- small room in which a monk or nun lives (同)cubicle
- a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction (同)electric cell
- a room where a prisoner is kept (同)jail cell, prison cell
- (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
- any small compartment; "the cells of a honeycomb"
- a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement (同)cadre
- (刑務所の)『独房』;(修道院の)小さい独居室 / (ミツバチの)みつ房,巣穴 / 小さい部屋 / 『細胞』 / 電池 / 花粉室 / (共産党などの)細胞
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Japanese Journal
- 再生医療×8020 歯の再生医療 歯科から発信するバイオ再生医療 : 「歯髄細胞バンク」という新たな希望 (特集 歯を科学する : 歯の未来はこうなる!?)
- A possible role of neuroglobin in the retina after optic nerve injury: A comparative study of zebrafish and mouse retina
- Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 854, 671-675, 2016-10-01
- NAID 120005682638
- Cell fate of müller cells during photoreceptor regeneration in an N-methyl-N-nitrosourea- induced retinal degeneration model of zebrafish
- Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 854, 685-692, 2016-10-01
- NAID 120005682636
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- 英
- beta cell, β-cell, β cell
- 関
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