- 英
- extracardiac conduit
- 関
- ラステリー手術
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- 1. 胃癌の臨床的特徴、診断、および病期分類clinical features diagnosis and staging of gastric cancer [show details]
…junction (EGJ) with the tumor epicenter no more than 2 cm into the proximal stomach are staged as esophageal rather than gastric cancers In contrast, EGJ tumors with their epicenter located more than 2 cm into …
- 2. 食道癌の臨床症状、診断、病期分類clinical manifestations diagnosis and staging of esophageal cancer [show details]
…tumors involving the EGJ with the tumor epicenter no more than 2 cm into the proximal stomach are staged as esophageal cancer. In contrast, EGJ tumors with their epicenter located more than 2 cm into the proximal …
- 3. 切除可能な食道胃接合部癌および胃噴門部腺癌の集学的アプローチmultimodality approaches to potentially resectable esophagogastric junction and gastric cardia adenocarcinomas [show details]
…tumors involving the EGJ with the tumor epicenter no more than 2 cm into the proximal stomach are staged as esophageal cancers. In contrast, EGJ tumors with their epicenter located more than 2 cm into the proximal …
- 4. 浸潤性胃癌に対する外科的マネージメントsurgical management of invasive gastric cancer [show details]
…tumor epicenter no more than 2 cm into the proximal stomach are staged as esophageal cancers (the so-called Siewert I/II EGJ tumors , see below). However, in contrast, EGJ tumors with their epicenter located …
- 5. 限局進行性の切除不能(手術不能)食道癌のマネージメントmanagement of locally advanced unresectable and inoperable esophageal cancer [show details]
…junction (EGJ) that have an epicenter within 2 cm of the EGJ share the same criteria for T stage, N stage, and M stage designation In contrast, EGJ tumors with their epicenter located more than 2 cm into…
Japanese Journal
- 左心低形成症候群に対する右室–肺動脈導管を用いたNorwood手術:発想とその後の経緯
- 岸本 英文
- 日本小児循環器学会雑誌 35(2), 91-98, 2019
- … shuntでは体血圧の拡張期圧の低下により冠血流量が低下すること,肺血管抵抗の変動によりBT shuntの流量が変化して血行動態が不安定になることにあると考えた.そこで,われわれは右室から肺動脈へ心外導管を用いて肺血流の確保を行うNorwood手術(RV-PA Norwood)を,連続する7例のHLHSに行い全例手術生存し,術後経過が安定したものであったことを報告した.以後RV-PA Norwood法がHLHSに対する第一期寛解手術の1つの …
- NAID 130007726247
- 知っておきたい先天性心疾患の術式 (特集 成人先天性心疾患)
- 河田 政明
- 臨床検査 = Journal of clinical laboratory medicine 62(3), 288-298, 2018-03
- NAID 40021487959
- 4D flow MRIを用いた血行動態評価が有用であったTCPC術後導管屈曲,蛋白漏出性胃腸症の1例
- 藤田 周平,夜久 均,山岸 正明,宮崎 隆子,前田 吉宣,板谷 慶一,谷口 智史,本宮 久之,星野 真介,宗村 純平
- 日本小児循環器学会雑誌 34(4), 197-204, 2018
- … 量可能とし,先天性心疾患の治療方針決定への応用が期待される.今回心外導管型Fontan術後の導管の屈曲と蛋白漏出性胃腸症(protein-losing enteropathy: PLE)のため循環動態の把握が治療方針に関わる症例に対して4D flow MRIでの血流解析を行ったため報告する.症例は,右室型単心室,肺動脈閉鎖の14歳男児であった.2歳時に心外導管total cavopulmonary connection (18 mm expanded polytetrafluoroethyleneグラフト)を施行 …
- NAID 130007577755
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- 英
- duct、tube、canal、pipe
- ラ
- ductus、vas、meatus
- 関
- 水路、チューブ、導管、道管、卵管、道