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- 1. 不妊症の概要overview of infertility [show details]
…during a period of highly publicized technologic advances, and unparalleled publicity given to fertility issues in the lay press. This topic review will provide an overview of infertility issues. More …
- 2. 性腺毒性のある治療や手術の前に行う妊孕性温存療法の概要overview of fertility and reproductive hormone preservation prior to gonadotoxic therapy or surgery [show details]
…consider the fertility preservation needs of transgender and gender nonbinary persons. The approach to fertility preservation in healthy women who wish to delay childbearing and the fertility treatments …
- 3. 妊娠を計画している男女における自然妊娠の最適化optimizing natural fertility in couples planning pregnancy [show details]
…appear to be associated with decreased fertility. It is unclear whether high caffeine consumption affects female fertility; it does not appear to affect male fertility. We suggest women contemplating pregnancy …
- 4. 子宮頸癌に対する妊孕性温存手術fertility sparing surgery for cervical cancer [show details]
…thus, discussion of fertility issues, including fertility-sparing options, is an important part of pretreatment counseling. For patients who are appropriate candidates for fertility-sparing surgery and …
- 5. Fertility awareness法での避妊fertility awareness based methods of pregnancy prevention [show details]
…the electronic fertility monitor alone had the lowest unintended pregnancy rate (6 percent) compared with women using only cervical mucus monitoring (18 percent) or women using both fertility indicators (19 …
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- 英
- reproductive hypha
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- 稔性菌糸
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- 菌糸
- 英
- fertility、fertile
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- 受精能、受精率、繁殖性、肥料分、受胎能、妊孕性、妊孕能
- 英
- thread
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- 筋道、通す
- 英
- hypha,(pl.)hyphae
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