- 関
- ear、otic
- fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn (同)spike, capitulum
- attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
- good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch"
- the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
- of or relating to near the ear (同)auricular
- herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile (同)saurischian dinosaur
- extinct terrestrial reptiles: theropods (carnivorous); sauropods (herbivorous) (同)order Saurischia
- Old World flying squirrels (同)subfamily Petauristidae
- 〈C〉『耳』 / 《単数形で》『聴覚』,聴力,音感 / 《単数形で》じっと聞くこと,傾聴 / 〈C〉耳の形をした物
- (麦・とうもろこしなどの)穂
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/09 03:48:06」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Auris, dative and ablative form of Aurum, meaning "gold" or same nominative, genitive and vocative form, meaning "ear" in Latin, can refer to any of the following:
- Auris, Isère, a town in France
- Auris (snail), a land snail genus
- Toyota Auris
- Ear
- Auris, Austrian band
- Auris, world's first Tanker with Gas turbine
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Japanese Journal
- Trends in the management of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in Japan
- Murono Shigeyuki,Nakanishi Yosuke,Tsuji Akira,Endo Kazuhira,Kondo Satoru,Wakisaka Naohiro,Yoshida Hiroshi,Yoshizaki Tomokazu
- Auris
- Objective: Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) has historically been and still continues to be a difficult disease to treat. The present study aimed to characterize current practices in the tre …
- NAID 120005516446
- 大分県東部・四浦半島に分布する後期ジュラ紀の礁性石灰岩の堆積環境と厚歯二枚貝の産状
- 柿崎 喜宏,古山 精史朗,狩野 彰宏
- 地質学雑誌 121(1), 19-34, 2015
- 大分県に分布する津井層(上部ジュラ系)中の礁性石灰岩の岩相と化石相を定量的に検討した.層厚35 mのセクションの中で,生物相は下部のサンゴ−層孔虫主体の群集からレクイエニア亜目の厚歯二枚貝(Epidiceras)とケーテーテスを含む群集へと変化する.石灰岩の岩相,サンゴ群体の骨格の形状,造礁生物の構成要素から,堆積環境は炭酸塩マウンド上に存在した貧栄養の静穏な極浅海域であったと考えられる.Epid …
- NAID 130005070784
- Efficacy of three-dimensional endoscopy in endonasal surgery.
- Ogino-Nishimura Eriko,Nakagawa Takayuki,Sakamoto Tatsunori,Ito Juichi
- Auris
- This work was presented at the 2nd Meeting of the European Academy of ORL-HNS in Nice, France, April 27–30, 2013.[Objective]To examine the efficacy of a three-dimensional (3D) endoscope for endoscopic …
- NAID 120005619772
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- 英
- ear、otic
- ラ
- auris
- 関
- 穂
- 関
- auris、ear
- 関
- middle ear