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- Centers for Disease Controland Prevention CDC
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- 国立疾病対策センター
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- 1. 発疹チフスepidemic typhus [show details]
… on the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list of potential bioweapons . Transmission of the sylvatic form of epidemic typhus to humans typically… agents for epidemic typhus. The drug of choice is doxycycline, although chloramphenicol is often used in the developing world. Eradication of human infestation with lice will prevent transmission…
- 2. サル痘monkeypox [show details]
… also be seen in other viral infections . Using sera from patients obtained during the 2003 United States outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed an immunoglobulin M-capture …
- 3. 小腸および大腸の腹部超音波検査transabdominal ultrasonography of the small and large intestine [show details]
… compression ultrasonography continues to be widely used in many centers to evaluate patients with suspected diverticulitis .… preventing it from closing satisfactorily . The ultrasound image displays a hyperechoic (sometimes…
- 4. ジアルジア症:治療および予防giardiasis treatment and prevention [show details]
… causes both epidemic and sporadic disease; it is an important etiology of waterborne and foodborne diarrhea and daycare center outbreaks . Issues related to the treatment and prevention of giardiasis… after handling a condom used during anal sex and after touching the anus or rectal area. These are general recommendations for prevention of gastrointestinal pathogens,…
- 5. 髄膜炎菌感染の治療および予防treatment and prevention of meningococcal infection [show details]
… later. Current reported mortality rates in the United States, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are 10 to 15 percent . This mortality rate is similar to that in the late 1960s … meropenem should be administered using a test-dose procedure. Carbapenems have been used for bacterial meningitis with meningococcus… Chemoprophylaxis regimens for such patients are the same as for post-exposure prophylaxis Epidemics of meningitis due to N.…
Japanese Journal
- 血液透析患者に合併したβ溶血性G群連鎖球菌によるtoxic shock‐like syndromeの1症例
- 吉田 哲也,大塚 泰史,友成 治夫,山岸 弘子,町田 裕美,壁谷 悠介,久保 仁,栗山 哲,細谷 龍男
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 37(8), 1651-1657, 2004
- … 臨床症状, 検査所見, 画像診断などから米国防疫センター (CDC) のTSLS診断基準に合致していた. …
- NAID 130003875278
- ヒト免疫不全ウイルス感染血友病 B 患者に認められた ST 合剤による薬剤性肺炎の1例
- 山岸 哲也,吉田 信一,福武 勝幸,内海 健太,市瀬 裕一
- 日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of thoracic diseases 34(7), 822-828, 1996-07-25
- … 米国防疫センターの後天性免疫不全症候群の診断基準に準拠し, これらの画像所見はPCPによるものと診断し, ST合剤を継続した. …
- NAID 10008110552
- 市中病院における創感染サーベイランスのこころみ 感染管理看護婦の活動を中心にして:感染管理看護婦の活動を中心にして
- 遠藤 和郎
- 環境感染 11(2), 141-146, 1996
- … でに当院で行われた総手術 (2696件) のうち, 創感染が機能, 生命予後に重大な影響を与える心臓血管外科手術 (82件) を対象とした.<BR>特に留意した点として, 1) 創感染の診断は明快で広く使われている米国防疫センターの診断基準を採用.2) 患者の内因性危険因子の標準化と数値化.3) 継続性.4) 手間, 時間そして費用の軽減.5) 診断精度の向上.6) 電算化による集計業務の簡略化.7) 患者の危険因子を考慮した報告様式.<BR& …
- NAID 130001720759
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- Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, is the 19th Director of CDC and the ninth Administrator of ATSDR. STEM at CDC. CDC has a variety of public health STEM activities for students, teachers, and professionals. I Am CDC. Meet people who work 24/7 to defend America from health threats. Check out the newest “I am CDC” video.
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- 中央、中心、中央に置く、中枢
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