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- 1. 放射線性腸炎に対する外科的アプローチsurgical approach to radiation enteritis [show details]
… for surgery for radiation enteritis . Chronic radiation enteritis may result in intestinal perforation that requires immediate surgical attention . In one series of 95 women treated with pelvic radiation …
- 2. 小腸および多臓器移植の概要overview of intestinal and multivisceral transplantation [show details]
… is brought to the front table. General surgery principles are followed for restoration of intestinal continuity, with two layer visceral anastomosis. The intestinal anastomosis is usually constructed in …
- 3. 重度の外傷が持続する患者におけるdamage control surgeryおよびdamage control resuscitationの概要overview of damage control surgery and resuscitation in patients sustaining severe injury [show details]
…patient was later returned to the operating room for definitive intestinal repair and abdominal closure. The term "damage control surgery" was later used to describe abbreviated laparotomy in the context …
- 4. 手術部位感染症の評価と管理の概要overview of the evaluation and management of surgical site infection [show details]
… appendicitis or empyema after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Intra-abdominal abscess is not always associated with anastomotic leak or unrecognized intestinal injury, but these should be considered as a potential …
- 5. 胸部大動脈瘤・胸部大動脈解離への開胸手術の概要overview of open surgical repair of the thoracic aorta [show details]
… agents and surgical technical advances have reduced the risk . Ischemic complications are related to inadequate perfusion of the brain (stroke), spine (paraplegia, paraparesis), viscera (intestinal infarction …
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- 結腸空置術. 読み方:ケッチョウクウチジュツ. English:colon exclusion. 結腸遠位部位に腸内容が流入するのを遮断する手術。. 空置とは、その場所に本来通るはずの内容物などを流入させないように遮断すること。. 医療・ケア用語集トップに戻る.
- 大腸ステントの安全な普及を. 当科では1993年以来、大腸悪性狭窄(癌)への大腸ステント留置を臨床研究として200例以上で実施しており、90%以上の患者さんで閉塞症状の解消に成功しています。. 転移などで治癒が望めない終末期の患者さんや、高齢で手術 ...
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- enteroapocleisis
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- 腸曠置術
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- surgery
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- 外科、外科学、手術、外科術、外科手術