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- 1. Hyperkyphosis in older personshyperkyphosis in older persons [show details]
… Hyperkyphosis is excessive curvature of the thoracic spine, commonly known as the "dowager hump." Although it is also referred to simply as kyphosis, the term kyphosis is meant to describe the normal …
- 2. 小児や青年の腰痛:原因back pain in children and adolescents causes [show details]
…to chronic back pain in adults . Scheuermann kyphosis is a structural deformity of the thoracic spine . Epidemiology – In case series, Scheuermann kyphosis is a common diagnosis in children and adolescents …
- 3. 胸壁疾患とそれによる機能の低下chest wall diseases and restrictive physiology [show details]
…angulation of kyphosis is excessive and/or moderate to severe scoliosis is present, severe rib distortion may result. The term kyphosis is sometimes used in reference to hyperkyphosis. Hyperkyphosis is excessive …
- 4. 骨粗鬆症による胸腰椎圧迫骨折:臨床症状および医療osteoporotic thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures clinical manifestations and treatment [show details]
…detection of vertebral fracture . Kyphosis ("dowager hump") may be an indicator of multiple vertebral compression fractures, especially wedge fractures, although kyphosis may occur independently of vertebral …
- 5. 小児期や青年期のアスリートにおける脊椎分離症および脊椎すべり症:臨床症状、画像診断、および診断spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in child and adolescent athletes clinical presentation imaging and diagnosis [show details]
…spinal deformities, including kyphosis and spina bifida occulta (SBO), have been associated with spondylolysis. The incidence of spondylolysis in patients with Scheuermann kyphosis is reported to be between …
Japanese Journal
- ハイブリッド体位による胸腔鏡手術を施行した高度脊柱後彎を伴う胸部食道癌の1例
- 曽根田 亘,菊池 寛利,松本 知拓,平松 良浩,竹内 裕也
- 手術 = Operation 75(10), 1611-1616, 2021-09
- NAID 40022688889
- 脊柱後彎高齢者における腸腰筋トレーニングが脊柱後彎ならびに身体機能・能力に及ぼす効果
- ラジオ体操会に参加する高齢者の脊柱後彎変形の10年間の変化と体力測定会における脱落に及ぼす影響
- 土屋 彰吾,植田 拓也,畠山 浩太郎,中村 諒太郎,柴 喜嵩
- 理学療法学Supplement 48S1(0), E-65_1-E-65_1, 2021
- NAID 130008133822
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Related Pictures

- 英
- kyphosis
- 同
- 脊柱後彎、後弯、後彎
- 英
- angular kyphosis
- 同
- 角状後彎、突背 gibbus
- 英
- vertebral column, spinal column, spine(これだけでも脊柱の意味をなす)
- ラ
- columna vertebralis
- 関
- 脊椎