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- 1. 小児における発話および言語障害の病因etiology of speech and language disorders in children [show details]
…/s/ and /z/ . Developmental stuttering usually begins between the ages of two and five years. Although the etiology of stuttering is not completely understood, stuttering is more common in males and has …
- 2. 変形性関節症の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of osteoarthritis [show details]
… inflammatory with less than 2000 white blood cells/mm3, predominantly mononuclear cells.… familial predisposition. Symptoms usually start in middle age, typically around menopause, with a stuttering onset of pain, tenderness, and stiffness of one or a few finger interphalangeal joints. At the …
- 3. 小児における発話言語障害の評価および治療evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders in children [show details]
…understand at 24 months; Speech is difficult for strangers to understand at 36 months; Dysfluencies (stutters) consist of more than tension-free whole-word repetitions; Child is frustrated by communication …
- 4. 心因性非てんかん性痙攣発作psychogenic nonepileptic seizures [show details]
…nonepileptic process. Vocalizations – Ictal features of emotional overlay, such as weeping, stuttering, and vocalizations with affective content, are relatively uncommon in epileptic seizures and suggest … seizures and other physiologic events include creatine phosphokinase (CPK), cortisol, white blood cell count, lactate dehydrogenase, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), ammonia, and neuron-specific…
- 5. 鎌状赤血球症患者の持続勃起症と勃起不全priapism and erectile dysfunction in sickle cell disease [show details]
… Stuttering priapism – Stuttering priapism (also called recurrent ischemic priapism… neuronal and endothelial cells by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), using arginine and oxygen as precursors . NO readily diffuses into smooth muscle cells in the cavernosal artery…
Japanese Journal
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