- 英
- lingual leukoplakia, tongue leukoplakia
- 同
- 舌白板症
- 関
- 白板症
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- 1. 白衣高血圧症と仮面高血圧症white coat and masked hypertension [show details]
…presence of white coat hypertension. Evaluation for white coat effect – In a patient with apparent resistant hypertension, white coat effect is diagnosed in the same manner as white coat hypertension in untreated …
- 2. 成人における高血圧の概要overview of hypertension in adults [show details]
…results of awake ABPM better than traditional office blood pressure measurement and may reduce the white coat effect . Given the importance of obtaining accurate and reproducible blood pressure readings …
- 3. 診察室外血圧測定:自由行動下血圧測定および自己血圧測定out of office blood pressure measurement ambulatory and self measured blood pressure monitoring [show details]
…they reduce the overall costs of antihypertensive medication treatment by detecting white coat hypertension and white coat effect, and therefore may be cost effective . SMBP and ABPM can be used as complementary …
- 4. 小児における携帯型血圧モニターambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children [show details]
…identifying children with white coat hypertension who do not require further testing or treatment. A significant number of children have white coat or isolated office hypertension with normal values outside …
- 5. 成人における高血圧症の診断およびマネージメントのための血圧測定blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis and management of hypertension in adults [show details]
…clinician office are normotensive outside of the office . This phenomenon, called "white coat" or isolated office hypertension, should be suspected in any patient with markedly elevated office BP in the absence …
Related Links
- 白斑のみでは痛むことはありませんが、紅斑が混在するものでは痛みを伴うようになります。 長期に経過すると、白板症からがんが発生することもあります。これまでの日本の報告では、長期経過で白板症の4〜8%程度に悪性化がみ ...
- 舌側縁は舌癌の好発部位で、この部分が角化して白斑が出来るときには白斑症あるいは白板症といって前癌状態と考えられ、要注意です。 舌白斑症~舌癌 白斑症(ロイコプラキー)とは粘膜表面に白色の 口蓋扁桃摘出後の舌扁桃肥大 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- vitiligo、white spot
- ラ
- leukoderma
- 同
- 脱色素斑 depigmented spot
- 関
- 白点、白斑症、尋常性白斑
- 英
- sis, pathy