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- 1. 小児の急性視力障害への診断アプローチdiagnostic approach to acute vision loss in children [show details]
… (eg, following prolonged hypoxia or shock) may result in complete loss of vision (cortical blindness). Patients with cortical blindness due to carbon monoxide poisoning have a history of exposure with elevated …
- 2. 急性持続性視力喪失が認められた成人に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with acute persistent visual loss [show details]
… tumor. Cortical blindness – Extensive bilateral damage to the cerebral visual pathways may result in complete loss of vision. Rarely, patients may confabulate and deny blindness, exhibiting a condition …
- 3. 一過性黒内障(一過性単眼または両眼視力低下)amaurosis fugax transient monocular or binocular visual loss [show details]
… vascular cause for the visual loss , but the term continues to be used when describing visual loss from any origin and involving one or both eyes. The term "transient monocular blindness" is also often used …
- 4. 非眼科手術のための麻酔後の視力低下postoperative visual loss after anesthesia for nonocular surgery [show details]
… understood. Disability from POVL can range from transient blurring or loss of vision to devastating, permanent bilateral blindness. This topic will discuss the types of postoperative visual disturbances …
- 5. 幻視患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with visual hallucinations [show details]
… the visual field in the direction contralateral to the seizure focus. Visual field deficits or blindness may also occur, and some patients also note visual illusions . As with other epileptic phenomena …
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- 英
- homonymous quadrantanopia
- 同
- 同名性四半盲 homonymous quadrantic hemianopia
- 英
- hemianopsia, hemianopia
- 関
- 盲目
- 同名性半盲, 同名半盲, 両耳側半盲, 四分盲
- 英
- blindness、blind
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- 失明、盲目、盲検法
- 英
- quadrantanopia、quadrantanopsia
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- 四分盲
- 英
- homonymous
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- 同側性