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- 1. 喘息におけるピークフロー(最大呼気流量)モニタリングpeak expiratory flow monitoring in asthma [show details]
… measured with a peak flow meter, although it can also be measured during routine spirometry. Most peak flow meters are small mechanical devices, although electronic peak flow devices are also… Peak flow variability is calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum peak flow in a day,…
- 2. 新生児への補助呼吸、酸素供給、酸素飽和度のモニタリングrespiratory support oxygen delivery and oxygen monitoring in the newborn [show details]
… The blender down-regulates the gas flow to provide physiologic flow rates that are regulated by the flow meter.… High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) delivery devices deliver heated, humidified air at initial flow rates of 4 to 6 L/min up to maximum of 8 L/min and have been…
- 3. 成人における吸入剤の到達delivery of inhaled medication in adults [show details]
… exceeds the labeled maximum volume of the nebulizer and to avoid any incompatibility issues of the drugs . Driving gas – Increasing the flow of the driving gas results… bulk formulation in a reservoir that is metered by the patient during use, or they contain pre-metered factory dispensed doses packaged inside blisters within the device.…
- 4. 成人における肺機能検査の概要overview of pulmonary function testing in adults [show details]
… associated with a maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) ≥15 mL/kg per min . In the endurance shuttle walk test (ESWT), the subject walks at a constant speed between cones that are 10 meters apart .…limitation of flow (plateau) during forced inhalation but little if any obstruction during exhalation Less commonly, a fixed upper airway obstruction (UAO) (eg, tracheal stenosis) causes flow limitation…
- 5. 成人の喘息の急性増悪:家庭および診療所でのマネージメントacute exacerbations of asthma in adults home and office management [show details]
… airflow with a peak expiratory flow (PEF) meter (or spirometer) provides an assessment of the severity of airflow limitation . Peak flow measurements take less than… return to their baseline inhaled glucocorticoid dose after normalization of symptoms and PEF, or at a maximum of 14 days. Evidence in favor of quadrupling the inhaled glucocorticoid dose includes the following: …
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- 自己ベストのピークフロー値(パーソナルベストピークフロー値とも呼びます)は喘息のコントロールが良く2~3週間にわたって安定している時の最高のピークフロー値のことです。自己ベストのピークフロー値を決めるには常に同じピークフロー
- 安い価格1/2 "dn15マイクロフローセンサー50gpm最高のサービス. クイック詳細モデル番号:LZB-Sカスタマイズされています:はい精度:±4%圧力:≤1MPa温度:0-60℃色:接続端のチューブ、グレーおよびミルクの透明接続端:BSPスレッド、ソケット、フランジタイプの流量:2L / h-220M3 / h材料:ABS PVC AB証明書:ISO:9001重量:0.6-3Kg製品説明よくある質問1.輸送方法:1 ...
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- 英
- peak flow meter
- 同
- 最高フローメータ
- 英
- best、highest、paramount
- 関
- 最も、最良