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- 耳癤、外耳道せつ
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- 1. 小児における耳痛の評価evaluation of earache in children [show details]
… Atopic dermatitis (eczema) of the ear canal may cause similar findings. Furunculosis is a localized skin infection involving one or more hair follicles of the outer ear canal, typically caused by S. aureus …
- 2. 蜂窩織炎および皮下膿瘍:疫学、微生物学的特性、臨床症状、診断cellulitis and skin abscess epidemiology microbiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… follicle (known as a furuncle or boil), which reflects extension of purulent material through the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue. Multiple furuncles can coalesce to form carbuncles ,… "butterfly" involvement of the face Involvement of the ear (Milian ear sign) is a distinguishing feature for erysipelas,…
- 3. 間擦性皮膚病患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with an intertriginous skin disorder [show details]
… skin may occur in patients with furunculosis or hidradenitis suppurativa: Furunculosis – Furuncles, also known as boils,… predilection for intertriginous skin, scalp, and periorificial areas on the head (mouth, nostrils, ear canals). The diagnosis is based upon the clinical findings as well as the exclusion of infection and …
- 4. 外陰病変:赤色病変の鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis of red lesions [show details]
… chronicity. The typical lesions are painful, deep-seated nodules (sometimes referred to as "blind boils"), abscesses, draining sinuses, and tombstone comedones. The typical locations are the axilla, groin …
- 5. 外陰病変:黄色、皮膚色および浮腫病変の鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis of yellow skin colored and edematous lesions [show details]
…noninfectious disorder seen on the buttocks and thighs. The red papules and nodules of furunculosis may have a white or yellow summit when they come to a point and form a pustule or carbuncle …
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- 概要 耳せつとは、外耳道にできるおできのことであり、急性化膿性限局性外耳炎(限局性外耳炎)とも呼ばれます。 外耳道は耳の穴から鼓膜までの音の通り道のことですが、外耳道の外側3分の1の部分には皮脂腺や 毛包 (もうほう) が多く存在し、細菌や真菌感染を起こしやすい部位です。
- 耳せつ(急性化膿性限局性外耳炎)について【初診に適した診療科】耳鼻咽喉科【どんな病気か】外耳道は外側3分の1は軟骨部で、内側3分の2は ...
- 耳せつ(急性化膿性限局性外耳炎)はどんな病気か、原因は何か、何科を受診したらよいか、症状、検査と診断、治療方法について解説します。病院検索iタウンは、NTTタウンページ(株)が運営する医療総合サイトです。
Related Pictures

- 英
- acute localized external ottis
- ラ
- otitis externa circumscripta acuta
- 同
- 外耳道せつ otofuruncle、耳せつ、耳
- 関
- 外耳炎
- 激烈な耳痛:時に頭頂部、歯に放散する。顎関節運動で増強。
- 耳珠の圧迫、耳介の牽引で増強する耳痛 → 急性限局性外耳道炎に特徴的。乳様突起炎との鑑別に有用(SOTO.119,143)
- 発熱:悪寒と共に発熱することがある
- 耳介周囲リンパ節腫脹
- 英
- furuncle
- 関
- 癰、フルンケル、根太
- 英
- ear、otic
- ラ
- auris
- 関
- 穂