- 英
- deep impetigo
- 関
- 尋常性膿瘡
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- 1. 膿痂疹impetigo [show details]
… directed against the same protein . Ecthyma is an ulcerative form of impetigo in which the lesions extend through the epidermis and deep into the dermis. They consist of "punched-out" ulcers covered with …
- 2. 膿疱性皮膚病変を有する患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with pustular skin lesions [show details]
…chronic oral antibiotics . It can be caused by Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Proteus species. Impetigo occurs most commonly on the face and can present with bullae, honey-colored crusts, erythema, edema…
- 3. 感染症を繰り返す成人に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with recurrent infections [show details]
…Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is often complicated by recurrent staphylococcal and/or streptococcal impetigo, presumably due to the disruption of the intact epidermal layer. Cutaneous viral infections due … and immunologic evaluation can generally be restricted to those with recurrent deep infections (pyomyositis,…
- 4. 生後28日以上の小児の黄色ブドウ球菌やレンサ球菌による皮膚・軟部組織感染症の疑い:評価およびマネージメントsuspected staphylococcus aureus and streptococcal skin and soft tissue infections in children greater than28 days evaluation and management [show details]
… Impetigo and folliculitis – Impetigo and folliculitis usually are caused by S.… Cellulitis is an infection of the deep dermis and subcutaneous fat without an underlying suppurative focus (eg,…
- 5. 外陰病変:小胞、水疱、びらん、潰瘍の鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis of vesicles bullae erosions and ulcers [show details]
… bullous impetigo, and bullous pemphigoid. HSV is usually more limited and often crosses the midline, while herpes zoster is classically unilateral along a dermatome. Bullous impetigo has thin-walled… which may be shallow or deep. Deep ulcers characteristically have a violaceous,…
Related Links
- 膿痂疹には主に3つのタイプがあります:非水疱性膿痂疹、水疱性膿痂疹、そして最も深刻な状態である膿胸。
- 膿痂疹は、膿痂疹に似た症状があるため、「深部膿痂疹」と呼ばれることもありますが、皮膚のより深い部分に見られます。赤い縁の小さな泡を探します。それらは通常膿で満たされ、皮膚に深く埋め込まれているように見えます。水疱が
- 疫学・病態. 伝染性(水疱性)膿痂疹(impetigo contagiosa)は皮膚に水疱(みずぶくれ)を形成する皮 膚感染症で,別名「とびひ」ともよばれる。. 発症は主に小児で,虫刺されや汗疹などを掻き壊 したところに細菌感染を合併して発症する。. 原因菌はS. aureusで,本菌が産生する毒素に対 する皮膚反応といわれている。. 水疱は容易に破け,滲出液などを通して周囲に ...
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- ラ
- ecthyma vulgare
- 同
- 深部膿痂疹 deep impetigo、単純性膿瘡 ecthyma simplex
- 関
- 膿痂疹
- 日
- のうかしん
- 英
- impetigo
- 英
- deep
- 関
- 深在性、深い