- 関
- anti-galactose-deficient IgG antibody
- California
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The acronym CARF can mean multiple things:
- Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, a British pressure group
- Canadian Amateur Radio Federation
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
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- 1. 瘢痕性脱毛症(CCCA) central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
- 2. 脱毛の評価および診断 evaluation and diagnosis of hair loss
- 3. 禿髪性毛嚢炎 folliculitis decalvans
English Journal
- Prolonged abstinence from developmental cocaine exposure dysregulates BDNF and its signaling network in the medial prefrontal cortex of adult rats.
- Giannotti G, Caffino L, Calabrese F, Racagni G, Riva MA, Fumagalli F.Author information Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Balzaretti 9, 20133 Milan, Italy.AbstractAlthough evidence exists that chronic cocaine exposure during adulthood is associated with changes in BDNF expression, whether and how cocaine exposure during adolescence modulates BDNF is still unknown. To address this issue, we exposed rats to repeated cocaine injections from post-natal day (PD) 28 to PD 42, a period that roughly approximates adolescence in humans, and we carried out a detailed analysis of the BDNF system in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of rats sacrificed 3 d (PD 45) and 48 d (PD 90) after the last cocaine treatment. We found that developmental exposure to cocaine altered transcriptional and translational mechanisms governing neurotrophin expression. Total BDNF mRNA levels, in fact, were enhanced in the mPFC of PD 90 rats exposed to cocaine in adolescence, an effect sustained by changes in BDNF exon IV through the transcription factors CaRF and NF-kB. While a profound reduction of specific BDNF-related miRNAs (let7d, miR124 and miR132) may contribute to explaining the increased proBDNF levels, the up-regulation of the extracellular proteases tPA is indicative of increased processing leading to higher levels of released mBDNF. These changes were associated with increased activation of the trkB-Akt pathway resulting in enhanced pmTOR and pS6 kinase, which ultimately produced an up-regulation of Arc and a consequent reduction of GluA1 expression in the mPFC of PD 90 cocaine-treated rats. These findings demonstrate that developmental exposure to cocaine dynamically dysregulates BDNF and its signaling network in the mPFC of adult rats, providing novel mechanisms that may contribute to cocaine-induced changes in synaptic plasticity.
- The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP).Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2014 Apr;17(4):625-34. doi: 10.1017/S1461145713001454. Epub 2013 Dec 18.
- Although evidence exists that chronic cocaine exposure during adulthood is associated with changes in BDNF expression, whether and how cocaine exposure during adolescence modulates BDNF is still unknown. To address this issue, we exposed rats to repeated cocaine injections from post-natal day (PD) 2
- PMID 24345425
- Trace vapour detection at room temperature using Raman spectroscopy.
- Chou A1, Radi B, Jaatinen E, Juodkazis S, Fredericks PM.Author information 1Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF), Institute for Future Environments Queensland University of Technology, Australia. alison.chou@qut.edu.au.AbstractA miniaturized flow-through system consisting of a gold coated silicon substrate based on enhanced Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the detection of vapour from model explosive compounds. The measurements show that the detectability of the vapour molecules at room temperature depends sensitively on the interaction between the molecule and the substrate. The results highlight the capability of a flow system combined with Raman spectroscopy for detecting low vapour pressure compounds with a limit of detection of 0.2 ppb as demonstrated by the detection of bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, a common polymer additive emitted from a commercial polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubing at room temperature.
- The Analyst.Analyst.2014 Mar 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- A miniaturized flow-through system consisting of a gold coated silicon substrate based on enhanced Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the detection of vapour from model explosive compounds. The measurements show that the detectability of the vapour molecules at room temperature depends sensit
- PMID 24588003
- Crystal Structure of the Carbapenem Intrinsic Resistance Protein, CarG.
- Tichy EM, Luisi BF, Salmond GP.Author information Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Building O, Downing Site, Cambridge, CB21QW, UK.AbstractIn the Gram-negative enterobacterium Erwinia (Pectobacterium) and Serratia sp. ATCC 39006, intrinisic resistance to the carbapenem antibiotic 1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid is mediated by the CarF and CarG proteins, by anunknown mechanism. Here, we report a high-resolution crystal structure for the Serratia sp. ATCC 39006 carbapenem resistance protein, CarG. This structure of CarG is the first in the carbapenem instrinsic resistance (CIR) family of resistance proteins from carbapenem-producing bacteria. The crystal structure shows the protein to form a homodimer, in agreement with results from analytical gel filtration. The structure of CarG does not show homology with any known antibiotic resistance proteins nor does it belong to any well characterised protein structural family. However, it is a close structural homologue of the bacterial inhibitor of invertebrate lysozyme, PliI-Ah, with some interesting structural variations, including the absence of the catalytic site responsible for lysozyme inhibition. Both proteins show a unique β sandwich fold with short terminal α helices. The core of the protein is formed by stacked anti-parallel sheets that are individually very similar in the two proteins but differ in their packing interface, causing the splaying of the two sheets in CarG. Furthermore, a conserved cation binding site identified in CarG is absent from the homologue.
- Journal of molecular biology.J Mol Biol.2014 Feb 27. pii: S0022-2836(14)00098-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2014.02.016. [Epub ahead of print]
- In the Gram-negative enterobacterium Erwinia (Pectobacterium) and Serratia sp. ATCC 39006, intrinisic resistance to the carbapenem antibiotic 1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid is mediated by the CarF and CarG proteins, by anunknown mechanism. Here, we report a high-resolution crystal structure for t
- PMID 24583229
Japanese Journal
- CARF-RIETI共催政策シンポジウム 金融危機と日本経済の行方 (特集 日本経済は世界不況から脱却できるか)
- リウマチ膠原病診療における抗環状シトルリン化ペプチド抗体(抗CCP抗体)の臨床的有用性の検討
- 下山 久美子,小川 法良,坂井 知之,澤木 俊興,河南 崇典,唐澤 博美,正木 康史,田中 真生,福島 俊洋,廣瀬 優子,梅原 久範
- 日本臨床免疫学会会誌 = Japanese journal of clinical immunology 30(5), 408-413, 2007-10-31
- … CCP抗体)は感度,特異度が高く注目されている.我々は抗CCP抗体のRA診療における有用性について検討した.対象と方法:多発関節痛症例115例(女性89例,男性26例)に関して抗CCP抗体,ESR, CRP, IgM-RF, IgG-RF, RAPA, CARF, MMP-3, C1q-IC, Stage, Class, Joint score, Sharp score, KL-6, SP-D,胸部CTを検討した.結果:抗CCP抗体は,特異度(93.5%)に優れていた.またRA群(45例)において,抗CCP抗体陽性群のSharp score (10.9±22.4)は,抗CCP抗体陰性群(1 …
- NAID 10021241856
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