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- 1. 乳房温存手術で切除断片陽性率を低下させるための手技techniques to reduce positive margins in breast conserving surgery [show details]
… lesion is localized using a fine wire inserted percutaneously under either mammographic or ultrasonographic guidance. The margin clearance rate associated with needle/wire localization is 54 to 90 percent …
- 2. Post-traumatic rib cage and chest wall herniaspost traumatic rib cage and chest wall hernias [show details]
… Traumatic or spontaneous costal margin hernias have been reported . Costal margin hernias may contain lung or transdiaphragmatically… Rib fractures may require reapproximation with wire sutures (grade 1) or plating (grade 2 and higher).…
- 3. 非浸潤性乳管癌:治療および予後ductal carcinoma in situ treatment and prognosis [show details]
… the adequacy of the margins is in question, a postexcision mammogram should be obtained prior to initiation of radiation. Residual suspicious calcifications warrant an image-guided (wire, reflector, tracer) …
- 4. 内視鏡による総胆管括約筋切開術endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy [show details]
…the handle. The cutting wire functions as a knife when electrical current is applied. The length of the cutting wire ranges from 15 to 40 mm, while the most commonly used wires range in length from 20 …
- 5. 原発性皮膚黒色腫または他の稀な部位の黒色腫の外科的マネージメントsurgical management of primary cutaneous melanoma or melanoma at other unusual sites [show details]
… (AAD) that recommend a margin of 0.5 to 1 cm . We most commonly use a 0.5 cm margin for melanoma in situ followed by evaluation of the histopathology to ensure clearance. If the margin is inadequate, additional …
Japanese Journal
- ラット小腸パイエル板および腸絨毛のアポトーシス発現上皮細胞上における特異的な糖の発現
- 陳 慶義,大西 佐知子,湯地 みどり [他],稲元 哲朗,斉 旺梅,山本 健吉,割田 克彦,横山 俊史,星 信彦,北川 浩
- The journal of veterinary medical science 69(2), 193-199, 2007-02-25
- … のレクチンを用いたレクチン組織化学法により調べた.Solanum tuberosum (STL)およびLycopersicon esculentum (LEL)で検出される(D-glcNAc)_<2-4>およびPeanut agglutinin (PNA)で検出されるβ-D-gal(1-3)-D-galNAcがFAEや腸絨毛の頂部の線条縁上で強く検出されたのに対して,基部ではほとんど発現していなかった.さらにレクチンに対する陽性度は,FAEや腸絨毛における上皮細胞のアポトーシスの進行度と相関した.レクチン組織化学とin situ nick …
- NAID 110006201238
- 植木 秀彰,池田 学,小山田 敏文 [他],吉川 博康,吉川 堯
- 日本獣医師会雑誌 54(1), 9-12, 2001-01-20
- … 病理組織学的に, 空腸および回腸の絨毛が著しく短縮し, 粘膜表面線条縁に多数の微小球状物が観察された. …
- NAID 10010853694
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- 関
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