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- 1. 不育症の定義および病因 definition and etiology of recurrent pregnancy loss
- 2. 不育症の男女のマネージメント management of couples with recurrent pregnancy loss
- 3. 突発性難聴 sudden sensorineural hearing loss
- 4. 成人における難聴の病因 etiology of hearing loss in adults
- 5. 成人における難聴の評価 evaluation of hearing loss in adults
Japanese Journal
- 分子生物学 癌遺伝子と癌抑制遺伝子 (大腸癌--最新の研究動向) -- (大腸癌の分子生物学と発癌機序)
- 肝多段階発癌のジェネティック・エピジェネティック機構 (肝癌--基礎・臨床研究のアップデート) -- (肝癌の発生・進展機序)
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Related Pictures

- 英
- loss of heterozygosity LOH, allelic loss
- 同
- ヘテロ接合性欠損、ヘテロ接合性喪失
- 関
- Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in a cell represents the loss of normal function of one allele of a gene in which the other allele was already inactivated. This term is mostly used in the context of oncogenesis; after an inactivating mutation in one allele of a tumor suppressor gene occurs in the parent's germline cell, it is passed on to the zygote resulting in an offspring that is heterozygous for that allele. In oncology, loss of heterozygosity occurs when the remaining functional allele in a somatic cell of the offspring becomes inactivated by mutation. This results in no normal tumor suppressor being produced and this could result in tumorigenesis.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_heterozygosity
- 英
- obliteration
- 関
- 除去、閉塞
- 英
- conjugative
- 関
- 抱合性
- 英
- hetero
- 関
- 異質