- the stalk of a stamen
- a thin wire (usually tungsten) that is heated white hot by the passage of an electric current
- a threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells) (同)filum
- the readily stainable substance of a cell nucleus consisting of DNA and RNA and various proteins; during mitotic division it condenses into chromosomes (同)chromatin granule
- (くもの巣などの)細糸 / (電球・真空管内の)フィラメント
- 染色質(細胞核にある染色しやすい物質)
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English Journal
- Structure of the 300A chromatin filament: X-ray diffraction from oriented samples.
- Widom J, Klug A.
- Cell.Cell.1985 Nov;43(1):207-13.
- X-ray diffraction patterns have been obtained from partially oriented samples of 300A chromatin filaments. The chromatin was prepared by methods that preserve its structure, and conditions were found in which the 300A filaments spontaneously form ordered aggregates, so that it was not necessary to p
- PMID 4075395
Related Links
- Cell, Vol. 43, 207-213, November 1985, Copyright 1985 by MIT O Structure of the 300A Chromatin Filament: X-Ray Diffraction from Oriented Samples J. Widom` and A. Klug MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Hills Road ...
- ABSTRACT X-ray diffraction patterns have been obtained from partially oriented samples of 300A chromatin filaments. The chromatin was prepared by methods that preserve its structure, and conditions were found in which the 300A ...
- 英
- 300A chromatin filament, 300A chromatin fiber
- 同
- 30 nm chromatin fiber、300Aクロマチン繊維
- 関
- クロマチン
[show details]
300 A chromatin fiber : 約 10 件
300 A chromatin filament : 約 15 件