afterdepolarization
- 同
- early after depolarization
- 同
- early after depolarization
- the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)e
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/06/12 19:13:27」(JST)
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- 古英語において「幸福、富」を表す語。(ead)
- アーカイブ符号化記述(en:Encoded Archival Description) - 図書館などの検索補助を文書記述言語で記述するための文書型定義。
- 任天堂のソフトウェア開発部署のひとつ「情報開発本部(Entertainment Analysis and Development)」の略称。
- 日本の歌手「ハンバート ハンバート」の2番目のシングル。
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EaD or EAD may refer to:
- EAD-socket (German: Ethernet-Anschlussdose), a wall socket for Ethernet connections
- Early afterdepolarization, a type of cardiac dysrhythmia
- Elite athletes with a disability
- Employment authorization document, in U.S. employment
- Encoded Archival Description, a standard for encoding archival finding aids
- Equivalent air depth, in diving with nitrox
- European AIS Database, in European aviation
- Exposure at default, in finance (Basel II)
- Extreme anxiety disorder, an intense form of anxiety disorder
- Station code for Earlsfield railway station in London
- Emergency Airworthiness Directive, a directive issued when an unsafe condition exists that requires immediate action by an aircraft owner or operator
- Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development, a former division of Nintendo
- Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, a governmental agency working to protect the environment in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
- Escola de Arte Dramática de São Paulo, the drama school of the University of São Paulo
See also
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English Journal
- First Sex Pheromone of the Order Strepsiptera: (3R,5R,9R)-3,5,9-Trimethyldodecanal in Stylops melittae KIRBY, 1802.
- Tolasch T, Kehl S, Dötterl S.SourceUniversität Hohenheim, Institut für Zoologie, Tierökologie 220c, Garbenstraße 30, 70593, Stuttgart, Germany, tolasch@uni-hohenheim.de.
- Journal of chemical ecology.J Chem Ecol.2012 Dec 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- The twisted-wing parasites (Strepsiptera) are an unusual and small order of insects with about 600 known species. As obligate endoparasitoids, they develop and spend most of their lives living in other insects. Adults show an extreme sexual dimorphism: The free-living males have large eyes, branched
- PMID 23224569
- Hydrophobic enhancement of Dopa-mediated adhesion in a mussel foot protein.
- Wei W, Yu J, Broomell CC, Israelachvili JN, Waite JH.AbstractDopa (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) is recognized as a key chemical signature of mussel adhesion and has been adopted into diverse synthetic polymer systems. Dopa's notorious susceptibility to oxidation, however, poses significant challenges to the practical translation of mussel adhesion. Using a Surface Forces Apparatus to investigate the adhesion of Mfp3 (mussel foot protein 3) slow, a hydrophobic protein variant of the Mfp3 family in the plaque, we have discovered a subtle molecular strategy correlated with hydrophobicity that appears to compensate for Dopa instability. At pH 3, where Dopa is stable, Mfp3 slow like Mfp3 fast adhesion to mica is directly proportional to the mol% of Dopa present in the protein. At pH 5.5 and 7.5, however, loss of adhesion in Mfp3 slow was less than half that occurring in Mfp3 fast, purportedly because Dopa in Mfp3 slow is less prone to oxidation. Indeed, cyclic voltammetry showed that the oxidation potential of Dopa in Mfp3 slow is significantly higher than in Mfp3 fast at pH 7.5. A much greater difference between the two variants was revealed in the interaction energy of two symmetric Mfp3 slow films (Ead = -3 mJ/m2). This energy corresponds to the energy of protein cohesion which is notable for its reversibility and pH-independence. Exploitation of aromatic hydrophobic sequences to protect Dopa against oxidation as well as to mediate hydrophobic and H-bonding interactions between proteins provides new insights for developing effective artificial underwater adhesives.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2012 Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Dopa (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) is recognized as a key chemical signature of mussel adhesion and has been adopted into diverse synthetic polymer systems. Dopa's notorious susceptibility to oxidation, however, poses significant challenges to the practical translation of mussel adhesion. Using a Sur
- PMID 23214725
Japanese Journal
- 日本語研究資料の整備と公開 : 国立国語研究所研究資料室の取組み
- アーキビストは書誌情報検索システムをどう活用しているか 記述標準から考える
Related Links
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- ダンス・クラシック, ハウス, ハウス・クラシック, イタロ, ニューウェーブ、ダンス・ロック、レア・グルーブ、ジャズ・ファンク、ダブ、レゲエ、ソウル、ファンクなどのオリジナル12インチを中心にしたレコードショップ EAD RECORD
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- 英
- afterdepolarization
- 関
- 陰性後電位
- 英
- early afterdepolarization EAD
- 関
- 後脱分極、遅延後脱分極 delayed afterdepolarization DAD
- 英
- delayed afterdepolarization, DAD
- 関
- 後脱分極。早期後脱分極 early afterdepolarization EAD
- 関
- 同
- Home, Health, Education, Employment, Activities, Drugs, Depression, Safety, Sexuality
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