- 英
- preference
- grant of favor or advantage to one over another (especially to a country or countries in matters of international trade, such as levying duties)
- the right or chance to choose; "given my druthers, Id eat cake" (同)druthers
- a strong liking; "my own preference is for good literature"; "the Irish have a penchant for blarney" (同)penchant, predilection, taste
- 〈U〉〈C〉『好み』 / 〈U〉〈C〉好みの物を選ぶ権利;優先権 / 〈C〉『好みのもの』
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/10/28 09:11:11」(JST)
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- 1. 成人の心的外傷後ストレス障害の治療法approach to treating posttraumatic stress disorder in adults [show details]
…some advantage to psychotherapy and to basing the choice between the two on patient preference. In a randomized preference trial of 200 patients with PTSD, participants were first randomized either to treatment …
- 2. 男女の産み分けsex selection [show details]
…Personal preference for a child of a specific sex may involve only the first-born child or all offspring and can be based on one or more factors. Social and economic conditions may foster preferences for children …
- 3. 成人における全般性不安障害の治療法に対するアプローチapproach to treating generalized anxiety disorder in adults [show details]
…determine, based on clinical assessment of severity, extent of distress or impairment, and patient preference, whether treatment of the disorder is needed. Patients with a more mild subtype of GAD whose symptoms …
- 4. 先天性筋性斜頚:臨床的特徴および診断congenital muscular torticollis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…side) There are three types, in order of increasing severity : Postural – Infant has a postural preference but no muscle tightness or restriction to passive range of motion ; Muscular – Tightness of the …
- 5. 広場恐怖症の有無を問わずパニック障害をきたす成人患者への治療法 approach to treating panic disorder with or without agoraphobia in adults [show details]
…determine, based on clinical assessment of severity, the extent of distress or impairment and patient preferences regarding treatment. Patients with mild panic disorder whose symptoms do not interfere significantly …
Japanese Journal
- 台湾社会における甘味を嗜好した飲食文化の形成 : 砂糖の歴史生態から考える
- Atsushi Nobayashi,野林 厚志
- 国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 44(2), 407-437, 2019-10-29
- … 本稿の目的は,台湾において甘味を嗜好する食文化が形成された過程をその基盤をになった砂糖の歴史生態を視点に組み込みながら明らかにすることである。 …
- NAID 120006734850
- 変容する伝承食の真正性 : 福井県嶺南地方沿岸部のサバのヘシコナレズシを事例として
- Shingo Hamada,濵田 信吾
- 国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 44(2), 291-322, 2019-10-29
- … 塩分の摂取を控えるべきとの栄養学的認識や,甘味を加えることによる消費層と世代の拡大など,現代の食志向や嗜好への対応がヘシコナレズシの生産過程と真正性に影響を与えていることが明らかとなった。 …
- NAID 120006734847
Related Links
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- 英
- paraphilia paraphilias, disorder of sexual preference
- 同
- 性嗜好障害、性的偏奇 sexual deviation
- 英
- food preference
- 関
- 食の好み、食の嗜好
- 英
- food preference
- 関
- 食の好み、食嗜好
- 英
- conditioned place preference