secondary sex characteristics



  1. not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events"
  2. the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen
  3. being of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate; "the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher"; "a secondary source"; "a secondary issue"; "secondary streams"
  4. belonging to a lower class or rank
  5. depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection"
  6. tell the sex (of young chickens)
  7. the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didnt want to know the sex of the foetus" (同)gender, sexuality
  8. all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence" (同)sexual urge
  9. either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes"
  10. typical or distinctive; "heard my friends characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra"
  11. any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions (同)device characteristic
  12. a distinguishing quality
  13. the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2
  14. having sexual differentiation
  15. characterized by sexuality; "highly sexed"


  1. 『第2の』,2番目の;(…の)次の《+『to』+『名』》 / 派生的な,二次的な,あまり重要でない / 中等学校[教育]の / 二次電流の
  2. 〈U〉〈C〉『性』,性別 / 《the~》《形容詞を伴い集合的に》『男性』,『女性』 / 〈U〉(男女(雌雄)間の)相違[の意識] / 〈U〉性に関する事柄(情報) / 〈U〉性交 / 〈ひよこなど〉‘の'性別を見分ける
  3. 『特有の』,独特の / 『特性』,特色,特微

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English Journal

  • Reproductive and histopathological effects in wild fish inhabiting an effluent-dominated stream, Wascana Creek, SK, Canada.
  • Tetreault GR, Bennett CJ, Cheng C, Servos MR, McMaster ME.SourceDepartment of Biology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave W., Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1, Canada; Ecosystem Health Assessment, Environment Canada, 867 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, ON, L7R 4A6, Canada.
  • Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Aquat Toxicol.2012 Apr;110-111:149-61. Epub 2012 Jan 13.
  • During the winter low flow periods, Wascana Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada, can be 100% treated municipal wastewater downstream of the City of Regina's Wastewater Treatment Plant. The objective of this study was to determine if exposure to municipal effluent affects the health and reproductive developm
  • PMID 22307007
  • Sex hormone replacement in Turner syndrome.
  • Trolle C, Hjerrild B, Cleemann L, Mortensen KH, Gravholt CH.SourceDepartment of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine and Medical Research Laboratories, Aarhus University Hospital, 8000, Aarhus C, Denmark.
  • Endocrine.Endocrine.2012 Apr;41(2):200-19. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
  • The cardinal features of Turner syndrome (TS) are short stature, congenital abnormalities, infertility due to gonadal dysgenesis, with sex hormone insufficiency ensuing from premature ovarian failure, which is involved in lack of proper development of secondary sex characteristics and the frequent o
  • PMID 22147393

Japanese Journal

  • 青少年における性に関する情報源と性に対するイメージの関連性
  • 河村 洋子
  • 熊本大学政策研究 2, 55-66, 2011-03-25
  • … This study examined how Japanese adolescents use sexual information sources and explored the relationship between these information sources and images of sex. … I conducted secondary data analyses on the data from the 6th Waves of Japanese Adolescents' Sexual Behavior Survey, which was originally conducted in 2005. … The results showed that personal characteristics are related to the types of sexual information sources and ways of choosing them. …
  • NAID 110008455558
  • 二次性徴の異常 (特集 子どもの臨床検査--症候から診断・治療へ) -- (症候からみる臨床検査の進めかた)

Related Links

Secondary sex characteristics are features that distinguish the two sexes of a species, but that are not directly part of the reproductive system. They are believed to be the product of sexual selection for traits which give an individual an ...
Any of various characteristics specific to females or males but not directly concerned with reproduction. secondary sex characteristic,. any of the external physical characteristics of sexual maturity secondary to hormonal stimulation that develop ...

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Posted by Likemyfrenzy at 9:32 PM No Secondary sex characteristic - Videos secondary sex characteristics stronglyonce my secondary sex characteristics for the love of med school: Approach to  . Sex Hormones and Mammalian Reproduction

関連記事secondary」「characteristic」「sex」「sex characteristics



secondary sex characteristics, secondary sex characters, secondary sexual characters secondary sexual characteristics
思春期一次性徴 第一次性徴性徴タナー分類


QB.O-26 SPE.11

  • ♀: 9-18歳  → 小学4年~
  • ♂:10-20歳  → 小学5年~
男児 年齢 女児
  8~9 子宮
精巣腫大 10~11 乳房
  11~12 恥毛、身長増加促進
恥毛、身長増加促進 12~13 腋毛
  13~14 初経
腋毛 14~15 正常月経
精子成熟 15~16  
  16~17 骨端線閉鎖
骨端線閉鎖 18~20  


  • 10歳頃から


  • FSH:10歳ごろから上昇。14歳頃に成人レベル。エストロゲンもこれに伴って上昇。
  • LH:10歳ごろから分泌がみられる。
  • LH surge:エストロゲン増加は9-10歳から見られるが、エストロゲンの濃度が低く初経後1-2年はLH surgeが見られない。
  • 20歳未満では無排卵性月経が半数以上で、排卵性周期は20-25歳で確立




  • adj.
  • (地位・価値・重要性などが)第2の、2番目の、(~の)次の(to)。二次的な、従位の
Postmortem examination of patients with such obstructions without a history of clinical manifestations of myocardial ischemia often shows macroscopic scars secondary to MI in regions supplied by diseased coronary arteries, with or without collateral circulation.
in the past the commonest cause of death has been venous thrombosis followed by infection secondary to severe neutropenia and hemorrhage secondary to severe thrombocytopenia.(HIM.661)(重度の好中球減少に次ぐ感染と血小板減少に次ぐ出血に続発する静脈血栓症が昔の最も一般的な死因であった)
  • 副次的な(発生などが)派生的な




  • adj.
  • 特徴的な、独特の、特有の、特性の、特徴ある
  • n.




  • n.
coitalcoitioncoituscopulationgenderintercoursesexual intercoursesexualityvenereal


sex characteristics」

  [★] 性徴

sex difference