- 英
- motion sickness
- 関
- 加速度病、航空病
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- 1. 乗物酔いmotion sickness [show details]
… previous history of motion sickness and a typical presentation, then no further evaluation is needed. However, if a patient with no prior motion sickness suddenly becomes prone to motion sickness, then evaluation …
- 2. 小児や青年の浮動性めまいの評価evaluation of dizziness in children and adolescents [show details]
…conflict and engender symptoms of motion sickness. Furthermore, if the semicircular canals and otolith organs produce sensory cues that are incongruous, motion sickness can be evoked that is independent …
- 3. 悪心および嘔吐を伴う乳児や小児に対するアプローチapproach to the infant or child with nausea and vomiting [show details]
…topic reviews: Gastroenteritis. Cyclic vomiting syndrome. Motion sickness – The first-line approach for preventing motion sickness is to avoid environmental triggers, such as reading or viewing a …
- 4. 前庭片頭痛vestibular migraine [show details]
…suffer motion sickness . This prevalence is probably two to five times greater than in the general population. Patients with migraine also appear more susceptible to visually induced motion sickness and have …
- 5. 術後に生じる悪心と嘔吐postoperative nausea and vomiting [show details]
…puberty, female gender does not increase the risk of PONV . History of PONV or motion sickness – Prior PONV and/or motion sickness increase the risk of PONV in adults (OR 2.09) . In children, both a prior …
Japanese Journal
- 平柳 要,佐藤 誠,中村 泰輔 [他],白松 葉子,夏野 豊樹,山口 喜久,滝口 俊男
- 人間工学 = The Japanese journal of ergonomics 43(6), 341-348, 2007-12-15
- NAID 10026941113
- どこまでの症状をめまいとよぶのか? (特集 「めまい」診療のすべて)
Related Links
- 乗り物酔い(のりものよい、英: motion sickness、独: Bewegungskrankheit)は、 航空機・列車・自動車・船舶・遊園地の遊具など、各種の乗り物が発する振動が原因で、 体の内耳にある三半規管が体のバランスを取れなくなって引き起こす身体の諸症状で ある。 ...
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- 英
- motion sickness
- 関
- 動揺病、乗り物酔い、車酔い、船酔い、乗物酔い
- 英
- acceleration sickness
- 同
- 動揺病、乗物酔い、運動病
- 関