- 英
- cortical representation
- 関
- 体部位局在
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- 1. 女性の生殖能力に影響を及ぼす職業リスクと環境リスクの概要overview of occupational and environmental risks to reproduction in females [show details]
… Reproduction is a general term that applies to all aspects of procreation . A reproductive hazard interferes with the ability of a couple to achieve a successful birth. Reproductive hazards affect fertility …
- 2. 女性の生殖への職業上・環境上のリスク:特定の物質への暴露とその影響occupational and environmental risks to reproduction in females specific exposures and impact [show details]
… Detailed discussions of acute lead exposure and management in adults and children, unrelated to reproduction, are presented separately. Inorganic lead can be absorbed through the intestinal … Some research studies can test for the quantity of lead in cortical (tibia) and trabecular bone (patella) through radiograph fluorescence,…
- 3. 生殖補助医療のための卵母細胞提供oocyte donation for assisted reproduction [show details]
… reports . Cryopreserved donor oocytes are now available and are increasingly used for assisted reproduction cycles. A survey of American clinics reported that commercial egg banks (CEBs) were the most commonly …
- 4. 女性の生殖能力におよぼすカフェインの影響the effects of caffeine on reproductive outcomes in women [show details]
… significant dietary source of trans fatty acids, which may have independent adverse effects on reproduction. Trans fatty acids may interfere with the desaturation and elongation of n-3 (omega-3) fatty acids …
- 5. 性腺毒性のある治療や手術の前に行う妊孕性温存療法の概要overview of fertility and reproductive hormone preservation prior to gonadotoxic therapy or surgery [show details]
… often small, and statistical assessment is limited by sample size. Other markers associated with reproduction and ovarian function are often reported, but these surrogate outcomes are not necessarily predictive …
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- 英
- somatotopy, somatotopic topography
- 同
- 皮質再現 cortical representation、皮質体部位再現 cortical somatotopic representation
- 英
- reproduction、representation、reproduce、replicate
- 関
- 再生、生殖、提示、繁殖、反復、表現、表示、複製、複写物
- 英
- cortex (Z)
- 同
- eloquent area??