- any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
- a remarkable development
- United States neurologist noted for his study of the brain and pituitary gland and who identified Cushings syndrome (1869-1939) (同)Harvey Cushing, Harvery Williams Cushing
- 『現象』 / 驚くべきこと(物),非凡な人
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English Journal
- What is the best approach to suspected cyclical Cushing syndrome? Strategies for managing Cushing's Syndrome with variable laboratory data.
- Brew Atkinson A, Mullan KR.SourceRegional Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, and Queen's University, Belfast, UK.
- Clinical endocrinology.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).2011 Feb 26. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04033.x. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cyclical Cushing's syndrome is a pattern of hypercortisolism in which the biochemistry of cortisol production fluctuates rhythmically. This syndrome is often associated with fluctuating symptoms and signs. It is now being increasingly recognised. The phenomenon is important because it can, if not re
- PMID 21521302
- Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for imaging of adrenal masses.
- Dietrich CF, Ignee A, Barreiros AP, Schreiber-Dietrich D, Sienz M, Bojunga J, Braden B.SourceInnere Medizin 2, Caritas-Krankenhaus, Bad MergentheimGermany. Christoph.Dietrich@ckbm.de
- Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980).Ultraschall Med.2010 Apr;31(2):163-8. Epub 2009 Apr 28.
- PURPOSE: The number of incidentally discovered adrenal masses is growing due to the increased use of modern high-resolution imaging techniques. However, the characterization and differentiation of benign and malignant adrenal lesions is challenging. This study aimed to evaluate contrast-enhanced ult
- PMID 19401979
Japanese Journal
- 脳浮腫早期の輸液法についての検討 : 血漿膠質浸透圧の意義
- 斉藤 武志,中山 賢司,川野 信之
- 北里医学 12(1), 31-38, 1982-02-28
- 脳浮腫による頭蓋内圧亢進モデルを用いてコロイド溶液あるいは非コロイド溶液の輸液を行ない,両者の頭蓋内圧と全身循環動態に与える影響を比較して血漿膠質浸透圧の意義を考察し,脳浮腫早期の輸液法を検討した。全身循環動態のparameterとして平均動脈血圧.中心静脈圧,肺動脈楔入圧,心拍出量及びHct値を用いた。コロイド溶液輸液群では血漿膠質浸透圧が著明に上昇した。循環血液量の著しい増量を認めたが,頭蓋内 …
- NAID 110004691485
Related Links
- It has been suggested that this article or section be merged into Cushing reflex . (Discuss) Proposed since May 2011. Cushing's triad is a clinical triad variably defined as either hypertension, bradycardia, and irregular ... Dawson's fingers ・ Lhermitte's sign ・ Charcot's neurologic triad ・ Uhthoff's phenomenon ...
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- 英
- Cushing phenomenon
- 同
- Cushing現象、Cushingの三徴候
- 関
- 頭蓋内圧亢進
- 頭蓋内圧亢進時に血圧が上昇し徐脈になることをいう。
- 脳ヘルニア直前状態であり、脳幹下部の脳圧亢進による乏血状態に対する生体の代償状態(YN.J-34)
- 1. 頭蓋内末梢血管抵抗↑ → 脳血液還流量↓ → (脳血流を維持すべく)血圧↑ → 反射的に徐脈
- 2. 脳幹の偏位(脳ヘルニア手前の状態で) → 小さい穿通枝の循環障害 → 延髄の乏血 → クッシング現象(医学大辞典)
- 頭蓋内圧が亢進する病態
- 関
- consequence、event、phenomena、phenomenal