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- 1. マグネシウム欠乏の臨床症状clinical manifestations of magnesium depletion [show details]
… and coma. Cardiovascular manifestations, including widening of the QRS and peaking of T waves with moderate magnesium depletion, and widening of the PR interval, diminution of T waves, and atrial and …
- 2. 大腿骨頭すべり症(SCFE)の評価およびマネージメントevaluation and management of slipped capital femoral epiphysis scfe [show details]
…In contrast to the typical varus angulation, the femoral head-neck shaft angle in these cases is widened (valgus angulation or coxa valga) . SCFE occurs when shearing forces applied to the femoral head …
- 3. Longitudinal melanonychialongitudinal melanonychia [show details]
…longitudinal band involving a single nail . The band is generally wider than 3 mm; shows proximal widening and irregular or blurred, lateral borders; and may be associated with nail plate dystrophy ( and …
- 4. 成人における高カリウム血症の臨床症状clinical manifestations of hyperkalemia in adults [show details]
…lengthening of the PR interval and QRS duration, the P wave may disappear, and ultimately the QRS widens further to a sine wave pattern. Ventricular standstill with a flat line on the ECG ensues with complete …
- 5. 腓骨骨折fibula fractures [show details]
…). If there is ankle pain, a full ankle series (AP, lateral, and mortise view) is also obtained. Widening of the space between the medial malleolus and the talus (a talar shift) suggests disruption of the …
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- 英
- exclusion operation, exclusion
- 同
- 広置術、曠置術
- 英
- surgery
- 関
- 外科、外科学、手術、外科術、外科手術