- 英
- filling
- 関
- 充填、充満
- any material that fills a space or container; "there was not enough fill for the trench" (同)fill
- flow into something (as a container)
- (dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of any of various substances (as metal or plastic) inserted into a prepared cavity in a tooth; "when he yawned I could see the gold fillings in his teeth"; "an informal British term for `filling is `stopping"
- the act of filling something
- a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.
- (歯の)詰め物,充填材 / 詰め物をした食物(パイ,サンドイッチなど)
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- 1. 皮膚膿瘍に対する切開および排膿手技technique of incision and drainage for skin abscess [show details]
…(eg, Aquacel Ag) packing strips may be used to fill the abscess cavity. A tail of about 1 cm of packing can serve as a wick for drainage and facilitate subsequent removal of the packing material . The wound …
- 2. 創傷マネージメントの基本原則basic principles of wound management [show details]
…. Although there have been no specific trials comparing packed versus unpacked wounds, wound packing is considered basic standard care . Packing wounds associated with significant dead space or undermining …
- 3. 鼻出血を有する成人へのアプローチapproach to the adult with epistaxis [show details]
… management of suspected anterior epistaxis is nasal packing to tamponade local bleeding. Several packing options are available Before nasal packing is placed, the anxious patient may be given a small …
- 4. 肝障害のマネージメントのための外科手技surgical techniques for managing hepatic injury [show details]
…perihepatic packing may serve as a definitive method of hemorrhage control, although the packs will ultimately need to be removed at a subsequent laparotomy. The technique of perihepatic packing involves …
- 5. 化膿性汗腺炎の外科治療surgical management of hidradenitis suppurativa [show details]
…bear. When necessary, the lesion must be deeply incised. Wide local anesthesia is usually adequate. Packing the wound for a few days is usually needed to prevent premature superficial closure while the wound…
Japanese Journal
- 実験用充填物を用いた充填塔設計と操作 (小特集 蒸留用充填物を使いこなす!(後編))
- 大田 二郎
- 化学工学 = Chemical engineering of Japan 82(11), 678-681, 2018-11
- NAID 40021724931
- 次世代型高性能充填物の特徴と高性能インターナルの重要性 : INTALOX Packed Tower Systems Technology (小特集 蒸留用充填物を使いこなす!(後編))
- 山本 勲
- 化学工学 = Chemical engineering of Japan 82(11), 674-677, 2018-11
- NAID 40021724927
- 充填塔のインターナル設計 (小特集 蒸留用充填物を使いこなす!(後編))
- 小阪 一夫
- 化学工学 = Chemical engineering of Japan 82(11), 670-673, 2018-11
- NAID 40021724922
Related Links
- 充填物タイプ Packing type サイズ Size パッキング・ ファクター F(l/ft) 重量 Packing Density (kg/m³) 比表面積 Surface (m²/m³) 空隙率 Void Fraction (%) ラシヒリング 1/2″(12mm) 300 638 401 92 5/8″(15mm) 260 592 366
- 「テラレット ® 」や「ラシヒ スーパーリング TM 」など、効率性を徹底追求した最先端の充填物を提供します。 当社は我国における樹脂製充填物のパイオニアとして、プラスチック充填物「テラレット ® 」を40 年以上にわたり開発 ...
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- 関
- fill、pack、packing
- 英
- filling
- 関
- 充填、充填物
- 英
- packing、filling、pack、fill
- 関
- 詰める、湿布、充填物、パッキング、満たす、包装、詰め込み、パック、充満