- 英
- parasite egg, helminth eggs
- 同
- 寄生虫卵
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- 1. 外陰病変:赤色病変の鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis of red lesions [show details]
…the 1 to 2 mm crab louse attached to the base of the hairs and small gray to tan nits (eggs) on hair shafts. Insect bites can cause a significant reaction in a person who has been previously sensitized …
- 2. ツツガムシ咬傷chigger bites [show details]
…adult form. Adults and nymphs live in the soil and feed on plants, other mites and small insects, and insect eggs. Although trombiculid mites are found in most areas of the world, requirements for certain …
- 3. 人畜共通感染症:犬猫以外の動物zoonoses animals other than dogs and cats [show details]
…mucous membranes; Hand-to-mouth transfer of microorganisms, cysts, or oocysts (eggs) from feces of an infected animal; Insect bites when these vectors are carried into the home by pets or when bites transmit …
- 4. 昆虫や節足動物による咬傷insect and other arthropod bites [show details]
…present with severe systemic allergic reactions following insect bites . Reactions can result following insect bites, stings of Hymenoptera insects, and a variety of other triggers, which cause widespread …
- 5. 妊婦管理:妊婦教育、健康管理、よく使う医薬品の安全性prenatal care patient education health promotion and safety of commonly used drugs [show details]
…coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration.) Avoid undercooked meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Cook to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-recommended . Avoid or limit consumption … pants, staying in places with air conditioning, sleeping under a mosquito net, and using an approved insect repellant. In addition, pregnant people whose sexual partner has traveled to affected regions should …
Related Links
- 虫卵:虫卵検査(ちゅうらんけんさ)とは、検便によって寄生虫の卵の有無を調べ、寄生虫に感染しているかどうかを調べる検査のことです。
- 寄生虫卵、原虫の大きさ比較 5. 寄生虫検査法 6. 寄生虫検査の進め方 7. 検査を進める上での注意事項 各 論 1. 回虫 Ascaris lumbricoides 2. 蟯虫 Enterobius vermicularis 3. 鉤虫 Ancylostoma duodenale 4. 東洋毛様線虫 5. 鞭虫 6. ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- egg tubercle
- 同
- 虫卵肉芽腫 egg granuloma
- 関
- 日本住血吸虫、日本住血吸虫症
- 英
- egg granuloma
- 関
- 虫卵結節