- 関
- pigmentary retinopathy、retinitis pigmentosa、tapetoretinal degeneration
- make cone-shaped; "cone a tire"
- a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point (同)conoid, cone shape
- cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts (同)strobilus, strobile
- any cone-shaped artifact
- a visual receptor cell in the retina that is sensitive to bright light and to color (同)cone cell, retinal cone
- in opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.; "much was written pro and con"
- an argument opposed to a proposal
- a long thin implement made of metal or wood
- any rod-shaped bacterium
- a visual receptor cell that is sensitive to dim light (同)rod_cell, retinal rod
- any degenerative disorder resulting from inadequate or faulty nutrition
- 円すい,円すい形 / 円すい形のもの / 球果(松かさなど)・暴風警報球.
- …'を'よく研究する
- 反対して / 反対投票,反対論
- 〈人〉'を'ペテンにかける
- =convict
- =confidence trick
- (木製・金属製などの)『棒,つえ』,さお;釣りざお / (刑罰に用いる)木のむち;《the ~》むち打ち,せっかん / ロッド(長さの単位;『5』1/2yards,約5m) / (目の)桿(かん)状体(弱い光にも感じる網膜細胞) / 《米俗》ピストル
- 栄養障害 / 筋萎縮症,筋ジストロフィー(筋肉の退化・萎縮・運動障害などが起こる病気)
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English Journal
- Rearrangement of the cone mosaic in the retina of the rat model of retinitis pigmentosa.
- Ji Y, Zhu CL, Grzywacz NM, Lee EJ.SourceNeuroscience Graduate Program, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-1111; Center for Vision Science and Technology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-1111.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2012 Mar 1;520(4):874-88. doi: 10.1002/cne.22800.
- In retinitis pigmentosa (RP), the death of cones normally follows some time after the degeneration of rods. Recently, surviving cones in RP have been studied and reported in detail. These cones undergo extensive remodeling in their morphology. Here we report an extension of the remodeling study to c
- PMID 22102145
- Cone-rod dystrophy associated with amelogenesis imperfecta in a child with neurofibromatosis type 1.
- Zobor D, Kaufmann DH, Weckerle P, Sauer A, Wissinger B, Wilhelm H, Kohl S.SourceCentre for Ophthalmology, University of Tübingen , Germany.
- Ophthalmic genetics.Ophthalmic Genet.2012 Mar;33(1):34-8. Epub 2011 Jul 5.
- Purpose: To report a case of a 9-year-old child with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and Jalili syndrome, the latter denoting a rare combination of cone-rod dystrophy and amelogenesis imperfecta. Methods: Detailed ophthalmological and electrophysiological examinations were carried out and blood sam
- PMID 21728811
- The X-linked retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2 facilitates G protein traffic.
- Schwarz N, Novoselova TV, Wait R, Hardcastle AJ, Cheetham ME.SourceThe authors wish it to be known that these authors contributed equally.
- Human molecular genetics.Hum Mol Genet.2012 Feb 15;21(4):863-73. Epub 2011 Nov 9.
- The X-linked retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2 is a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for the small GTPase Arl3 and both proteins are implicated in the traffic of proteins to the primary cilia. Here, we show that RP2 can facilitate the traffic of the Gβ subunit of transducin (Gβ1). Glutathione S-tran
- PMID 22072390
Japanese Journal
- Negative ERGを示した杆体-錐体ジストロフィ (特集 第54回日本臨床眼科学会講演集(3))
- <Minireview>Peripherin/RDS : Molecular Genetic Approach for HereditaryRetinal Degeneration (ペリフェリン/RDS : 遺伝性網膜変性症に対する分子遺伝学的アプローチ)
- 吉井 大,三谷 貴一郎
- あたらしい眼科 = Journal of the eye 15(11), 1557-1558, 1998-11-30
- NAID 10018607749
Related Links
- Rod-cone Dystrophy. What is rod-cone dystrophy? There are two kinds of cells in the back of the eye called rods and cones. They gather vision information from the light that comes into the eye through the pupil. The cones are in the center of ...
- Learn about Rod-Cone Dystrophy and treatment options for the condition (also known as Leber's dystrophy)
- 関
- pigmentary retinopathy、retinitis pigmentosa、rod-cone dystrophy
- 英
- rod-cone dystrophy
- 関
- 網膜色素変性症、色素性網膜症、色素上皮網膜変性
- 錐、錐面。直円錐
- 円錐形のもの
- (医)(網膜の)錐体
- 円錐形にする。~に円錐の斜面のように斜角をつける。
- 同
- cones
- (医)栄養失調、栄養失調症。(医)異栄養、異栄養症、ジフトロフィー
- 栄養障害。細胞や組織の物質代謝障害によって変性・萎縮などの起こること。
腎性骨ジストロフィー 腎性骨異栄養症 renal osteodystrophy。腎性骨症
- 同
- eye
- 同
- vision
- 同
- eye
- 同
- vision
- 同
- eye