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- 1. 血小板増加症患者に対するアプローチapproach to the patient with thrombocytosis [show details]
… occasionally associated with thrombocytosis. The 5q- syndrome and MDS/MPN with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis are the MDS categories that are most commonly associated with thrombocytosis. Acute myeloid leukemia …
- 2. 本態性血小板血症の診断および臨床症状diagnosis and clinical manifestations of essential thrombocythemia [show details]
…maturity and hematopoietic efficiency. ET has also been called essential thrombocytosis and primary thrombocytosis. It is characterized by excessive, clonal platelet production with a tendency for thrombosis …
- 3. 本態性血小板血症の予後および治療prognosis and treatment of essential thrombocythemia [show details]
…Cytoreductive therapy given to control thrombocytosis may ameliorate this complication. The use of cytoreductive agents for treatment of such elevated platelet counts in the absence of other indications (eg …
- 4. 巨核球の生物学と血小板の産生megakaryocyte biology and the production of platelets [show details]
…thrombopoietin at these elevated platelet counts. In addition to an elevated red blood cell mass, many patients with polycythemia vera also have thrombocytosis. The thrombocytosis may be present for years …
- 5. 真性多血症の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of polycythemia vera [show details]
…iron deficiency. Thrombocytosis is common (median platelet count 466,000/microL, range 70 to 2,370,000/microL) and approximately 15 percent of cases may mimic essential thrombocytosis . Leukocytosis is …
Japanese Journal
- 三血球系に著明な腫瘍性増殖がみられた急性汎骨髄症の1例:—急性赤血白血栓球血症の1例—
- 中熊 秀喜 [他],浦部 晶夫,小沢 敬也,橋本 康男,小坂 樹徳,丹下 剛,浦野 順文,島峰 徹郎
- 臨床血液 22(2), 231-236, 1981
- A case of acute panmyelosis in a 38 year-old female patient was reported. She was tentatively diagnosed “Erythroleukemia” because of an increased number of atypical erythroblast and myelob …
- NAID 130004917883
- 芳賀 圭五
- 臨床血液 14(Suppl.), S1359-S1364, 1973
- Essential thrombocythemia is a rare blood disorder characterized by the persistent increase in blood thrombocytes without any demonstrable cause and frequently accompanied by bleeding symptoms.<br& …
- NAID 130004917451
- 川島 康平 [他],西脇 洋,佐光 冨士男,平野 正美,三浦 守司,山田 一正
- 臨床血液 12(6), 532-539, 1971
- Platelet transfusions are effective in the control of hemorrhages in thrombocytopenic patients with acute leukemia. They are especially valuable as a supportive measure during intensive chemotherapy.& …
- NAID 130004497466
Related Links
- 498—12592 A 血栓症の概念 3 血栓症(thrombosis)というのは、血管が突然に血の固まり(血栓、thrombus) で閉塞する病気です。ただし、同じ血栓症でも動脈血栓症と静脈血栓症では病態も違いますし、最終的には 治療も違います。
- 血栓 とは・症状. 血栓とは、血管内の血小板や血液の塊のことです。. 血栓が血管が詰まり、血流がストップすることで生じる病気には、 心筋梗塞 や 脳梗塞 などの病気があります。. 【目次】. 血栓とは・症状. 血栓症. 血栓の原因. フィブリンが固まりやすくなる理由. 血栓が関係する病気.
- 閉鎖血管系をもつ脊椎動物は,血管が破れると失血を防ぐために血小板が凝集して血栓が形成される(一次止血).さらに血小板血栓にフィブリン網が加わり,より強固なフィブリン血栓となる(二次止血).その後,血管内皮が修復されると,プラスミノーゲンアクチベーターが生成するプラスミンが血栓を分解する(線溶系).細胞の中でも血小板は際立って小型 ...
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- 英
- thrombocythemia、thrombocythaemia
- 同
- 栓球血症
- 関
- 血小板増多、essential thrombocythemia、ET
- 英
- sis, pathy