- Channel Islands
English Journal
- Certification of Imaging Informatics Professionals (CIIP): 2010 survey of diplomates.
- Kho DY, Bluth EI, Meenan C, Nagy PG.SourceDepartment of Radiology, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 South Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA. davidkho@gmail.com
- Journal of digital imaging.J Digit Imaging.2012 Oct;25(5):678-81.
- The Certification for Imaging Informatics Professionals (CIIP) program is sponsored by the Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists through the American Board of Imaging Informatics. In 2005, a survey was conducted of radiologists, technologist
- PMID 22565602
- Formal verification of medical monitoring software using Z language: a representative sample.
- Babamir SM, Borhani M.SourceUniversity of Kashan, Kashan, Iran. babamir@kashanu.ac.ir
- Journal of medical systems.J Med Syst.2012 Aug;36(4):2633-48. doi: 10.1007/s10916-011-9739-5. Epub 2011 Jun 17.
- Medical monitoring systems are useful aids assisting physicians in keeping patients under constant surveillance; however, taking sound decision by the systems is a physician concern. As a result, verification of the systems behavior in monitoring patients is a matter of significant. The patient moni
- PMID 21681513
- Constructing a model-based software monitor for the insulin pump behavior.
- Babamir SM.SourceDepartment of Computer, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran. babamir@kashanu.ac.ir
- Journal of medical systems.J Med Syst.2012 Apr;36(2):829-40. doi: 10.1007/s10916-010-9547-3. Epub 2010 Jul 13.
- Modern medical systems undertaking the task of surveillance of patients are safety-critical systems steered by software. Such systems will bring man's life into hazard if they fail to meet patients' requirements; so, adequate reliability of the algorithms and computations used by software of such sy
- PMID 20703650
Japanese Journal
- 静脈栄養管理のみにて20年以上経過した慢性特発性偽腸閉塞症例の治療関連合併症と外科治療
- 荒井 勇樹,窪田 正幸,奥山 直樹 [他],仲谷 健吾,大山 俊之,横田 直樹
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 51(2), 218-223, 2015
- … idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction(CIIP)症例の長期生存例は少なく,当科で20歳となったCIIP 症例の治療関連合併症と外科治療の有用性に関して検討した.症例は,胎児期に異常を指摘されず,低出生体重児のためNICU 管理となるも,特に消化器症状を認めなかった.生後2 か月時,絞扼性腸閉塞にて小腸切除・人工肛門造設術が施行され,人工肛門は閉鎖された.しかし,腸閉塞症状を繰り返し, …
- NAID 130005065239
- 小腸不全(長期TPN患者,H類縁疾患,CIIPなど) (特集 小児科から内科へのシームレスな診療をめざして) -- (疾患各論)
- 田島 陽介,飯合 恒夫,野上 仁,亀山 仁史,島田 能史,伏木 麻恵,関根 和彦,細井 愛,畠山 勝義,梅津 哉
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 45(3), 326-332, 2012
- … ;以下,CIIPと略記)と診断された.25歳時にさらに大腸亜全摘・回腸人工肛門術を施行されたが,症状は改善しなかった.29歳時に空腸人工肛門造設術を施行後,症状が軽快し経口摂取可能となった.CIIPの発症機序は不明だが,近年その発症に自己免疫学的異常が関わるとする報告が散見される.一方,種々の自己免疫疾患と妊娠との関連が示唆されている.本症例もCIIP発症に …
- NAID 130004560811
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- 英
- chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction, CIIP
慢性特発性仮性腸閉塞症 chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction