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- 1. 手掌および足底の色素性病変のダーモスコピーdermoscopy of pigmented lesions of the palms and soles [show details]
…are as follows : Parallel furrow pattern – Linear pigmentation along the furrows of the skin markings; Lattice-like pattern – Pigmented lines along and across the furrows; Fibrillar pattern – Fine fibrillar …
- 2. 脳回転状皮膚cutis verticis gyrata [show details]
…of the use of filler injections into scalp furrows in a single patient with cutis verticis gyrata and HIV-related lipodystrophy, with reduction of the furrow depth at 10 months . In patients with secondary …
- 3. 膝関節(脛骨大腿骨)脱臼および整復knee tibiofemoral dislocation and reduction [show details]
…ligament is invaginated into the joint . The presence of an anteromedial skin furrow indicates a posterolateral dislocation. If the furrow deepens when gentle longitudinal traction is applied, an open reduction…
- 4. 先天性色素性母斑congenital melanocytic nevi [show details]
…features compared with acquired melanocytic nevi, such as perifollicular hypopigmentation , skin furrow hyperpigmentation, and prominent follicular structures . Additional features include hypertrichosis …
- 5. 皮膚病変のダーモスコピー評価dermoscopic evaluation of skin lesions [show details]
…surfaces present a parallel furrow pattern or another of the benign patterns. The parallel furrow pattern is characterized by the presence of pigment along the sulci (furrows) of palms and soles After…
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Related Pictures
- 英
- femoral ring (M)
- ラ
- anulus femoralis
- 同
- 股輪
- 関
- 大腿ヘルニア
構造 (M.317)
- 外側:大腿輪と大腿静脈の隔壁
- 後方:恥骨筋とその筋膜が覆う恥骨上枝
- 内側:裂孔靭帯
- 前方:鼡径靭帯の内側部