- 英
- training in parallel bar
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- 1. 成人向け筋力トレーニングの始め方practical guidelines for implementing a strength training program for adults [show details]
… of strength training are discussed in greater detail separately. Strength training is often referred to in medical and exercise physiology literature as resistance training.… following photographs: Squat – Standard low-bar back squat ; high-bar, low-bar,…
- 2. 小児や青年の身体活動および筋力トレーニング:概要physical activity and strength training in children and adolescents an overview [show details]
… definitions pertaining to exercise and strength training are provided below . More detailed discussions of the training principles and physiology of strength training are found separately. Physical fitness …
- 3. トイレトレーニングtoilet training [show details]
…toilet training and common problems in toilet training are reviewed here. The diagnosis and management of enuresis and encopresis are discussed separately. The methods used for toilet-training children …
- 4. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)における呼吸筋のトレーニングおよび安静respiratory muscle training and resting in copd [show details]
…can be increased with specific training, similar to skeletal muscle training . A sufficient stimulus, such as greater than 30 percent of maximal force, is needed for training to occur. Since reduced inspiratory …
- 5. 小児における水平斜視の原因causes of horizontal strabismus in children [show details]
…deviation: in (esodeviations), out (exodeviations), and up or down (vertical deviations). The causes of horizontal strabismus are reviewed here. The evaluation of strabismus and the causes of vertical strabismus … Active vision therapy – Active vision therapy involves a combination of eye exercises and vision-training maneuvers . This therapy may be prescribed to take place at home or administered at weekly or more…
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- 英
- 関
- 列、連、トレーニング
- 英
- parallel
- 関
- 対応、匹敵、類似、パラレル