- 英
- atrial gallop rhythm
- 同
- 心房性奔馬リズム
- 関
- 奔馬調律、S4
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- 1. ヘロイン吸入による白質脳症(chasing the dragon)leukoencephalopathy due to heroin inhalation chasing the dragon [show details]
… and management of heroin leukoencephalopathy from chasing the dragon. "Chasing the dragon" is a method of heroin vapor inhalation that is distinct from smoking or sniffing heroin . Other names for this …
- 2. 小児や青年のオピオイド中毒opioid intoxication in children and adolescents [show details]
…was popularly known as "China White" and appeared in California in 1980 . It is estimated to be a thousand times more potent than heroin. Hundreds of fatal overdoses of "China White" and other fentanyl derivatives …
- 3. オピオイド鎮痛薬(乱用防止製剤)abuse deterrent opioids [show details]
…increased by approximately 50 percent, and heroin use nearly doubled . A survey from Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, reported a 42 percent increase in heroin abuse after OxyContin was redesigned as an …
- 4. 巣状分節性糸球体硬化症:発症機序focal segmental glomerulosclerosis pathogenesis [show details]
…of heroin nephropathy is uncertain. It has been proposed that glomerular epithelial cell injury may be induced by a heroin adulterant. Compatible with this hypothesis is the observation that heroin nephropathy …
- 5. 薬剤誘発性の好中球減少および無顆粒球症drug induced neutropenia and agranulocytosis [show details]
…as a cause of agranulocytosis or severe neutropenia as a result of its being added to cocaine and heroin, perhaps to potentiate its euphoric effects . A number of adverse prognostic factors have been …
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- Ⅲ音やⅣ音が単独で加わったⅢ音ギャロップ、Ⅳ音ギャロップ、Ⅲ音とⅣ音が加わると四拍子の奔馬調律になりますが、心拍数が100以上になるとⅢ音とⅣ音が重なって区別がつかなくなって大きな心音となり 重合性奔馬調律 などと呼ばれてい
- Ⅲ音やⅣ音が聴診で聞き取れる場合、心音は馬が走っているときの音のように聞こえるので、奔馬調律と呼びます。英語では、ギャロップリズム。 Ⅲ音は、拡張期に、心房から心臓へ流れ込んできた血液が心臓壁を振動させる低周波音。
- 心房細動 atrial flutter (AFL) 心房粗動 atrial function 心房機能 atrial gallop 心房性奔馬調律[ギャロップ] atrial hypertrophy 心房肥大 atrial infarction 心房梗塞 atrial inhibited 心房抑制の、心房抑制型【形】 atrial kick 心房収縮 心房左側
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- 英
- gallop rhythm
- 同
- 奔馬リズム、ギャロップリズム
- 英
- atrium of heart
- ラ
- atrium
- 関
- 心室、右心房、左心房
- 英
- tuning, rhythm
- 関
- 調整、同調、チューニング
- 英
- atrial
- 関
- 心房