- 英
- ()
- make ineffective or powerless; "The teachers were hamstrung by the overly rigid schedules"
- cripple by cutting the hamstring
- one of the tendons at the back of the knee (同)hamstring tendon
- 膝腱(ひざ(後脚)の後ろのくぼんだところの腱(けん)) / 〈人や四足獣〉の膝腱を切る
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全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. ハムストリング筋腱損傷 hamstring muscle and tendon injuries
- 2. 下肢ランニング障害の概要 overview of running injuries of the lower extremity
- 3. 後十字靱帯損傷 posterior cruciate ligament injury
- 4. 膝の身体診察 physical examination of the knee
- 5. 股関節の筋骨格超音波検査 musculoskeletal ultrasound of the hip
Related Links
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Related Pictures
- 関
- hamstring muscle
- 英
- hamstring muscle、hamstring
- 関
- 膝腱
- 英
- tendon (K)
- ラ
- tendo