- 英
- effector organ
- 関
- 効果器
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- 1. 鉄過剰が疑われる患者に対するアプローチapproach to the patient with suspected iron overload [show details]
… untreated individuals can develop life-threatening organ toxicity. Thus, it is important to identify iron overload before organ damage occurs.… experts to be the gold standard for determining increased total body iron stores. Others consider the response to phlebotomy to be a better measure, although this cannot be done in all patients. Liver biopsy …
- 2. 術後の成人患者に行う輸液療法の概要overview of postoperative fluid therapy in adults [show details]
…exists as a spectrum of organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. A similar degree of organ dysfunction may be observed in cases of exaggerated stress response in the absence of …
- 3. 女性の性機能障害の概要:疫学、危険因子、評価overview of sexual dysfunction in women epidemiology risk factors and evaluation [show details]
… An understanding of sexual response is helpful in the evaluation and treatment of sexual dysfunction. The traditional description of the sexual response cycle was divided into… Pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence are also associated with female sexual issues .…
- 4. 外科手術で使用される再建材料:分類および宿主応答reconstructive materials used in surgery classification and host response [show details]
… host response to a class of material depends upon the physical and structural properties of the prosthesis. Synthetic material pore size determines host response. The type of response predisposes… are manifested as exposures (mesh fibers protruding into the lumen of the vaginal or surrounding organs), mesh contraction or prominence (the wrinkling or shrinkage of the material projecting beyond the …
- 5. 臓器売買、移植ツーリズム、および移植臓器の商業化organ trafficking transplant tourism and transplant commercialism [show details]
… provided data on 2067 living organ donors, 385 potential donors, and 239 responses from insurance companies . Almost all companies would provide life and health insurance to living organ donors, usually with no …
Japanese Journal
- 亜最大運動時に起こる病態心のChronotropic Incompetence : 診断と発生機転
- 布川 慎一郎,清水 完悦,河野 道世,露崎 輝夫,木川田 隆一
- 北里医学 24(2), 118-129, 1994-04-30
- … AMIにおいても運動負荷時norepinephrineは充分に動員されているゆえ, Ch-In発生のメカニズムは奏効器官の反応性に問題があると思われた。 …
- NAID 110004696688
- 下半身陰圧負荷試験からみた本態性高血圧症における伸展受容体反射機能障害について
- 尾形 長雄,清水 完悦,小澤 顕一,木川田 隆一
- 北里医学 23(1), 40-50, 1993-02-28
- … CPBRXの機能はEH群とC群で同様であったが,高LBNPをかけたさいにEH群では強い降圧を生じたにもかかわらず,奏効器官への反応はC群と同程度にとどまり,ABRX機能が低下していることを示唆した。 …
- NAID 110004696576
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- 通常1つの器官には両系が分布して、お互いに反対の作用をしています。(相反性二重支配) 〈コリン作働性物質〉 副交感神経節後線維の奏効器官に興奮的に作用する薬物をコリン作働性物質(副交感神経興奮様薬物)と言います。コリン作
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- 英
- effector
- 同
- 奏効器官 effector organ
- 英
- take effect
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- 英
- effector
- 関
- エフェクター、効果器、作動体
- 英
- organ
- 関
- 器官と臓器の使い分け