- 関
- B. thetaiotaomicron
- type genus of Bacteroidaceae; genus of Gram-negative rodlike anaerobic bacteria producing no endospores and no pigment and living in the gut of man and animals (同)genus Bacteroides
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English Journal
- Identification of feces by detection of Bacteroides genes.
- Nakanishi H, Shojo H, Ohmori T, Hara M, Takada A, Adachi N, Saito K.SourceForensic Science Laboratory of Yamanashi Prefectural Police H.Q., 312-4 Kubonakajima, Isawa, Fuefuki, Yamanashi 406-0036, Japan; Department of Forensic Medicine, Saitama Medical University, 38 Morohongo, Moroyama, Saitama 350-0495, Japan. Electronic address: nakanishi@384.jp.
- Forensic science international. Genetics.Forensic Sci Int Genet.2013 Jan;7(1):176-9. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2012.09.006. Epub 2012 Oct 12.
- In forensic science, the identification of feces is very important in a variety of crime investigations. However, no sensitive and simple fecal identification method using molecular biological techniques has been reported. Here, we focused on the fecal bacteria, Bacteroides uniformis, Bacteroides vu
- PMID 23068949
- Evaluation of the host specificity of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron alpha-1-6, mannanase gene as a sewage marker.
- Aslan A, Rose JB.SourceDepartment of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
- Letters in applied microbiology.Lett Appl Microbiol.2013 Jan;56(1):51-6. doi: 10.1111/lam.12013. Epub 2012 Nov 15.
- The specificity of a short fragment functional gene marker (alpha-1-6, mannanase) in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron was compared with two other Bacteroidales markers used for identifying sewage as the source of pollution in water. A total of 11 different animal species and 230 faecal samples were test
- PMID 23078617
Japanese Journal
- Bacteroides uniformis as the dominant bacterial species involved in activation of ginseng protopanaxadiol saponins in human intestines
- 長谷川 秀夫,SAKAMOTO Mitsuo,BENNO Yoshimi
- 和漢医薬学雑誌 24(4), 140-143, 2007-08-20
- … さらに,Bacteroides属細菌9種の配糖体分解活性を測定し,代謝物M1を生成する腸内細菌種としてBacteroides uniformisを特定した。 …
- NAID 110006367502
- 特発性細菌性腹膜炎を契機に発見された上行結腸癌の1例
- 境 雄大,佐藤 浩一,長谷川 善枝,木村 由佳,須藤 泰裕,小柳 雅是,田中 正則
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 39(9), 1559-1564, 2006-09-01
- … 治療を行った.翌日,腹膜刺激症状と炎症反応を認め,当科に入院した.急性虫垂炎による汎発性腹膜炎を疑い,手術を行った.虫垂腫大と骨盤腔内の膿性腹水を認め,虫垂切除術を行った.腹水からBacteroides thetaiotaomicronが検出された.摘出虫垂粘膜に炎症を認めなかった.高CEA血症と貧血を認めたため,消化管精査を行い,上行結腸癌が発見された.23日目に結腸右半切除術を行った.腫瘍の穿孔,膿瘍形成を認めな …
- NAID 110004793279
- 桑原 知巳
- 日本細菌学雑誌 60(3), 469-478, 2005
- … Bacteroides 属はヒト大腸に常在する偏性嫌気性グラム陰性桿菌であるが, 易感染宿主に腹腔内膿瘍や敗血症を起こす日和見感染菌でもある。 … Bacteroides 属の中で最も病原性が強いのがB. … Bacteroides 属は一つの菌株が多種類の莢膜多糖を合成するという他の菌種にはない特徴を有している。 …
- NAID 130001386147
Related Links
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- 関
- Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
- ラ
- Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron、B. thetaiotaomicron