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- blastodisc、germ disc、germ disk、scutellum
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English Journal
- Simultaneous stressors: Interactive effects of an immune challenge and dietary toxin can be detrimental to honeybees.
- Köhler A, Pirk CW, Nicolson SW.SourceDepartment of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa.
- Journal of insect physiology.J Insect Physiol.2012 Jul;58(7):918-23. Epub 2012 Apr 25.
- Recent large-scale mortality of honeybee colonies is believed to be caused by multiple interactions between diseases, parasites, pesticide exposure, and other stress factors. To test whether a dual challenge has an additive effect in reducing survival, we experimentally stimulated the immune system
- PMID 22543182
- Maintenance and loss of heterozygosity in a thelytokous lineage of honey bees (apis mellifera capensis).
- Goudie F, Allsopp MH, Beekman M, Oxley PR, Lim J, Oldroyd BP.SourceBehaviour and Genetics of Social Insects Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences A12, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia E-mail: frances.goudie@sydney.edu.au Honey Bee Research Section, ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa.
- Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.Evolution.2012 Jun;66(6):1897-906. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01543.x. Epub 2012 Feb 2.
- An asexual lineage that reproduces by automictic thelytokous parthenogenesis has a problem: rapid loss of heterozygosity resulting in effective inbreeding. Thus, the circumstances under which rare asexual lineages thrive provide insights into the trade-offs that shape the evolution of alternative re
- PMID 22671554
Japanese Journal
- 南西日本におけるミスジミバエの寄主・分布新記録,および沖縄本島におけるキュウリ果実への寄生例
- 大野 豪,原口 大,小濱 継雄
- 昆蟲. ニューシリーズ 9(1), 7-9, 2006-03-25
- … ovigera (Cucurbitaceae), were newly recorded as larval hosts of a flower-feeding true fruit fly, Bactrocera scutellata, from southwestern Japan. … scutellata utilizes male flowers of all Trichosanthes species naturally occurring within the distribution range of the fruit fly in Japan. … scutellata was first recorded. … scutellata, suggests that the species invaded and colonized Kume Is. …
- NAID 110007164452
- 末吉 昌宏
- 国立科学博物館専報 39, 333-336, 2005
- … japonica, Acrotaeniostola scutellata (Matsumura, 1916), Hemilea infuscata Hering, 1937, and Vidalia accola (Hardy, 1973) were recorded from the Tokyo Metropolis for the first time. …
- NAID 110004709019
Related Links
- Interesanta ciuperca rosie, scutellinia scutellata, in padurea Golesti, BEES, Apis mellifera scutellata action, Captura de abelhas apis mellifera scutellata, African Bees - Handling Apis Mellifera Scutellata without gloves or hand ...
- Scutellinia scutellata Scutellinia scutellata (L.: Fr.) Lambotte アラゲコベニチャワンタケ。10月17日撮影。 [特徴] 子嚢盤は浅い椀形ないし平板状で無柄、やや広く基質に固着し普通群生する。径 10 mm. 程度まで。全体軟らかい肉質。
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- 英
- embryonic disk, germ disk, germ disc, germinal disk, (イネ)scutellum, scutellata, (脊椎動物)blastodisc
- ラ
- discus embryonicus
- 同
- 胚子板、胚板
- 関
- 小板、盤状体
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- blastodisc、germ disc、germ disk、scutellata
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- blastodisc、germ disk、scutellata、scutellum
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- blastodisc、germ disc、scutellata、scutellum
- 関
- germ disc、germ disk、scutellata、scutellum