- 英
- summating potential SP
- 同
- 累加電位
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Japanese Journal
- 西川 益利,西川 恵子
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 89(11), 1323-1329, 1996-11-01
- Electrocochleograms (ECoG) obtained by the promontory recording technique using a needle electrode were recorded from 215 ears of patients affected by Meniere's disease and other conditions in order t …
- NAID 10005608060
- 森 望
- Equilibrium research 55(5), 419-424, 1996-10-01
- Summating potential (SP) findings in Meniere's disease were reviewed based mainly on the results of our study. Many studies have confirmed that an increased negative SP is observed more often in ears …
- NAID 10009416134
- 元石 浩二
- 日本音響学会誌 35(12), 659-666, 1979-12-01
- An electric circuit model which explains the mechanism of production of the summating potential is presented. The model is based on assumptions of functional differences between inner and outer hair c …
- NAID 110003109318
Related Links
- 論文検索. 加重電位の発生機構について Mechanism of Production of Summating Potential. 元石 浩二 Motoishi Kohji; 九州大学工学部情報工学科 Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu University. この論文を読む/探す. CiNii 論文PDF - 定額 アクセス可能 ...
- 誘導電位. 蝸牛の受容器電位. 有毛細胞の機能を示す指標となる。 蝸牛マイクロホン 電位 CM. 有毛細胞からの交流電位。 加重電位 SP. 有毛細胞からの直流電位。 蝸牛 神経複合活動電位 AP. 蝸牛神経の活動電位であり、蝸牛神経の機能を反映する。
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- 英
- voltage、potential、electrical potential、electric potential
- 関
- 可能、可能性、潜在的、ボルテージ、ポテンシャル、有望、電圧
- 英
- summation
- 関
- 強縮