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- 1. 遺伝学の基礎概念:染色体と細胞分化basic genetics concepts chromosomes and cell division [show details]
… leading to cell death. Mitosis (M phase) is the stage of the cell cycle during which somatic cells partition replicated chromosomes and cytoplasmic components to produce two daughter cells. It proceeds …
- 2. 遺伝学:用語集genetics glossary of terms [show details]
…Arising from a single clone, or cell. Examples include clonal selection of lymphocytes during immune development and clonal origin of leukemia cells or other tumor cells. Production of a genetically …
- 3. T細胞受容体シグナル伝達t cell receptor signaling [show details]
…of Ras and the MAPK cascade, with important roles in cellular activation and regulation of the cell cycle. The Ras guanyl nucleotide-releasing protein (RasGRP) is also recruited to the plasma membrane …
- 4. マントル細胞リンパ腫の病理学pathobiology of mantle cell lymphoma [show details]
… demonstrate a decreased response to DNA damage and enhanced cell survival (impaired apoptosis). Alterations in these three pathways (ie, cell cycle, DNA repair, and apoptosis) are described in the following …
- 5. 頭頸部の扁平上皮癌化:分子学的および遺伝学的変化head and neck squamous cell carcinogenesis molecular and genetic alterations [show details]
…suppressing aberrant proliferation, both by inhibition of cell cycle progression and by induction of apoptotic cell death. The regulation of cell cycle by p53 is mediated primarily at the G1-S transition, both …
Japanese Journal
- 〈Original Papers〉マウス初期胚及び始原生殖細胞における能動的DNA脱メチル化制御
- 守田 昂太郎,畑中 勇輝,天野 朋子,松本 和也
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University = 近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 (31), 67-75, 2013-03-01
- … [要旨] 哺乳動物の生殖細胞サイクルでは、受精直後の初期胚と始原生殖細胞(primordial germ cell、PGC)において分化能を獲得するために重要な核のリプログラミングが二度引き起こされる。 …
- NAID 120005735150
- 繊毛虫Euplotes woodruffiにおける自殖および細胞サイクル中のK^+に対する感受性(組胞学・遺伝学)
- 繊毛虫ユープロテスにおける胞子形成と細胞サイクルの関係(細胞学)
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- 細胞サイクル、分裂周期 division cycle
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