- 関
- macrophage-activating factor
- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
- Massachusetts / mental age
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/16 20:44:49」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 軍事組織
- マレーシア軍 (Malaysian Armed Forces)
- 海兵隊水陸両用軍 (Marine Amphibious Force) - ベトナム戦争期のアメリカ海兵隊の部隊種別。1988年に海兵遠征軍に再編。
- サン・マルタン (西インド諸島) (Saint Martin; ISO: MAF) - 中央アメリカのフランス領の島。
- ミッドランド (Midland) のIATA都市コード
- ミッドランド国際空港 (Midland International Airport; IATA: MAF) - アメリカ ミッドランドの空港。
- エアフロメーター (mass airflow sensor) - 空気の流量を計測する装置。
- ミッション・アヴィエーション・フェローシップ (Mission Aviation Fellowship) - キリスト教系の航空輸送組織。
- ミシュー組立工場 (Michoud Assembly Facility) - ニューオーリンズにあるNASAの施設。
- 農林省 (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) - 各国の省庁。
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[Wiki en表示]
MAF, an acronym or abbreviation, may refer to:
- Malaysian Armed Forces
- Marine Amphibious Force, a former name for Marine Expeditionary Force, a type of U.S. Marine Corps task force
- Mass airflow sensor, used to find the mass flowrate of air entering a fuel-injected internal combustion engine
- MAFless Tuning, a method of operating the fuel injection system on a gasoline-powered motor vehicle whereby the mass airflow meter is removed.
- Majid Al Futtaim Group
- Michoud Assembly Facility, a NASA manufacturing facility in New Orleans, Louisiana
- Million acre-feet, MAF, a unit of volume commonly used in the United States in reference to large-scale water resources
- Minor allele frequency in genetics
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Move America Forward
- Midland International Airport, Texas
- New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Marc-Andre Fleury, goaltender for the NHL Pittsburgh Penguins
- Mozilla Archive Format, a format for archiving web pages and also an add-on of the same name for Mozilla Firefox
- Saint Martin (France), ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
- Macrophage activating factor
- MAF (gene)
- Microsoft Access Form, a file format associated with Microsoft Access, bearing the file extension .maf.
- Moisture and Ash Free, a measure of moisture and ash content as used in ranking coals or the heat-content of wood
- Markranstädter Automobilfabrik, a German car-brand built from 1909-1923 in Markranstädt
- Magnetic field-assisted finishing
- Migraine Aura Foundation
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 複合形質の遺伝の原則 principles of complex trait genetics
- 2. 骨転移の機序 mechanisms of bone metastases
- 3. 多発性骨髄腫の病理生物学 pathobiology of multiple myeloma
- 4. 関節リウマチの病因 pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
English Journal
- UV irradiation of immunized mice induces type 1 regulatory T cells that suppress tumor antigen specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses.
- Toda M, Wang L, Ogura S, Torii M, Kurachi M, Kakimi K, Nishikawa H, Matsushima K, Shiku H, Kuribayashi K, Kato T.SourceDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Mie Graduate School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2011 Sep 1;129(5):1126-36. doi: 10.1002/ijc.25775. Epub 2011 Jan 12.
- We previously showed that exposure to UV radiation after immunization suppresses Th1 and Th2 immune responses, leading to impaired Ab and allo-immune responses, but the impact of UV radiation after immunization on anti-tumor immune responses mediated by tumor-specific CD8(+) T cell responses remains
- PMID 21710495
- Analyses of porcine public SNPs in coding-gene regions by re-sequencing and phenotypic association studies.
- Li X, Kim SW, Do KT, Ha YK, Lee YM, Yoon SH, Kim HB, Kim JJ, Choi BH, Kim KS.SourceDepartment of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Chungbuk, 361-763, South Korea.
- Molecular biology reports.Mol Biol Rep.2011 Aug;38(6):3805-20. Epub 2010 Nov 24.
- The Porcine SNP database has a huge number of SNPs, but these SNPs are mostly found by computer data-mining procedures and have not been well characterized. We re-sequenced 1,439 porcine public SNPs from four commercial pig breeds and one Korean domestic breed (Korean Native pig, KNP) by using two D
- PMID 21107721
Japanese Journal
- 接着性材料を用いた根管充填の内部に発生した空隙の評価
- 坂上 斉,吉岡 俊彦,須藤 享,花田 隆周,石村 瞳,吉岡 隆知,須田 英明
- 日本歯科保存学雑誌 53(4), 376-383, 2010-08-31
- … ,象牙質接着性シーラーであるMetaSEAL^<TM>およびEpiphany^[○!R] SE^<TM>を用いて根管充填を行い,シーラー内の空隙の発生について検討することである.被験歯として,単根管性ヒト上顎小臼歯42本を用いた.あらかじめ歯冠を除去し,歯根長を12mmに調整した.被験歯をMAF#40および#80の2群に21本ずつ無作為に分け,根管形成を行った.次いで,下記のとおり,両群の被験歯をそれぞれA?Cの3群(各群n=7)に無作為に分けて根管充填した. …
- NAID 110008006907
- 〈学内プロジェクト報告〉紅茶高分子ポリフェノール(MAF)がマウス骨格筋および走行持久力に及ぼす効果
- 武政 徹,江口 友昭,小澤 哲夫,Takemasa Tohru,Eguchi Tomoaki,Ozawa Tetsuo,タケマサ トオル,エグチ トモアキ,オザワ テツオ
- 体育科学系紀要 33, 239-241, 2010-03
- NAID 120002068207
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- 英
- macrophage activating factor, macrophage-activating factor, MAF
- 関
- マクロファージ
- 関
メチオニン methionine