- 英
- sensitive、alive、tender、acutely
- 関
- 感受性、感応性、急性的、生きている、鋭敏、圧痛のある
- young and immature; "at a tender age"
- something that can be used as an official medium of payment (同)legal_tender, stamp
- a boat for communication between ship and shore (同)ship''s boat, pinnace, cutter
- ship that usually provides supplies to other ships (同)supply ship
- car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water
- make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer; "tenderize meat" (同)tenderize, tenderise
- physically untoughened; "tender feet" (同)untoughened
- (of plants) not hardy; easily killed by adverse growing condition; "tender green shoots"
- easy to cut or chew; "tender beef"
- given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality; "a tender heart"; "a tender smile"; "tender loving care"; "tender memories"; "a tender mother"
- make a tender of; in legal settlements
- offer or present for acceptance
- responsive to physical stimuli; "a mimosas leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive skin"; "sensitive to light"
- hurting; "the tender spot on his jaw" (同)sore, raw, tender
- being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others; "sensitive to the local community and its needs"
- of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security
- (often followed by `with'
- capable of erupting; "a live volcano"; "the volcano is very much alive" (同)live
- possessing life; "the happiest person alive"; "the nerve is alive"; "doctors are working hard to keep him alive"; "burned alive"; "a live canary" (同)live
- (followed by `to or `of'
- in an acute manner; "she pitied her sister acutely"; "acutely aware"
- having a rapid onset; "an acutely debilitating virus"
- (特に病人・子供の)世話をする人,看護人;番人,看守 / (大きな船と陸上との連絡や運搬に当たる)付属船,はしけ / (機関車の石炭・水を運ぶ)炭水車
- (人に)…‘を'『提出する』,提供する,申し出る《+名~to+名〈人〉》 / 〈金銭〉‘を'差し出す,支払う / 入窒,請負見積書 / 弁償金
- (筋肉などが)『柔らかい』 / (体質などが)『きゃしゃな』,ひ弱な,壊れやすい / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》幼い・虚弱な・(動作などが)『穏やかな』,荒々しくない / 『心の優しい』,思いやりのある / (傷などが)触ると痛い,敏感な / 他人の気持ちに敏感な,同情的な / (問題などが)取り扱いに慎重を要する,微妙な
- (五感が)『敏感な』,感じやすい / 物事を非常に気にする,神経過敏な / 感光性の;(器械などが)感度のよい
- 『生きている』(living) / 《しばしば最上級の形容詞と共に》現存している / 活動している,有効である(active) / 生き生きした,活発な
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Related Pictures

- 英
- sensitivity、sensitive
- 関
- 感受性、感度、特異性、敏感、敏感性、鋭敏
- 英
- sensitive、sensitively
- 関
- 感受性、感応性、敏感、感度良く
- 英
- acute、acutely
- 関
- 急性、敏感、鋭い、鋭形、急性型
- 英
- living、alive
- 関
- 生存、敏感
- 英
- tender
- 関
- 敏感
- 英
- susceptibility、sensitivity
- 関
- 感受性、感受率、感度、感応性、磁化率、罹患率
- 英
- hypersensitive reaction