- 英
- decubital ulcer of tongue
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- 1. 閉じ込め症候群locked in syndrome [show details]
… Bilateral lesions involving these fibers cause a loss of voluntary mouth and tongue movement as well as loss of speech and swallow.… inquiring about and treating pain, and preventing immobility, contractures, corneal abrasions, and decubitus ulcers. The locked-in syndrome poses high risks for respiratory complications, and patients need to …
- 2. 手術時や麻酔時の成人の体位patient positioning for surgery and anesthesia in adults [show details]
… especially with administration of intravenous fluid, can result in edema and swelling of the face, tongue, and laryngeal tissues, which can cause airway compromise after extubation . An extubation strategy … development of pressure ulcers . Effective preventive measures for pressure ulcers were not used, and 21 percent of patients developed pressure ulcers; 53 percent occurred…
- 3. 遺伝性感覚自律神経ニューロパチーhereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies [show details]
…pain and temperature. Additional clinical features include small stature, kyphoscoliosis, a smooth tongue that lacks fungiform papillae, recurrent aspiration or vomiting, multiple sites of skin trauma, dysarthria … Patients are at risk for decubitus ulcers due to decreased pain sensitivity.…
- 4. 急性脳卒中の初期評価およびマネージメントinitial assessment and management of acute stroke [show details]
…if there are cholesterol emboli or papilledema. The head should be examined for signs of trauma. A tongue laceration may suggest a seizure. In cases where there is a report or suspicion of a fall, the neck … likelihood of major complications such as pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and pressure sores after stroke. Exceptions may include those who exhibit neurologic deterioration upon assuming …
- 5. 緩和ケアにおける症状の評価へのアプローチapproach to symptom assessment in palliative care [show details]
… difficulty with speaking . On examination, the presence of dry lips, dry mucosa, dental caries, a coated tongue, and ropy saliva helps confirm the impression of xerostomia. Associated findings of relevance include … Breakthrough pain may result from such routine procedures as dressing changes for pressure ulcers or wounds,…
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- 概要 褥瘡とは、体の一部が長時間の圧迫を受けた場合に、その部位の皮膚の血流が悪くなり壊死した状態です。そのような壊死した部位に、摩擦やずれにより生じる引っ張り応力(物体が外力によって引っ張られるとき、それに応じて内部に生じる力)がかかると潰瘍が生じます。
- 口腔粘膜の褥瘡性潰瘍の原因 口腔粘膜の褥瘡性潰瘍の症状はいくつかの原因があります。歯そのものが原因であれば、歯並びの悪さなどの誤った方向に生えている歯が舌に当たり、舌のへりや頬の内側の粘膜に潰瘍を作ります。
- 褥瘡性潰瘍はどんな病気? 適合していない入れ歯や虫歯などが口の粘膜に繰り返し刺激を与え続けることで、舌の縁の部分や頬の粘膜に生じる潰瘍のことを、褥瘡性潰瘍といいます。入れ歯や歯の被せ物が一定の箇所に刺激を与え続けた結果、その部位の血行が悪くなり壊死を起こしてしまう ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- pressure ulcer, bedsore, pressure sore
- ラ
- decubitus
- 同
- とこずれ、床ずれ、床擦れ
- 関
- pressure ulcers
[show details]
- I度:局所の発赤のみ。皮膚は失われていない
- II度:皮膚の剥離・水疱
- III度:皮膚~皮下組織
- IV度:骨、筋肉、腱
- 褥瘡は清潔を保ち、湿潤を保つことで治癒を促進する。乾燥していると(痂皮化)治癒が遅れる。
- 日本褥瘡学会編/医療・GL(09年)/ガイドライン
- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0036/1/0036_G0000181_0038.html
- http://www.mimaki-family.com/mimaki/tokozure/bunrui.html
- 英
- ulcer
- ラ
- ulcus
- 関
- びらん
- 粘膜の損傷が粘膜筋板に達し、その筋層を貫通した場合。
- 英
- decubitus ulcer、decubital ulcer
- 関
- 褥瘡、床ずれ、舌褥瘡性潰瘍