- 英
- red-water fever
- 関
- テキサス熱
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- 1. 発熱性好中球減少症症候群の概要overview of neutropenic fever syndromes [show details]
…related to neutropenic fever, including definitions of fever and neutropenia and categories of risk. The risk assessment and diagnostic approach to patients presenting with neutropenic fever are discussed in …
- 2. 好中球減少性発熱をきたす成人の癌患者への診断的アプローチdiagnostic approach to the adult cancer patient with neutropenic fever [show details]
…management of fever and neutropenia in adults treated for malignancy . The diagnostic evaluation of cancer patients presenting with neutropenic fever will be reviewed here. An overview of neutropenic fever syndromes …
- 3. 高熱および肺浸潤を有する免疫不全患者へのアプローチapproach to the immunocompromised patient with fever and pulmonary infiltrates [show details]
…patient with fever and pulmonary infiltrates will be reviewed here. An overview of pulmonary infections in immunocompromised hosts is presented separately. Empiric therapy for adult patients with fever and neutropenia… Virtually all blood products have been implicated in TRALI. Infusions of whole blood, platelets, packed red blood cells, and fresh frozen plasma are the most commonly identified precipitating causes, but case …
- 4. 成人における不明熱に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with fever of unknown origin [show details]
… cases. The degree of fever, nature of the fever curve, apparent toxicity, and response to antipyretics has not been found to provide enough specificity to guide the diagnosis of FUO . Fever may be attenuated …
- 5. 小児の不明熱に対するアプローチfever of unknown origin in children evaluation [show details]
… with defervescence may indicate factitious fever. It is important to ask, and ask again, about past or current abnormalities or complaints. As examples: Red eyes that resolved spontaneously may suggest …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Texas fever, Texas cattle fever, cattle tick fever
- 同
- 赤水熱 red-water fever
- 家畜の疾患。
- 人は稀。
- ダニ(オウシマダニ, Boophilus microplus)が媒介。
- 病原体はバベシア・ビゲミナ Babesia bigemina
- 英
- heat、hot、 fever(→発熱)
- 関
- アイソトープ、加温、発情、発情期、放射性、加熱、熱い、熱感、ホット