- a thin pliable sheet of material
- a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants (同)tissue layer
- (生物の)膜,皮膜
- 弓の射手;弓術家
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Bowman's membrane |
Vertical section of human cornea from near the margin. (Waldeyer.) Magnified.
1. Epithelium.
2. Anterior elastic lamina.
3. substantia propria.
4. Posterior elastic lamina.
5. Endothelium of the anterior chamber.
a. Oblique fibers in the anterior layer of the substantia propria.
b. Lamellæ the fibers of which are cut across, producing a dotted appearance.
c. Corneal corpuscles appearing fusiform in section.
d. Lamellæ the fibers of which are cut longitudinally.
e. Transition to the sclera, with more distinct fibrillation, and surmounted by a thicker epithelium.
f. Small bloodvessels cut across near the margin of the cornea.
Latin |
l. limitans anterior corneae |
Gray's |
p.1008 |
MeSH |
Bowman+membrane |
TA |
A15.2.02.019 |
FMA:58273 |
Anatomical terminology |
The Bowman's membrane (Bowman's layer, anterior limiting lamina, anterior elastic lamina) is a smooth, acellular, nonregenerating layer, located between the superficial epithelium and the stroma in the cornea of the eye. It is composed of strong, randomly oriented collagen fibrils in which the smooth anterior surface faces the epithelial basement membrane and the posterior surface merges with the collagen lamellae of the corneal stroma proper.[1]
In adult humans, Bowman's membrane is 8-12 μm thick.[2] With ageing, this layer becomes thinner. The Bowman's layer, which (in mammals) is found only in primates and it is absent in cats, dogs, mice, and other carnivores.[3]
The function of the Bowman's membrane remains unclear and appears to have no critical function in corneal physiology.[4] Recently, it is postulated that the layer may act as a physical barrier to protect the subepithelial nerve plexus and thereby hastens epithelial innervation and sensory recovery. Moreover, it may also serve as a barrier that prevents direct traumatic contact with the corneal stroma and hence it is highly involved in stromal wound healing and the associated restoration of anterior corneal transparency at the morphological level.[5]
Part of the Bowman's membrane is ablated by the photorefractive keratectomy refractive surgery (commonly known as PRK). As the layer is non-generative, the section of the membrane ablated in the procedure is lost forever.
- 1 History
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
The Bowman's membrane is named after Sir William Bowman (1816–1892), an English physician, anatomist and ophthalmologist, who discovered this membrane.
See also
- Refractive surgery
- Descemet's membrane
- ^ Kenyon, KR. Morphology and pathologic responses of the cornea to disease. In: Smolin G, Thoft RA, eds. The Cornea. Scientific Foundations and Clinical Practice. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.; 1983:45.
- ^ Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell E: Histology of the Human Eye. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1971
- ^ Merindano MD; Costa J; Canals M; Potau JM, and Ruano D. "A comparative study of Bowman's layer in some mammals: Relationships with other constituent corneal structures." European Journal of Anatomy. Volume 6, Number 3, December 2002.
- ^ Wilson SE, Hong JW. Bowman's layer structure and function: critical or dispensable to corneal function? A hypothesis. Cornea. 2000 Jul;19(4):417-20.
- ^ Lagali N, Germundsson J, Fagerholm P.The role of Bowman's layer in corneal regeneration after phototherapeutic keratectomy: a prospective study using in vivo confocal microscopy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Sep;50(9):4192-8. doi: 10.1167/iovs.09-3781. Epub 2009 Apr 30.
External links
- Histology image: 08002loa - Histology Learning System at Boston University
- Diagram at sheinman.com
- Diagram at cornea_crosssection_en.jpg
Sensory system – visual system – globe of eye (TA A15.2.1–6, TH, GA 10.1005)
Fibrous tunic (outer) |
Sclera |
- Episcleral layer
- Schlemm's canal
- Trabecular meshwork
Cornea |
- Limbus
- layers
- Epithelium
- Bowman's
- Stroma
- Descemet's
- Endothelium
Uvea/vascular tunic (middle) |
Choroid |
- Capillary lamina of choroid
- Bruch's membrane
- Sattler's layer
Ciliary body |
- Ciliary processes
- Ciliary muscle
Iris |
- Stroma
- Pupil
- Iris dilator muscle
- Iris sphincter muscle
Retina (inner) |
Layers |
- Inner limiting membrane
- Nerve fiber layer
- Ganglion cell layer
- Inner plexiform layer
- Inner nuclear layer
- Outer plexiform layer
- Outer nuclear layer
- External limiting membrane
- Layer of rods and cones
- Retinal pigment epithelium
Cells |
Photoreceptor cells (Cone cell, Rod cell) → (Horizontal cell) → Bipolar cell → (Amacrine cell) → Retina ganglion cell (Midget cell, Parasol cell, Bistratified cell, Giant retina ganglion cells, Photosensitive ganglion cell) → Diencephalon: P cell, M cell, K cell Muller glia
Other |
- Macula
- Foveola
- Fovea centralis
- Parafovea
- Perifovea
- Optic disc
Anterior segment |
- Anterior chamber
- Aqueous humour
- Posterior chamber
- Lens
- Capsule of lens
- Zonule of Zinn
Posterior segment |
Other |
- Asthenopia
- Keratocytes
- Ocular immune system
- Tapetum lucidum
anat (g / a / p) / phys / devp / prot
noco / cong / tumr · epon
proc · drug (S1A / 1E / 1F / 1L)
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English Journal
- Clinical, Confocal, and Morphological Investigations on the Cornea in Human Mucopolysaccharidosis IH-S.
- Aragona P, Wylegala E, Wroblewska-Czajka E, Smedowski A, Nowinska A, Roszkowska AM, Pisani A, Micali A, Puzzolo D.Source*Department of Experimental Medical-Surgical Sciences, Ocular Surface Diseases Unit, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; †Department of Ophthalmology, District Railway Hospital, Katowice, Poland; and ‡Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.
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- Copeland BT, Bowman MJ, Boucheix C, Ashman LK.SourceSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of Newcastle and Cancer Research Program, Hunter Medical Research Institute, Newcastle, Australia.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2013 Oct 15;133(8):1803-12. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28204. Epub 2013 May 15.
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- PMID 23575960
- Demographic Patterns and Treatment Outcomes of Patients With Recurrent Corneal Erosions Related to Trauma and Epithelial and Bowman Layer Disorders.
- Suri K, Kosker M, Duman F, Rapuano CJ, Nagra PK, Hammersmith KM.SourceCornea Service, Wills Eye Institute, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- American journal of ophthalmology.Am J Ophthalmol.2013 Sep 25. pii: S0002-9394(13)00525-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2013.07.022. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To evaluate demographics and outcomes of patients with recurrent corneal erosions related to trauma and epithelial and Bowman layer disorders.DESIGN: Retrospective case series.METHODS: setting: Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. study population: Two hundred seventy-two eyes (
- PMID 24075431
Japanese Journal
- Ultrastructural Studies of IgG4-related Kidney Disease
- , , , , ,
- Internal Medicine 54(2), 147-153, 2015
- … The rate of deposition was 62.5% in both mesangial areas and Bowman's capsule. … EDDs were frequently detected on the tubular basement membrane (TBM) (87.5% of patients). … The interstitium also contained EDDs on collagen fibers in 87.5% of the cases and on basement membrane-like materials in areas of fibrosis in 37.5% of the cases. …
- NAID 130004903020
- Crescentic Glomerulonephritis in a Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus)
- , , [他], , ,
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 75(11), 1535-1538, 2013
- … Histologically, the lesions were characterized by fibrocellular crescents, adhesion between Bowman's capsule and the glomerular capillary tuft and an increase in the mesangial matrix in glomeruli. … Ultrastructually, thickening of the glomerular basement membrane and loss of epithelial cell foot processes were observed with electron-dense deposits. …
- NAID 130003362249
- 岡 政史,野津 寛大,飯島 一誠,松尾 雅文
- 日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of pediatric nephrology 23(1), 8-12, 2010-04-15
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- NAID 10026412082
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Related Pictures
- 英
- Bowman's membrane, Bowman membrane
- 同
- ボーマン膜、Bowman膜、前境界板 anterior limiting layer lamina limitans anterior、角膜前境界板 lamina limitans anterior corneae
- 関
- 角膜