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- middle nasal concha (N,Z)
- middle nasal conchae (KL)
- middle concha (M)
- middle conchae (KH)
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- 1. 新生児における細菌性髄膜炎:神経学的合併症bacterial meningitis in the neonate neurologic complications [show details]
…meningitis . The risk of brain abscess is increased in neonates with meningitis caused by Citrobacter koseri , Serratia marcescens , Proteus mirabilis , and Cronobacter sakazakii (formerly known as Enterobacter)…
- 2. 新生児における細菌性髄膜炎:治療および転帰bacterial meningitis in the neonate treatment and outcome [show details]
…and E. coli, including other enterics, Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Citrobacter koseri, as well as L. monocytogenes. In continuously hospitalized neonates ≥7 days of age, a wide range …
- 3. 神経管欠損症の超音波診断ultrasound diagnosis of neural tube defects [show details]
…In the second trimester, well-established sonographic findings of the fetal head (eg, lemon sign, banana sign , and hydrocephaly) facilitate detection A detailed ultrasound scan of the spine in the sagittal …
- 4. フサリウム感染の菌類学、病因、および疫学mycology pathogenesis and epidemiology of fusarium infection [show details]
…high-risk patients. In cultures, the production of both fusoid macroconidia (hyaline, multicellular, banana-like clusters with foot cells at the base) and microconidia (hyaline, unicellular, ovoid …
- 5. ラテックスアレルギー:疫学、臨床症状、および診断latex allergy epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…reported food reactions were anaphylactic . Foods that contain cross-reactive allergens include banana, kiwi, avocado, chestnut, papaya, white potato, and tomato . The Hev b allergens that have structural …
Japanese Journal
- 西池 季隆
- 頭頸部外科 24(1), 33-37, 2014
- … 中鼻甲介下部の切除により,その後方に存在する翼突管や蝶口蓋孔付近の操作が容易になる。 …
- NAID 130004688332
- 内視鏡下経鼻的頭蓋底手術:―当科における方法と工夫―
- 村下 秀和,田渕 経司,星野 朝文,上前泊 功,和田 哲郎,阿久津 博義,高野 晋吾,原 晃
- 耳鼻咽喉科展望 56(Supplement1), s64-s68, 2013
- … 一方, 手術操作野確保目的に, 中鼻甲介や上鼻甲介の切除, 翼突管神経の切除は極力行わない。 …
- NAID 130004546527
- 中川 隆之
- Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery 22(5), 357-361, 2013
- … Mid-lineアプローチでは, 中鼻甲介を温存しても, 十分な術野を得ることができる. …
- NAID 130003379620
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- 英
- nasal conchae, turbinate
- ラ
- conchae nasales
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