- 英
- quantification、quantify
- 関
- 定量化
- use as a quantifier
- express as a number or measure or quantity; "Can you quantify your results?" (同)measure
- the act of discovering or expressing the quantity of something
- a limitation imposed on the variables of a proposition (as by the quantifiers `some or `all or `no'
- …‘の'量を定める,‘を'定量化する
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- 1. HIV-1 RNA定量の技術および解釈techniques and interpretation of hiv 1 rna quantitation [show details]
…viral load values . The available assays differ in their limit of quantification and linear range. The lower limit of quantification is a key characteristic of viral load assays, and how this parameter …
- 2. 遺伝学およびゲノミクスのためのツール:遺伝子発現プロファイリングtools for genetics and genomics gene expression profiling [show details]
…genes that are known. An alternative for measuring gene expression is the direct sequencing and quantification of RNA molecules. This method of measuring gene expression has also been referred to as "RNA-seq …
- 3. 僧帽弁逸脱の非不整脈合併症nonarrhythmic complications of mitral valve prolapse [show details]
…unsupported segments) is poorly tolerated and usually requires rapid surgical intervention. Formal quantification of MR is endorsed by all major society guidelines (including the American College of Cardiology …
- 4. 痙攣発作およびてんかんの診断におけるビデオおよび携帯型24時間EEGモニタリングvideo and ambulatory eeg monitoring in the diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy [show details]
…cause of recurrent seizure-like events . Video EEG can also aid in seizure classification, quantification, and determination of patient awareness of their seizures. It is also vital for presurgical evaluation…
- 5. 心嚢液貯留の診断および治療diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion [show details]
…pathology (eg, pericardial thickening and constrictive pericarditis). CT and MRI may be useful when quantification and localization of pericardial fluid is important, when the effusion is complex, and when epicardial …
Japanese Journal
- 数量化Ⅲ類による妊婦の心理社会的背景と胎児への関心による母子関係の特性とケア課題
- 世帯属性や移動環境を考慮した地域公共交通の需要予測に関する研究
- 想起法による店舗等の入りづらさに関する調査分析:店舗等の入りやすさ・入りづらさに関する評価構造の研究
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- 数量化3類 アンケート質問の選択肢(カテゴリー)相互の類似性やポジショニングを明らかにします。 アンケートでは抽象的な質問も多く、このような場合には集計による「はい %」「いいえ %」という形でしか
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- 関
- quantify、quantitate、quantitation
- 英
- quantitation、quantification、quantitate、quantify
- 関
- 数量化