- United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922) (同)Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell
- a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell (1819-1905) (同)Melville Bell, Alexander Melville Bell
- English painter; sister of Virginia Woolf; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group (1879-1961) (同)Vanessa Bell, Vanessa Stephen
- United States author (born in Canada) whose novels influenced American literature after World War II (1915-2005) (同)Saul Bellow, Solomon Bellow
- English author (born in France) remembered especially for his verse for children (1870-1953) (同)Hilaire Belloc, Joseph Hilaire Peter Belloc
- the bell of Independence Hall; rung 8 July 1776 to announce the signing of the Declaration of Independence
- a town in northwestern Washington on a bay near the Canadian border
- Italian composer of operas (1801-1835) (同)Vincenzo Bellini
- the shape of a bell (同)bell_shape, campana
- (nautical) each of the eight half-hour units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ships bell; eight bells signals 4:00, 8:00, or 12:00 oclock, either a.m. or p.m. (同)ship''s bell
- attach a bell to; "bell cows"
- a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck
- the flared opening of a tubular device
- the sound of a bell being struck; "saved by the bell"; "she heard the distant toll of church bells" (同)toll
- a logarithmic unit of sound intensity equal to 10 decibels (同)B
- Babylonian god of the earth; one of the supreme triad including Anu and Ea; earlier identified with En-lil
- ベル(『Alexander Graham』~;米国の科学者,電話を発明した;1847‐1922)
- 『鐘』,釣り鐘;『鈴』,『ベル』,りん / 〈U〉鐘(鈴,ベル)の音 / 〈C〉鐘(ベル)状のもの / 〈C〉点鐘(船の当直交替を0時から4時間ごとに区切り,その間を30分ごとに1‐8点鐘で時を報じる.例えば2つ鳴らすことを2点鐘といい,午前または午後の1時,5時,9時を指す.8点鐘は当直交替の時間) / …‘に'鈴を付ける,‘に'ベルを取り付ける / (鈴・鐘のように)…'を'ふくらませる
- berylliumの化学記号
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[Wiki ja表示]
このページは、曖昧さ回避のためのページです。以下に列挙した項目の詳しい説明はリンク先を参照してください。このページより適切なリンク先が判明したら、このページへのリンクを張り替えてください。 |
- ベル実験 - KEKB加速器を用いたCP対称性の破れの実験
- チャイムのことを言う
- 鐘。
- チューブラーベル - コンサート用に作られた音階状の鐘
- 電鈴、電動ベル。
- 発車ベル。
- 電話の呼び出し音
- 無線呼び出し(ポケットベル)の略
- 金管楽器や一部の木管楽器の音の出口の部分で、円錐状に開いた部分。「朝顔」とも。
- アレクサンダー・グラハム・ベル - 電話の発明者。
- 彼が設立したベル電話会社。現在のAT&T。
- AT&Tが設立したベル研究所。
- ベル - ある基準値に対する比の常用対数の値を元にした単位。アレクサンダー・グラハム・ベルに由来する。通常はその10分の1のデシベルが用いられる。
- バアル - バビロニアの豊穣の主神。ユダヤ教では悪魔バエルとして貶められた。
- フランス語で美女、麗人の意。綴りはBelle.
- ベル (美女と野獣) – ディズニー映画のキャラクター。
- Bell - コブクロの楽曲。シングル「YELL〜エール〜/Bell」収録。
- ベル島 - カナダのラブラドル半島沖合にある島。
- ベル島 - フランスのビスケー湾にある島。
- ベル・ヘリコプター - アメリカ合衆国の航空機メーカー。主にヘリコプターを生産している。
- ベル・エアクラフト - 上記のベル・ヘリコプターの前身。
- ベル食品 - 北海道の調味料(タレ)メーカー。主力商品は「成吉思汗のたれ」。
- ファミリーレストラン「びっくりドンキー」の創業店舗名
- ショッピングシティベル - 福井県福井市花堂のショッピングセンター
- 河口湖ショッピングセンター ベル - 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町のショッピングセンター
- DIYホームセンター・ベル - かつて徳島県徳島市に本社を置いていたホームセンター
- ベル・フックス(bell hooks, 1952- ) - アフリカ系アメリカ人の知識人、フェミニスト
- アクトン・ベル(Acton Bell, 1820-1849) - イギリスの小説家アン・ブロンテのペンネーム
- アルバート・ベル(Albert Jojuan Belle, 1966- ) - アメリカ合衆国出身の野球選手
- アンドリュー・ベル(Andrew Bell, 1753 - 1832)は、スコットランド出身の宣教師、教育者。
- ヴァネッサ・ベル(Vanessa Bell, 1879-1961) - イギリスの画家。ヴァージニア・ウルフの姉
- オニール・ベル(O'Neil Bell, 1974- ) - ジャマイカのプロボクサー
- ガートルード・ベル(Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, 1868-1926) - イギリスの女性情報員・考古学者・登山家
- キャサリン・ベル(Catherine Bell, 1968- ) - イギリス出身の女優
- キャリー・ベル(Carey Bell, 1936-2007) - アメリカ合衆国出身のハーモニカ奏者
- グレアム・ベル(Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922)は上記参照
- クール・パパ・ベル(James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell, 1903-1991) - アメリカ合衆国の野球選手。ニグロリーグで活躍し、野球殿堂入りした
- ゴードン・ベル(C. Gordon Bell, 1934- ) - アメリカ合衆国のコンピュータ技術者
- ジェイミー・ベル(Jamie Bell, 1986- ) - イギリス出身の俳優
- ジョシュア・ベル(Joshua Bell, 1967- ) - アメリカ合衆国のヴァイオリニスト
- ジョスリン・ベル(Jocelyn Bell, 1943- ) - イギリスの天文学者
- ダニエル・ベル(Daniel Bell, 1919- ) - アメリカ合衆国の社会学者
- デレック・ベル(Derek Reginald Bell MBE, 1941- ) - イギリスのレーシングドライバー
- トビン・ベル(Tobin Bell, 1942- ) - アメリカ合衆国出身の俳優
- ハインリヒ・ベル(Heinrich Theodor Böll, 1917-1985) - ドイツの作家
- ボブ・ベル(Robert "Bob" Bell, 1958- ) - F1の技術者
- マリー=ポール・ベル(Marie-Paule Belle, 1946- ) - フランスの女性歌手
- ラジャ・ベル(Raja Bell, 1976- ) - アメリカ合衆国のバスケットボール選手
- ルリー・ベル(Lurrie Bell, 1958- ) - アメリカ合衆国出身のギタリスト、シンガー
- Belle - 日本のフォークグループ。 代表曲は「電話」。
- ポケットモンスターに登場する、主人公の幼馴染。ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイトの登場人物#主人公・町の住民を参照。
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[Wiki en表示]
Bell may refer to:
- 1 Sound and music
- 2 Signals
- 3 Businesses
- 3.1 Telecommunications
- 3.2 Other
- 4 Transportation
- 5 Places
- 5.1 Australia
- 5.2 Canada
- 5.3 Germany
- 5.4 Uganda
- 5.5 United Kingdom
- 5.6 United States
- 5.7 Outer space
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
Sound and music
- Bell (instrument), a percussion instrument, usually cup-shaped
- Bell (wind instrument)
- Bell cymbal, a type of cymbal, tending to be thick and uniformly so, and small
- Cymbal bell, the most central part of a cymbal
- Bell effect, a musical technique
- Bell (school), a signal used for transitions during a school day
- Church bell, indicating when to go to church
- Doorbell, a signaling device to alert residents to visitors
- Division bell, used in a parliament to call members to a vote
- Last call bell, a signal that a bar is closing soon
- Ship's bell, a signal for marking time on a ship
- A signal from an engine order telegraph, a communications device used on a ship or submarine
- Bell Canada, a Canadian telecommunications company
- Bell Mobility, a wireless network selling services in Canada
- Bell Aliant, a communications company providing services in eastern Canada
- Bell System, the organization that provided telephone service in the United States until 1984
- Bell Telephone Company, founded in 1877 by family of Alexander Graham Bell
- Illinois Bell, the name of the Bell Operating Company serving Illinois
- Indiana Bell, the Bell Operating Company serving Indiana
- Michigan Bell, the subsidiary of AT&T serving the state of Michigan
- Nevada Bell, the Bell System's telephone provider in Nevada
- New Jersey Bell, (1904–1983)
- Ohio Bell, the Bell Operating Company serving most of Ohio
- Pacific Bell, the name of the Bell System's telephone operations in California
- Regional Bell Operating Company, any of the phone companies spun-off from AT&T in 1984
- Wisconsin Bell, (1984–1999)
- Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell
- Bell Labs, a research & development organization founded by AT&T
- Bell TV, a division of Bell Canada
- Bell Aircraft, an aircraft manufacturer of the United States
- Bell Helicopter, an American rotorcraft manufacturer headquartered in Hurst, Texas
- Bell Media, a Canadian media company, operated by Bell Canada
- Bell Records, a record label
- Bell Sports Inc., a helmet manufacturer
- Bell's Brewery, based in Michigan
- Bell (cyclecar), a British 3 wheeled cyclecar made in 1920 by W.G. Bell of Rochester, Kent
- Bell (METRORail station), Houston, Texas, United States
- Bell railway station, Melbourne, Australia
- Bell railway station, New South Wales, Australia
- USS Bell, either of two U.S. Navy ships
- Bell tailslide, an aerobatic maneuver
- Bell, New South Wales
- Bell, Queensland
- Bell Island, Newfoundland and Labrador
- Bell Peninsula, Nunavut
- Bell, Mayen-Koblenz, a municipality in the district of Mayen-Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany
- Bell, Rhein-Hunsrück, an Ortsgemeinde – a municipality belonging to a Verbandsgemeinde, a kind of collective municipality – in the Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis (district) in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
United Kingdom
United States
- Bell, California
- Bell, Florida
- Bell, Illinois
- Bell, Oklahoma
- Bell, Wisconsin
- Bell Canyon, California
- Bell City, Missouri
- Bell County, Kentucky
- Bell County, Texas
- Bell Township, Pennsylvania (disambiguation)
- Bell Creek (disambiguation)
- Bell Mountain AVA, Texas wine region in Gillespie County
- Bell Mountain Wilderness, in 1980
Outer space
- Bell (crater), on the far side of the Moon
Other uses
- Bell (surname), a list of people with the surname Bell
- Bell (fictional currency)
- Bell (typeface), a typeface designed in 1788 by Richard Austin
- Bell character, a device control code
- Bell Centre, a stadium in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Bell High School (disambiguation)
- Bell House (disambiguation)
- Diving bell, a cable-suspended underwater airtight chamber
- The body of a jellyfish
- Bell XFL Airabonita, an experimental shipboard interceptor aircraft
- Closing Bell can refer to two CNBC programs
- The Fishing Bell, a 1917 Hungarian film directed by Michael Curtiz
- SS Empire Bell, a 1,744 GRT collier which was built by Öresundsvarvet, Landskrona, Sweden as the 2,023 GRT passenger ship Belgia in 1930
- Bell Challenge, a WTA Tour Tier III tennis tournament held in Quebec
- Bell Sensplex, a four-pad ice facility in the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Bell Fibe TV, an IP-based television service offered in Ontario and Quebec
- Sigismund Bell, the largest of the five bells hanging in the Sigismund Tower of the Wawel Cathedral in the Polish city of Kraków
- Bell Lightbox, a skyscraper in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Bell Sports Complex, a sports facility in Brossard, Quebec, Canada
- Campus Bell, headquarters of Bell Canada on Nuns' Island in Montreal, Canada
See also
- Bell (surname)
- The Bell (disambiguation)
- Bells (disambiguation)
- The Bells (disambiguation)
- Bel (disambiguation)
- Belle (disambiguation)
- Bell number, in mathematics
- Bell curve (disambiguation)
- Bell polynomials, in mathematics
- Bell state, in quantum information science
- Bell, Book & Candle (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Chemical, morphological and functional properties of Brazilian jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) seeds starch.
- Madruga MS, de Albuquerque FS, Silva IR, do Amaral DS, Magnani M, Queiroga Neto V.SourceDepartment of Food Engineering, Center of Technology, Federal University of Paraíba, Campus I, 58051-900 João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jan 15;143:440-5. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.08.003. Epub 2013 Aug 9.
- Starches used in food industry are extracted from roots, tubers and cereals. Seeds of jackfruit are abundant and contain high amounts of starch. They are discarded during the fruit processing or consumption and can be an alternative source of starch. The starch was extract from the jackfruit seeds a
- PMID 24054264
- Selected reaction monitoring method to determine the species origin of blood-based binding agents in meats: a collaborative study.
- Grundy HH, Read WA, Macarthur R, Dickinson M, Charlton AJ, Dušek M, Breidbach A, Scholl PF, Newsome GA, Bell D, Alewijn M.SourceThe Food and Environment Research Agency, Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UK. helen.grundy@fera.gsi.gov.uk
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Dec 15;141(4):3531-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.063. Epub 2013 Jun 22.
- Binding products or food 'glues' are used throughout the food industry to increase the meat use rate or to augment economic efficiency. Some of these binders contain thrombin from bovine and porcine blood. The European parliament has recently banned thrombin-based additives and labelling legislation
- PMID 23993517
- GluK1 antagonists from 6-(tetrazolyl)phenyl decahydroisoquinoline derivatives: In vitro profile and in vivo analgesic efficacy.
- Martinez-Perez JA, Iyengar S, Shannon HE, Bleakman D, Alt A, Clawson DK, Arnold BM, Bell MG, Bleisch TJ, Castaño AM, Del Prado M, Dominguez E, Escribano AM, Filla SA, Ho KH, Hudziak KJ, Jones CK, Mateo A, Mathes BM, Mattiuz EL, Ogden AM, Simmons RM, Stack DR, Stratford RE, Winter MA, Wu Z, Ornstein PL.SourceCentro de Investigación Lilly, Avda. de la Industria, 30, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain. Electronic address: Martinez-Perez_Jose_A@Lilly.com.
- Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters.Bioorg Med Chem Lett.2013 Dec 1;23(23):6463-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2013.09.045. Epub 2013 Sep 24.
- We have explored the decahydroisoquinoline scaffold, bearing a phenyl tetrazole, as GluK1 antagonists with potential as oral analgesics. We have established the optimal linker atom between decahydroisoquinoline and phenyl rings and demonstrated an improvement of both the affinity for the GluK1 recep
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- GluK1 antagonists from 6-(carboxy)phenyl decahydroisoquinoline derivatives. SAR and evaluation of a prodrug strategy for oral efficacy in pain models.
- Martinez-Perez JA, Iyengar S, Shannon HE, Bleakman D, Alt A, Arnold BM, Bell MG, Bleisch TJ, Castaño AM, Del Prado M, Dominguez E, Escribano AM, Filla SA, Ho KH, Hudziak KJ, Jones CK, Mateo A, Mathes BM, Mattiuz EL, Ogden AM, Simmons RM, Stack DR, Stratford RE, Winter MA, Wu Z, Ornstein PL.SourceCentro de Investigación Lilly, Avda. de la Industria, 30, 28108-Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain. Electronic address: Martinez-Perez_Jose_A@Lilly.com.
- Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters.Bioorg Med Chem Lett.2013 Dec 1;23(23):6459-62. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2013.09.046. Epub 2013 Sep 25.
- The synthesis and structure-activity relationship of decahydroisoquinoline derivatives with various benzoic acid substitutions as GluK1 antagonists are described. Potent and selective antagonists were selected for a tailored prodrug approach in order to facilitate the evaluation of the new compounds
- PMID 24119554
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ベリリウム beryllium