出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/10 04:46:32」(JST)
酢酸 | |
酢酸(許容慣用名) |
識別情報 | |
CAS登録番号 | 64-19-7 |
KEGG | C00033 |
特性 | |
化学式 | C2H4O2, CH3COOH |
モル質量 | 60.05 |
外観 | 無色の液体 |
密度 | 1.049(液体) |
相対蒸気密度 | 2.1 |
融点 |
16.7 |
沸点 |
118 |
酸解離定数 pKa | 4.76 |
屈折率 (nD) | 1.3715 |
危険性 | |
NFPA 704 |
出典 | |
ICSC | |
特記なき場合、データは常温 (25 °C)・常圧 (100 kPa) におけるものである。 |
酢酸(さくさん、醋酸、英: acetic acid)は、化学式は示性式 CH3COOH、分子式 C2H4O2と表される簡単なカルボン酸の一種である。IUPAC命名法では酢酸は許容慣用名であり、系統名はエタン酸 (ethanoic acid) である。純粋なものは冬に凍結することから氷酢酸(ひょうさくさん)と呼ばれる。2分子の酢酸が脱水縮合すると別の化合物の無水酢酸となる。
酢の歴史は文明と同程度に古く、酢酸産生菌はいたるところに存在する。そして、ビールやワインなど酒を醸造する文明は、アルコール飲料を大気にさらすと、自然に酢ができることを発見することになる[2]。紀元前、ギリシャの哲学者テオプラストスやローマのウィトルウィウス、プリニウスは酢が金属に作用して芸術に有用な顔料、たとえば鉛白(塩基性炭酸鉛)やビリジリス(酢酸銅(II) を含む銅塩の緑色の混合物)となることについて著述している[3][4]。また、酢はその時代にはローマでは治療の目的[2]、エジプトでは死体の保存[5]に用いられていたともされている。古代ローマ人は酸っぱくなったワインを鉛の壷で煮沸すると、サパあるいはデフルタム(英語版)と呼ばれる非常に甘いシロップができることを見出している。サパやデフルタムの甘さは含まれる酢酸鉛(II) によるもので、その物質は鉛糖 (sugar of lead) とか土の糖 (sugar of saturn) と呼ばれ好まれたが、ローマ貴族の間で鉛中毒を引き起こした[6]。
8世紀にジャービル・イブン=ハイヤーン(ゲベル)は初めて酢の蒸留によって酢酸を得ている[7]。またルネサンス時代には、錬金術師たちは酢酸銅(II) などの金属酢酸塩を乾留して氷酢酸を製造した[8]。最初にそのような製法で酢酸を作り出したのはバシル・バレンティン(英語版)とされている[2]。16世紀のドイツの化学者アンドレアス・リバビウス(英語版)は、氷酢酸の製法と、得られた氷酢酸と酢との物性の比較について著述している[8]。そのように、酢の中には水が存在するため物性が酢酸と異なることから、氷酢酸と酢の中の酸は別の物質であると長く信じられていたが[9]、18世紀になるとフランス人化学者のピエール・エディ(英語版)により両者が同一であることが示された[10][11]。
1910年頃までは、氷酢酸は大部分が木材の乾留で得られる木酢液から作られていた[16]。イギリスでは1820年ごろから[17]、日本では明治時代に[15]、この方法による酢酸の製造が始められていた。木酢液を水酸化カルシウム(石灰乳)で処理して生成する酢酸カルシウムを硫酸で酸性化することにより、酢酸が分離される[16]。1917年頃のドイツは年間およそ1万トンの氷酢酸を生産していたが、その30%はインディゴの製造に充てられていた[16]。1910年代の半ば以降からは、ドイツとカナダでカルシウムカーバイドから得られるアセチレンを原料とした酢酸の製造が始められた[18]。カルシウムカーバイドはコークス(石炭の乾留物)を酸化カルシウム(生石灰)とともに電気炉で加熱することにより得られるが、ドイツは石油に乏しいが石炭を産出すること、カナダは水力発電による電力を有することが有利な点であった[19]。日本でも水力発電の発達に伴い、1928年以降この製法で酢酸が作られるようになった[20][21]。1937年に日本窒素肥料(現チッソ)も同法による酢酸の製造を開始したが、アセチレンの酸化に用いられる硫酸水銀(II) がのちに水俣病の原因となった[22]。
日本語の「酢酸」は江戸時代後期に宇田川榕菴が著書舎密開宗で用いたのが最初である[25]。オランダ語 azijnzuur の訳語であり、これはさらにドイツ語 Essigsäure、英語 acetic acid の訳語であった。これらの名称はそのまま現代でも使われ、acetic acid や「酢酸」はIUPAC命名法における許容慣用名[26]かつ優先IUPAC名 (PIN)[27] およびその訳語である。IUPAC系統名は「エタン酸」ethanoic acid であり[28]、これは母体化合物「エタン」 ethane にカルボン酸官能基を表す接尾辞「酸」 -oic acid を付加したものである。
有機化学ではアセチル基 CH3C(=O)− の略号 Ac を用いて文章や化学式中で AcOH または HOAc と略記される。酢酸のエステルや塩は英語ではアセテート(アセタート) acetate と呼ばれる。たとえばエチルエステルの酢酸エチルは ethyl acetate、アンモニウム塩の酢酸アンモニウムは ammonium acetate である。
純粋な酢酸は室温が低いと固体になり、外見が氷に似ていることから「氷酢酸」(glacial acetic acid) とも呼ばれる[29]。古くは単に vinegar (酢)、 酢の蒸留によって得られたことから acetous acid (酢の酸)、木材の乾留で得られることから pyroligneous acid (火木酸)、ほか spilit of verdigris (ビリジリスの精)や wood vinegar (木酢)とも呼ばれた[5]。
英語 acetic acid の語源は酢を意味するラテン語 acetum と「鋭い」を意味する acer に由来する[30][31]。ここから派生して「アセト」acet(o)- の語は酢酸から得られたり構造が類似する化合物などにも用いられる。たとえばアセトン、アセトニトリル、アセトイン、アセトフェノン、アセチル基がそうである[31]。また炭素原子の数が同じく2個であるビニル基(ビニルラジカル)も古くは acetic acid を語源としてアセチルラジカル acetyl radical と呼ばれており[31]、これに由来する名称を持つ化合物としてアセチレンやアセナフテンなどがある[31][32]。
濃度 (重量%) | 比重 (25 °C/4 °C) |
100 | 1.0553 |
90 | 1.0713 |
80 | 1.0748 |
70 | 1.0733 |
60 | 1.0685 |
50 | 1.0615 |
40 | 1.0523 |
常温では酸味と刺激臭を持つ無色透明の液体であり、融点は約 16.6 °C、沸点は約 118 °C である[29]。水と共沸しない[33]。酢酸に少量の水を加えると融点が大きく下がり[2]、水の割合が40%のとき最低値 −26.75 °C となる[29]。冷却したとき、これよりも水が少ないと酢酸が、多いと氷が晶出する[29]。また水との混合により比重が増加し、酢酸の濃度が約80%のとき最も大きくなり[16]、43%のとき純粋な酢酸と同じになる[29]。蒸気を燃やすとき、炎は淡青色である[29]。
酢酸は水、アセトニトリル、エタノール、酢酸エチル、クロロホルム、ベンゼン、エーテル、石油エーテルと任意の割合で混和する[34][35]。オクタンなど長鎖炭化水素には溶けにくく、溶解度は鎖が長くなるほど低くなる[36]。二硫化炭素には不溶である[35]。比誘電率は約6であり、あまり高くはないが[37]、無機塩や糖といった極性化合物を溶かすことができる[38]。また単体硫黄 S8、ヨウ素 I2 など無極性の分子も酢酸に溶ける[38]。ほかにゼラチン、フィブリン、アルブミン、樟脳、ニトロセルロースも溶ける[2]。酢酸の純度を知る古い方法としてレモン油を加えるというものがあり、これは純粋な酢酸であれば重量で10%のレモン油を完全に溶かすことによる[2]。
酢酸を構成する炭素原子と酸素原子は平面上に位置し、結合角は C−C=O と C−C−OH が119°、O=C−OH が122°で、結合距離は C−C が 152 pm、C=O が125 pm、C−OH が131 pm である[39]。
この二量体を形成するという性質のため、酢酸(分子量60.05)の沸点は水素結合を作らない酢酸メチル(分子量74.08、沸点 57 °C[46])よりも高く、分子量が2倍程度のオクタン(分子量114.23、沸点 125 °C)に近い[47]。
酢酸のカルボキシル基 −COOH は溶液中でプロトン (H+) を放出し、解離して酢酸イオン(カルボキシラートイオン)となる[48]。
この性質のため、酢酸は酸性を持つ。酢酸は弱酸であり、水溶液中でのpKaはおよそ4.76である[49]。すなわち、1.0 mol/L の水溶液のpHは2.4となり、全体の0.4%が解離していることになる[50]。酢酸は塩酸や硫酸などの無機酸よりは弱く、炭酸やフェノール、アルコールよりは強い酸である[48][49]。
塩基である炭酸カリウムと混合すると、中和により酢酸カリウムが生成する。これを単離し酢酸に溶かして加熱すると脱水して二酢酸カリウムとなり、200 °C 以上でさらに反応して無水酢酸と酢酸カリウムに分離する[51]。
また、リン酸エステルの存在下に 700–800 °C に加熱すると、分子内脱水によりケテン(エテノン)を生じる[59]。
酢酸 + ATP + CoA → アセチルCoA + AMP + 二リン酸 | アセチルCoAリガーゼ (EC[69] |
酢酸 + ATP + CoA → アセチルCoA + ADP + リン酸 | アセチルCoAリガーゼ (ADP生成) (EC[70] |
メタノールと一酸化炭素は共に簡単に得られる原料であるため、メタノールのカルボニル化は長らく酢酸製造の魅力的な方法であった。セラニーズ社のヘンリー・ドレフュス (Henry Drefyus) は本法の試験プラントを1925年頃に既に開発していた[85]。しかし、腐食性の混合物を200気圧という高圧下で反応させることができる装置の材料が金やグラファイトのほかになかったため、当時は工業化することができなかった[86]。最初の工業化はコバルト触媒を用いる方法で、ドイツの化学会社 BASF社によって1960年に小型プラントが開発された[84]。材質の問題はハステロイの登場により解決されている[84][86]。1968年にロジウム触媒 (cis-[Rh(CO)2I2]−) が発見され、より低圧でほとんど副生物を発生させずに反応を進行させることが可能になった。この触媒を使用した最初のプラントは1970年にアメリカの化学会社モンサント社によって建設され、ロジウム触媒によるメタノールのカルボニル化が酢酸製造の主要な方法になった(モンサント法)[87]。1990年代後期、化学会社BPケミカルズ社がロジウムをイリジウムで置き換えたカティバ触媒 ([Ir(CO)2I2]−) を開発した[88]。この触媒はよりグリーン・高効率であり[89]、同じプラントで利用できるモンサント法にとって代わった。
一般的に、ブタンが液体状態である限界の高温で反応を進行させられるように温度と圧力を設定する。典型的には 160–200 °C、4–8メガパスカルである。メチルエチルケトン、酢酸エチル、ギ酸、プロピオン酸などが副生物として得られる[94]。これらの副生物も市場価値があるため、分離の手間も含めて十分に採算が取れれば、これらがより多く生成するように条件が変更されることもある。
人類の歴史の大部分において、酢酸は酢の形でアセトバクター属 (Acetobacter) の細菌によって作られてきた。十分な量の酸素を与えられれば、それらのバクテリアは様々なアルコールを含む食材から酢を作り出す。普通に使われるのはリンゴ酒、ワイン、発酵させた穀物、麦芽、米、すりつぶしたジャガイモである。バクテリアによって促進される化学反応は、全体として以下のようなものである。
発酵によって酢が初めて作られたのは、おそらくワインの製造の失敗によるものである。マスト(must, 発酵中のブドウ果汁)の熟成時に温度が高すぎると、アセトバクター属が自然にブドウに付着している酵母を圧倒してしまう。料理、医療、保健衛生における酢の需要が増すと、ワイン製造者たちはすぐに、ブドウが熟してワインの製造に適するようになる前の暑い夏季に他の有機物を使って酢を作ることを学んだ。しかし、ワイン製造者たちは発酵の過程を理解していなかったため、その方法は時間がかかる上にいつも成功するとは限らなかった[98]。
クロストリジウム属 (Clostridium) のある種の嫌気性バクテリアは糖類を直接酢酸に変換させることができ、中間体としてエタノールを必要としない。これらのバクテリアによる化学反応は全体として次のようなものである
2分子の酢酸を脱水縮合させると無水酢酸が得られる。これは酢酸ビニルモノマー用途に次ぐ酢酸の主要な用途であり、2009年には世界の全消費量のうち18 %が無水酢酸の製造に使用されている[83]。酢酸メチルのカルボニル化によって直接得ることもでき[107]、カティバ法のプラントをこの目的に使うこともできる。
しかしながら、酢酸エステルの製造法としてはアルデヒドを原料としたティシチェンコ反応による合成が主流となっており、これは原料となるアルデヒドがアルコールよりも安価なためである[112]。また、エーテル類の酢酸エステルはニトロセルロース、アクリル塗料、ワニスの洗浄剤、木材用塗料の溶媒として使われる。まずグリコールのモノエーテルをエチレンオキシドやプロピレンオキシドとアルコールの反応で作り、これを酢酸でエステル化する。主なものはエチレングリコールモノエチルエーテル酢酸エステル (EEA)、エチレングリコールモノブチルエーテル酢酸エステル (EBA)、プロピレングリコールモノメチルエーテル酢酸エステル (PMA) の3つである。この用途には全生産量の17 %が消費される[83]。これらのエステルのうちいくつかは動物実験において生殖・発生毒性が示されており、例えばEEAではラットに対してEEAを経口投与した試験において受胎率の低下やオスの精子数の減少といった生殖毒性や、胎児の骨格奇形のような発生毒性などが確認されている[113]。そのため、EEAはリスクフレーズにおいてR60/R61(生殖毒性、胎児毒性)が指定されている[114]。
酢には通常4-8 %、最大18 %の濃度の酢酸が含まれており、調味料や防腐剤として古くから利用されてきた[115]。2010年の日本の食酢の生産量は醸造酢が約41万キロリットル、合成酢が1400キロリットルであった[116]。また韓国では、氷酢酸がのり巻きや刺し身のたれを作る材料として食用に販売されている[117]。
氷酢酸は優れた極性プロトン性溶媒であり、有機化合物の再結晶溶媒としてしばしば使われる。純粋な酢酸は、ポリエチレンテレフタラート (PET) の原料であるテレフタル酸の製造の際に溶媒として用いられる。2009年のPET製造用途における酢酸の消費量は世界の全消費量のうちの17 %を占めており、無水酢酸製造や酢酸エステル製造用途における消費量と同程度である[83]。
[ヘルプ] |
ignored (help)ウィキメディア・コモンズには、酢酸に関連するカテゴリがあります。 |
Names | |||
IUPAC name
Acetic acid[3][4]
Systematic IUPAC name
Ethanoic acid[5]
Other names
Vinegar (when dilute); Hydrogen acetate; Methanecarboxylic acid[1][2]
Identifiers | |||
CAS Registry Number
64-19-7 Y | ||
3DMet | B00009 | ||
Abbreviations | AcOH | ||
ATC code | G01AD02 S02AA10 |
Beilstein Reference
506007 | ||
ChEBI | CHEBI:15366 Y | ||
ChEMBL | ChEMBL539 Y | ||
ChemSpider | 171 Y | ||
DrugBank | DB03166 Y | ||
EC number | 200-580-7 | ||
Gmelin Reference
1380 | ||
1058 | ||
Jmol-3D images | Image | ||
KEGG | D00010 N | ||
MeSH | Acetic+acid | ||
PubChem | 176 | ||
RTECS number | AF1225000 | ||
UNII | Q40Q9N063P Y | ||
UN number | 2789 | ||
Properties | |||
Chemical formula
C2H4O2 | ||
Molar mass | 60.05 g·mol−1 | ||
Appearance | Colourless liquid | ||
Odor | Pungent/Vinegar-like | ||
Density | 1.049 g cm−3 | ||
Melting point | 16 to 17 °C; 61 to 62 °F; 289 to 290 K | ||
Boiling point | 118 to 119 °C; 244 to 246 °F; 391 to 392 K | ||
Solubility in water
Miscible | ||
log P | -0.322 | ||
Acidity (pKa) | 4.76[6] | ||
Basicity (pKb) | 9.24 (basicity of acetate ion) | ||
Refractive index (nD)
1.371 | ||
Viscosity | 1.22 mPa s | ||
Dipole moment
1.74 D | ||
Thermochemistry | |||
heat capacity (C) |
123.1 J K−1 mol−1 | ||
Std molar
entropy (S |
158.0 J K−1 mol−1 | ||
Std enthalpy of
formation (ΔfH |
-483.88—483.16 kJ mol−1 | ||
Std enthalpy of
combustion (ΔcH |
-875.50—874.82 kJ mol−1 | ||
Hazards | |||
Safety data sheet | See: data page | ||
GHS pictograms | |||
GHS signal word | Danger | ||
GHS hazard statements
H226, H314 | ||
GHS precautionary statements
P280, P305+351+338, P310 | ||
EU classification (DSD)
C | ||
R-phrases | R10, R35 | ||
S-phrases | (S1/2), S23, S26, S45 | ||
NFPA 704 |
Flash point | 40 °C (104 °F; 313 K) | ||
temperature |
427 °C (801 °F; 700 K) | ||
Explosive limits | 4–16% | ||
Lethal dose or concentration (LD, LC): | |||
LD50 (Median dose)
3.31 g kg−1, oral (rat) | ||
LC50 (Median concentration)
5620 ppm (mouse, 1 hr) 16000 ppm (rat, 4 hr)[8] |
US health exposure limits (NIOSH): | |||
PEL (Permissible)
TWA 10 ppm (25 mg/m3)[7] | ||
REL (Recommended)
TWA 10 ppm (25 mg/m3) ST 15 ppm (37 mg/m3)[7] | ||
IDLH (Immediate danger
50 ppm[7] | ||
Related compounds | |||
Related carboxylic acids
Formic acid Propionic acid |
Related compounds
Acetaldehyde Acetamide |
Supplementary data page | |||
Structure and
properties |
Refractive index (n), Dielectric constant (εr), etc. |
data |
Phase behaviour solid–liquid–gas |
Spectral data
UV, IR, NMR, MS | ||
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
N verify (what is: Y/N?) | |||
Infobox references | |||
Acetic acid /əˈsiːtɨk/, systematically named ethanoic acid /ˌɛθəˈnoʊɨk/, is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3COOH (also written as CH3CO2H or C2H4O2). It is a colourless liquid that when undiluted is also called glacial acetic acid. Vinegar is roughly 3–9% acetic acid by volume, making acetic acid the main component of vinegar apart from water. Acetic acid has a distinctive sour taste and pungent smell. Besides its production as household vinegar, it is mainly produced as a precursor to polyvinylacetate and cellulose acetate. Although it is classified as a weak acid, concentrated acetic acid is corrosive and can attack the skin.
Acetic acid is the second simplest carboxylic acid (after formic acid) and is an important chemical reagent and industrial chemical, mainly used in the production of cellulose acetate for photographic film and polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, as well as synthetic fibres and fabrics. In households, diluted acetic acid is often used in descaling agents. In the food industry, acetic acid is used under the food additive code E260 as an acidity regulator and as a condiment. As a food additive it is approved for usage in many countries, including Canada,[9] the European Union,[10] the United States,[11] and Australia and New Zealand.[12]
The global demand for acetic acid is around 6.5 million tonnes per year (Mt/a), of which approximately 1.5 Mt/a is met by recycling; the remainder is manufactured from petrochemical feedstock.[13] As a chemical reagent, biological sources of acetic acid are of interest, but generally uncompetitive. Vinegar is dilute acetic acid, often produced by fermentation and subsequent oxidation of ethanol.
The trivial name acetic acid is the most commonly used and preferred IUPAC name. The systematic name ethanoic acid, a valid IUPAC name, is constructed according to the substitutive nomenclature.[5] The name acetic acid derives from acetum, the Latin word for vinegar, and is related to the word acid itself.
Glacial acetic acid is a name for water-free (anhydrous) acetic acid. Similar to the German name Eisessig (ice-vinegar), the name comes from the ice-like crystals that form slightly below room temperature at 16.6 °C (61.9 °F) (the presence of 0.1% water lowers its melting point by 0.2 °C).[14]
A common abbreviation for acetic acid is AcOH, where Ac stands for the acetyl group CH3−C(=O)−. Acetate (CH3COO−) is abbreviated AcO−. The Ac is not to be confused with the abbreviation for the chemical element actinium.[15] To better reflect its structure, acetic acid is often written as CH3–C(O)OH, CH3–C(=O)OH, CH3COOH, and CH3CO2H. In the context of acid-base reactions, the abbreviation HAc is sometimes used,[16] where Ac instead stands for acetate. Acetate is the ion resulting from loss of H+ from acetic acid. The name acetate can also refer to a salt containing this anion, or an ester of acetic acid.[17]
The hydrogen centre in the carboxyl group (−COOH) in carboxylic acids such as acetic acid can separate from the molecule by ionization:
Because of this release of the proton (H+), acetic acid has acidic character. Acetic acid is a weak monoprotic acid. In aqueous solution, it has a pKa value of 4.76.[18] Its conjugate base is acetate (CH3COO−). A 1.0 M solution (about the concentration of domestic vinegar) has a pH of 2.4, indicating that merely 0.4% of the acetic acid molecules are dissociated.[19]
In solid acetic acid, the molecules form pairs (dimers), being connected by hydrogen bonds.[20] The dimers can also be detected in the vapour at 120 °C (248 °F). Dimers also occur in the liquid phase in dilute solutions in non-hydrogen-bonding solvents, and a certain extent in pure acetic acid,[21] but are disrupted by hydrogen-bonding solvents. The dissociation enthalpy of the dimer is estimated at 65.0–66.0 kJ/mol, and the dissociation entropy at 154–157 J mol−1 K−1.[22] Other lower carboxylic acids dimerize in a similar fashion.[23]
Liquid acetic acid is a hydrophilic (polar) protic solvent, similar to ethanol and water. With a moderate relative static permittivity (dielectric constant) of 6.2, it dissolves not only polar compounds such as inorganic salts and sugars, but also non-polar compounds such as oils and elements such as sulfur and iodine. It readily mixes with other polar and non-polar solvents such as water, chloroform, and hexane. With higher alkanes (starting with octane), acetic acid is not completely miscible anymore, and its miscibility continues to decline with longer n-alkanes.[24] This dissolving property and miscibility of acetic acid makes it a widely used industrial chemical, for example, as a solvent in the production of dimethyl terephthalate.[13]
At physiological pHs, acetic acid is usually fully ionised to acetate. The acetyl group, derived from acetic acid, is fundamental to all forms of life. When bound to coenzyme A, it is central to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Unlike longer-chain carboxylic acids (the fatty acids), acetic acid does not occur in natural triglycerides. However, the artificial triglyceride triacetin (glycerine triacetate) is a common food additive and is found in cosmetics and topical medicines.[25]
Acetic acid is produced and excreted by acetic acid bacteria, notable ones being the Acetobacter genus and Clostridium acetobutylicum. These bacteria are found universally in foodstuffs, water, and soil, and acetic acid is produced naturally as fruits and other foods spoil. Acetic acid is also a component of the vaginal lubrication of humans and other primates, where it appears to serve as a mild antibacterial agent.[26]
Acetic acid is produced industrially both synthetically and by bacterial fermentation. About 75% of acetic acid made for use in the chemical industry is made by the carbonylation of methanol, explained below.[13] Alternative methods account for the rest. The biological route accounts for only about 10% of world production, but it remains important for the production of vinegar, as many food purity laws stipulate that vinegar used in foods must be of biological origin. As of 2003–2005, total worldwide production of virgin acetic acid was estimated at 5 Mt/a (million tonnes per year), approximately half of which was then produced in the United States. European production stood at approximately 1 Mt/a and was declining, and 0.7 Mt/a were produced in Japan. Another 1.5 Mt were recycled each year, bringing the total world market to 6.5 Mt/a.[27][28] Since then the global production has increased to 10.7 Mt/a (in 2010), and further, however, slowing increase in production is predicted.[29] The two biggest producers of virgin acetic acid are Celanese and BP Chemicals. Other major producers include Millennium Chemicals, Sterling Chemicals, Samsung, Eastman, and Svensk Etanolkemi.[30]
Most acetic acid is produced by methanol carbonylation. In this process, methanol and carbon monoxide react to produce acetic acid according to the equation:
The process involves iodomethane as an intermediate, and occurs in three steps. A catalyst, metal carbonyl, is needed for the carbonylation (step 2).[31]
Two related processes for the carbonylation of methanol: the rhodium-catalyzed Monsanto process, and the iridium-catalyzed Cativa process. The latter process is greener and more efficient[32] and has largely supplanted the former process, often in the same production plants. Catalytic amounts of water are used in both processes, but the Cativa process requires less, so the water-gas shift reaction is suppressed, and fewer by-products are formed.
By altering the process conditions, acetic anhydride may also be produced on the same plant using the rhodium catalysts.[33]
Prior to the commercialization of the Monsanto process, most acetic acid was produced by oxidation of acetaldehyde. This remains the second-most-important manufacturing method, although it is usually uncompetitive with the carbonylation of methanol.
The acetaldehyde may be produced via oxidation of butane or light naphtha, or by hydration of ethylene. When butane or light naphtha is heated with air in the presence of various metal ions, including those of manganese, cobalt, and chromium, peroxides form and then decompose to produce acetic acid according to the chemical equation:
The typical reaction is conducted at temperatures and pressures designed to be as hot as possible while still keeping the butane a liquid. Typical reaction conditions are 150 °C (302 °F) and 55 atm.[34] Side-products may also form, including butanone, ethyl acetate, formic acid, and propionic acid. These side-products are also commercially valuable, and the reaction conditions may be altered to produce more of them where needed. However, the separation of acetic acid from these by-products adds to the cost of the process.[35]
Under similar conditions and using similar catalysts as are used for butane oxidation, the oxygen in air to produce acetic acid can oxidize acetaldehyde.[35]
Using modern catalysts, this reaction can have an acetic acid yield greater than 95%. The major side-products are ethyl acetate, formic acid, and formaldehyde, all of which have lower boiling points than acetic acid and are readily separated by distillation.[35]
Acetaldehyde may be prepared from ethylene via the Wacker process, and then oxidised as above. In more recent times, chemical company Showa Denko, which opened an ethylene oxidation plant in Ōita, Japan, in 1997, commercialised a cheaper single-stage conversion of ethylene to acetic acid.[36] The process is catalyzed by a palladium metal catalyst supported on a heteropoly acid such as tungstosilicic acid. It is thought to be competitive with methanol carbonylation for smaller plants (100–250 kt/a), depending on the local price of ethylene. The approach will be based on utilizing a novel selective photocatalytic oxidation technology for the selective oxidation of ethylene and ethane to acetic acid. Unlike traditional oxidation catalysts, the selective oxidation process will use UV light to produce acetic acid at ambient temperatures and pressure.
For most of human history, acetic acid bacteria of the genus Acetobacter have made acetic acid, in the form of vinegar. Given sufficient oxygen, these bacteria can produce vinegar from a variety of alcoholic foodstuffs. Commonly used feeds include apple cider, wine, and fermented grain, malt, rice, or potato mashes. The overall chemical reaction facilitated by these bacteria is:
A dilute alcohol solution inoculated with Acetobacter and kept in a warm, airy place will become vinegar over the course of a few months. Industrial vinegar-making methods accelerate this process by improving the supply of oxygen to the bacteria.[37]
The first batches of vinegar produced by fermentation probably followed errors in the winemaking process. If must is fermented at too high a temperature, acetobacter will overwhelm the yeast naturally occurring on the grapes. As the demand for vinegar for culinary, medical, and sanitary purposes increased, vintners quickly learned to use other organic materials to produce vinegar in the hot summer months before the grapes were ripe and ready for processing into wine. This method was slow, however, and not always successful, as the vintners did not understand the process.[38]
One of the first modern commercial processes was the "fast method" or "German method", first practised in Germany in 1823. In this process, fermentation takes place in a tower packed with wood shavings or charcoal. The alcohol-containing feed is trickled into the top of the tower, and fresh air supplied from the bottom by either natural or forced convection. The improved air supply in this process cut the time to prepare vinegar from months to weeks.[39]
Nowadays, most vinegar is made in submerged tank culture, first described in 1949 by Otto Hromatka and Heinrich Ebner.[40] In this method, alcohol is fermented to vinegar in a continuously stirred tank, and oxygen is supplied by bubbling air through the solution. Using modern applications of this method, vinegar of 15% acetic acid can be prepared in only 24 hours in batch process, even 20% in 60-hour fed-batch process.[38]
Species of anaerobic bacteria, including members of the genus Clostridium or Acetobacterium can convert sugars to acetic acid directly, without using ethanol as an intermediate. The overall chemical reaction conducted by these bacteria may be represented as:
These acetogenic bacteria produce acetic acid from one-carbon compounds, including methanol, carbon monoxide, or a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen:
This ability of Clostridium to utilize sugars directly, or to produce acetic acid from less costly inputs, means that these bacteria could potentially produce acetic acid more efficiently than ethanol-oxidizers like Acetobacter. However, Clostridium bacteria are less acid-tolerant than Acetobacter. Even the most acid-tolerant Clostridium strains can produce vinegar of only a few per cent acetic acid, compared to Acetobacter strains that can produce vinegar of up to 20% acetic acid. At present, it remains more cost-effective to produce vinegar using Acetobacter than to produce it using Clostridium and then concentrate it. As a result, although acetogenic bacteria have been known since 1940, their industrial use remains confined to a few niche applications.[41]
Acetic acid is a chemical reagent for the production of chemical compounds. The largest single use of acetic acid is in the production of vinyl acetate monomer, closely followed by acetic anhydride and ester production. The volume of acetic acid used in vinegar is comparatively small.[13][28]
The major use of acetic acid is for the production of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM). In 2008, this application was estimated to consume one third of the world's production of acetic acid.[13] The reaction is of ethylene and acetic acid with oxygen over a palladium catalyst, conducted in the gas phase.[42]
Vinyl acetate can be polymerised to polyvinyl acetate or to other polymers, which are components in paints and adhesives.[42]
The major esters of acetic acid are commonly used solvents for inks, paints and coatings. The esters include ethyl acetate, n-butyl acetate, isobutyl acetate, and propyl acetate. They are typically produced by catalyzed reaction from acetic acid and the corresponding alcohol:
Most acetate esters, however, are produced from acetaldehyde using the Tishchenko reaction. In addition, ether acetates are used as solvents for nitrocellulose, acrylic lacquers, varnish removers, and wood stains. First, glycol monoethers are produced from ethylene oxide or propylene oxide with alcohol, which are then esterified with acetic acid. The three major products are ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate (EEA), ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate (EBA), and propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PMA, more commonly known as PGMEA in semiconductor manufacturing processes, where it is used as a resist solvent). This application consumes about 15% to 20% of worldwide acetic acid. Ether acetates, for example EEA, have been shown to be harmful to human reproduction.[28]
The product of the condensation of two molecules of acetic acid is acetic anhydride. The worldwide production of acetic anhydride is a major application, and uses approximately 25% to 30% of the global production of acetic acid. The main process involves dehydration of acetic acid to give ketene at 700–750 °C. Ketene is thereafter reacted with acetic acid to obtain the anhydride:[43]
Acetic anhydride is an acetylation agent. As such, its major application is for cellulose acetate, a synthetic textile also used for photographic film. Acetic anhydride is also a reagent for the production of heroin and other compounds.[43]
Glacial acetic acid is an excellent polar protic solvent, as noted above. It is frequently used as a solvent for recrystallization to purify organic compounds. Acetic acid is used as a solvent in the production of terephthalic acid (TPA), the raw material for polyethylene terephthalate (PET). In 2006, about 20% of acetic acid was used for TPA production.[28]
Acetic acid is often used as a solvent for reactions involving carbocations, such as Friedel-Crafts alkylation. For example, one stage in the commercial manufacture of synthetic camphor involves a Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement of camphene to isobornyl acetate; here acetic acid acts both as a solvent and as a nucleophile to trap the rearranged carbocation.[44]
Glacial acetic acid is used in analytical chemistry for the estimation of weakly alkaline substances such as organic amides. Glacial acetic acid is a much weaker base than water, so the amide behaves as a strong base in this medium. It then can be titrated using a solution in glacial acetic acid of a very strong acid, such as perchloric acid.[45]
Diluted acetic acid is used in physical therapy using iontophoresis.[46]
Vinegar is typically 4–18% acetic acid by mass. Vinegar is used directly as a condiment, and in the pickling of vegetables and other foods. Table vinegar tends to be more diluted (4% to 8% acetic acid), while commercial food pickling employs solutions that are more concentrated. The amount of acetic acid used as vinegar on a worldwide scale is not large, but is by far the oldest and best-known application.[47]
Acetic acid undergoes the typical chemical reactions of a carboxylic acid. Upon treatment with a standard base, it converts to metal acetate and water. With strong bases (e.g., organolithium reagents), it can be doubly deprotonated to give LiCH2CO2Li. Reduction of acetic acid gives ethanol. The OH group is the main site of reaction, as illustrated by the conversion of acetic acid to acetyl chloride. Other substitution derivatives include acetic anhydride; this anhydride is produced by loss of water from two molecules of acetic acid. Esters of acetic acid can likewise be formed via Fischer esterification, and amides can be formed. When heated above 440 °C (824 °F), acetic acid decomposes to produce carbon dioxide and methane, or to produce ketene and water:[48][49][50]
Acetic acid is mildly corrosive to metals including iron, magnesium, and zinc, forming hydrogen gas and salts called acetates:
Because aluminium forms a passivating acid-resistant film of aluminium oxide, aluminium tanks are used to transport acetic acid. Metal acetates can also be prepared from acetic acid and an appropriate base, as in the popular "baking soda + vinegar" reaction:
A colour reaction for salts of acetic acid is iron(III) chloride solution, which results in a deeply red colour that disappears after acidification.[51] A more sensitive test uses lanthanum nitrate with iodine and ammonia to give a blue solution.[52] Acetates when heated with arsenic trioxide form cacodyl oxide, which can be detected by its malodorous vapours.[53]
Organic or inorganic salts are produced from acetic acid, including:
Substituted acetic acids produced include:
Amounts of acetic acid used in these other applications together (apart from TPA) account for another 5–10% of acetic acid use worldwide. These applications are, however, not expected to grow as much as TPA production.[28]
Vinegar was known early in civilization as the natural result of exposure of beer and wine to air, because acetic acid-producing bacteria are present globally. The use of acetic acid in alchemy extends into the 3rd century BC, when the Greek philosopher Theophrastus described how vinegar acted on metals to produce pigments useful in art, including white lead (lead carbonate) and verdigris, a green mixture of copper salts including copper(II) acetate. Ancient Romans boiled soured wine to produce a highly sweet syrup called sapa. Sapa that was produced in lead pots was rich in lead acetate, a sweet substance also called sugar of lead or sugar of Saturn, which contributed to lead poisoning among the Roman aristocracy.[54]
In the 16th-century German alchemist Andreas Libavius described the production of acetone from the dry distillation of lead acetate, ketonic decarboxylation. The presence of water in vinegar has such a profound effect on acetic acid's properties that for centuries chemists believed that glacial acetic acid and the acid found in vinegar were two different substances. French chemist Pierre Adet proved them identical.[54][55]
In 1845 German chemist Hermann Kolbe synthesised acetic acid from inorganic compounds for the first time. This reaction sequence consisted of chlorination of carbon disulfide to carbon tetrachloride, followed by pyrolysis to tetrachloroethylene and aqueous chlorination to trichloroacetic acid, and concluded with electrolytic reduction to acetic acid.[56]
By 1910, most glacial acetic acid was obtained from the "pyroligneous liquor" from distillation of wood. The acetic acid was isolated from this by treatment with milk of lime, and the resulting calcium acetate was then acidified with sulfuric acid to recover acetic acid. At that time, Germany was producing 10,000 tons of glacial acetic acid, around 30% of which was used for the manufacture of indigo dye.[54][57]
Because both methanol and carbon monoxide are commodity raw materials, methanol carbonylation long appeared to be attractive precursors to acetic acid. Henri Dreyfus at British Celanese developed a methanol carbonylation pilot plant as early as 1925.[58] However, a lack of practical materials that could contain the corrosive reaction mixture at the high pressures needed (200 atm or more) discouraged commercialization of these routes. The first commercial methanol carbonylation process, which used a cobalt catalyst, was developed by German chemical company BASF in 1963. In 1968, a rhodium-based catalyst (cis−[Rh(CO)2I2]−) was discovered that could operate efficiently at lower pressure with almost no by-products. US chemical company Monsanto Company built the first plant using this catalyst in 1970, and rhodium-catalyzed methanol carbonylation became the dominant method of acetic acid production (see Monsanto process). In the late 1990s, the chemicals company BP Chemicals commercialised the Cativa catalyst ([Ir(CO)2I2]−), which is promoted by iridium[59] for greater efficiency. This iridium-catalyzed Cativa process is greener and more efficient[32] and has largely supplanted the Monsanto process, often in the same production plants.
Acetic acid was discovered in the interstellar medium in 1996 by a team led by David Mehringer[60] who detected it using the former Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association array at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory and the former Millimeter Array located at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. It was first detected in the Sagittarius B2 North molecular cloud (also known as the Sgr B2 Large Molecule Heimat source). Acetic acid has the distinction of being the first molecule discovered in the interstellar medium using solely radio interferometers; in all previous ISM molecular discoveries made in the millimetre and centimetre wavelength regimes, single dish radio telescopes were at least partly responsible for the detections.[60]
Concentrated acetic acid is corrosive to skin and must, therefore, be handled with appropriate care, since it can cause skin burns, permanent eye damage, and irritation to the mucous membranes.[61][62] These burns or blisters may not appear until hours after exposure. Latex gloves offer no protection, so specially resistant gloves, such as those made of nitrile rubber, are worn when handling the compound. Concentrated acetic acid can be ignited with difficulty in the laboratory. It becomes a flammable risk if the ambient temperature exceeds 39 °C (102 °F), and can form explosive mixtures with air above this temperature (explosive limits: 5.4–16%).
Acetic acid is a strong eye, skin, and mucous membrane irritant. Prolonged skin contact with glacial acetic acid may result in tissue destruction. Inhalation exposure (eight hours) to acetic acid vapours at 10 ppm could produce some irritation of eyes, nose, and throat; at 100 ppm marked lung irritation and possible damage to lungs, eyes, and skin might result. Vapour concentrations of 1,000 ppm cause marked irritation of eyes, nose and upper respiratory tract and cannot be tolerated. These predictions were based on animal experiments and industrial exposure. Skin sensitization to acetic acid is rare, but has occurred.
It has been reported that, in 12 workers exposed for two or more years to an estimated mean acetic acid airborne concentration of 51 ppm, there were symptoms of conjunctive irritation, upper respiratory tract irritation, and hyperkeratotic dermatitis. Exposure to 50 ppm or more is intolerable to most persons and results in intensive lacrimation and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, with pharyngeal oedema and chronic bronchitis. Unacclimatised humans experience extreme eye and nasal irritation at concentrations in excess of 25 ppm, and conjunctivitis from concentrations below 10 ppm has been reported. In a study of five workers exposed for seven to 12 years to concentrations of 80 to 200 ppm at peaks, the principal findings were blackening and hyperkeratosis of the skin of the hands, conjunctivitis (but no corneal damage), bronchitis and pharyngitis, and erosion of the exposed teeth (incisors and canines).[63]
The hazards of solutions of acetic acid depend on the concentration. The following table lists the EU classification of acetic acid solutions:[64]
Concentration by weight |
Molarity | Classification | R-Phrases |
10–25% | 1.67–4.16 mol/L | Irritant (Xi) | R36/38 |
25–90% | 4.16–14.99 mol/L | Corrosive (C) | R34 |
>90% | >14.99 mol/L | Corrosive (C) Flammable (F) | R10, R35 |
Solutions at more than 25% acetic acid are handled in a fume hood because of the pungent, corrosive vapour. Dilute acetic acid, in the form of vinegar, is practically harmless. However, ingestion of stronger solutions is dangerous to human and animal life. It can cause severe damage to the digestive system, and a potentially lethal change in the acidity of the blood.
Due to incompatibilities, it is recommended to keep acetic acid away from chromic acid, ethylene glycol, nitric acid, perchloric acid, permanganates, peroxides and hydroxyls.[65]
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リンク元 | 「acetic」「CH3COOH」 |
関連記事 | 「Ac」 |