- 英
- glandular stage
- 同
- 偽腺状期
- 関
- 肺
- 肺の発生の一段階
- 5-16週目でみられる。
- 肺は外分泌腺に似ており、16週目までに肺の主な要素はガス交換に関する部分を除いて形成される
- 呼吸は不可能で、この時期に生まれた胎児は生存することができない
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- 1. デスモイド腫瘍:疫学、分子学的病因、臨床症状、診断、および局所療法desmoid tumors epidemiology molecular pathogenesis clinical presentation diagnosis and local therapy [show details]
… survival rates according to stage were as follows : Stage I (asymptomatic, <10 cm maximum diameter and not growing) – 95 percent ; Stage II (mildly symptomatic [sensation… percent are associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) . FAP is caused by mutations in the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene,…
- 2. 肺癌が疑われる患者の初期評価、診断、および病期分類の概要overview of the initial evaluation diagnosis and staging of patients with suspected lung cancer [show details]
… establish diagnosis and staging concurrently by targeting a lesion or site that establishes the most advanced stage (eg, thoracentesis with cytology examination of fluid to establish stage IV disease). However …
- 3. 大腸癌:疫学、危険因子、および防御因子colorectal cancer epidemiology risk factors and protective factors [show details]
… Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and its variants (Gardner syndrome, Turcot syndrome, and attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis [AFAP]) account… diagnosed with CRC under the age of 50 are symptomatic, and the disease is being diagnosed at later stages, suggesting that the increased incidence is real and not representative of a shift in age at diagnosis …
- 4. 直腸腺癌のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of rectal adenocarcinoma [show details]
… staging and the staging workup, pretreatment local staging evaluation,… colorectal polyps should be removed as some types of polyps (particularly adenomatous polyps) are the precursors to invasive cancer.…
- 5. 原発性大腸癌のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of primary colon cancer [show details]
…versus six months of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage II or stage III colorectal cancer (predominantly colon cancer), individuals with early onset high-risk stage III disease had a significantly worse five-year …
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- 4期に分けられ,腺様期(胎齢6~16週),管状期(胎 齢16~26週),終末嚢期(胎齢26週から出生まで),肺胞期(胎齢32週から8歳まで)である.腺様期,管 状期は未熟な状態であるが,終末嚢期には毛細血管 が肺胞内へ突出 ...
- 3) 肺の組織発生について説明できる。. 1.. 腺様期 pseudoglandular period 5~16週(終末細気管支の分化). この時期の早産児は呼吸能が無いため生存出来ない。. 2.. 管状期 canalicular period 16~26週(一部に肺胞が分化). 立方状の原始肺胞は毛細血管が密接すると ...
- (1)腺様期:胎 生17週頃までの気管支と終末気管支が形成さ れた時期で,気 管支内腔は閉鎖しており,腺構造を呈 す. (2)管状期:胎 生25週頃までを指し,気管支内腔は拡張して いる.呼吸細気管支では数個の終末嚢(原 始肺胞)を形 成し,肺組織
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- 英
- pseudoglandular phase, pseudoglandular period
- ラ
- periodus pseudoglandularis
- 同
- 腺様期
- 英
- alveolar period
- 関
- 腺様期、管状期、終末嚢期
- 英
- adenoid
- 関
- アデノイド、腺様増殖症、咽頭扁桃腺